This document lists the primary data information on the experiments for publication:
        Putrasahan, D. A., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Jungclaus, J. H., Lohmann, K., Roberts, M. J., von Storch, J.-S. 
        Effect of resolving ocean eddies on the transient climate response of global mean surface temperature to abrupt 4xCO2 forcing
	Geophysical Research Letters, accepted


			              Primary data


The primary data for the aforementioned publication (Putrasahan et al., 2021) is documented here, and is in compliance with the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology [MPI-M] policy on good scientific practise. 

Information that is necessary for replicating this study is considered primary. Hence, to recreate the model data, we describe how to gain access to the model code of the revision used, the code changes made for our study, and the information for the run scripts of our model experiments.

As secondary information, we describe softwares used for analysing the data and creating the figures in the manuscript. Futhermore, we list where original model output has been stored in the long-term archive of DKRZ, and how one might gain access to them. 

1. Model source code of MPI-ESM1.2 

    model version: mpiesm-1.2.01
    branch: mpiesm-1.2.01-release
    svn revision: 9467    
    git commit: 05c7fec3a60dcca62845afead410e90f4160b6c1
    supercomputer: Mistral on DKRZ

Model source code is made available to the scientific community under licenses, which define the conditions under which the model, model components, and other software can be accessed and used. Model source code is meant for scientific use and not for commercial use. Also, model code is available with no warranty or support! 

Prior to accessing and using the model source code, any user has to first agree to the software license of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology [MPI-M].

To accept the license agreement and access the model source code, any user has to register on the MPI-ESM user forum. By registering, the user accepts the MPI-ESM license version 2. 

2. Model setup
Compiler and input data used in the study follow the standard for MPI-ESM1.2 experiments on the supercomputer mistral at DKRZ. These settings are documented in the RECIPE file for running  MPI-ESM1.2 experiments and the namelist of the experiments in the run scripts as part of the MPI-ESM1.2 code. We archive the changes made to the standard setup of our experiments so that the experiments can be replicated.

This archive contains the following (* denotes a folder; |- denotes a file):

1) Modified template scripts for ER
   * modelscripts/
     |- standard_experiments/1950control-HR.config   #config template for HR
     |- standard_experiments/1950control-ER.config   #config template for ER
     |- standard_experiments/1950control.store.tmpl  #for high-freq output in ECHAM
     |- standard_experiments/1950control.post.tmpl   #for high-freq output in ECHAM

2) Config files for control and 4xCO2 runs (both ER and HR)
   * modelscripts/
     |- ER-control_1950-2029.config
     |- ER-control_2030-2079.config
     |- ER-control_2080-2189.config
     |- ER-4xCO2_ens1.config
     |- ER-4xCO2_ens2.config
     |- ER-4xCO2_ens3.config
     |- HR-control_1950-2199.config
     |- HR-4xCO2_ens1.config
     |- HR-4xCO2_ens2.config
     |- HR-4xCO2_ens3.config


			             Secondary information 


1. Analysis/Plotting 
The CDO software (version 1.6.9) and shell scripting were used for post-processing the raw model output. Python (version 2.7.0) was used for the plotting. All post-processing and plotting were done on mistral/mistralpp machine (on DKRZ). In addition to the model configuration scripts, plot scripts and some processed data for plots are archived as follow:

1) Scripts for plotting
   * plotscript/
     |- MPI_HadGEM_GMST_dGOHCdt.py           #Fig. 1
     |- heatbudget_deepoceanprofiles.py      #Fig. 2
     |- gregoryplot.py			     #Fig. S1 
     |- GBLtos_ERHR.py			     #Fig. S2
     |- zonTocn_ERHRdec.py		     #Fig. S3
     |- plot_ww.py			     #Fig. S4

2) Processed data for manuscript Figure 1
   * plotdata
     |- test2-ER-1950/echam6/GMST/GMST_19800101_21291231.nc
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/echam6/GMST/GMST_19800101_20791231.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/echam6/GMST/GMST_19800101_20791231.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/echam6/GMST/GMST_19800101_20791231.nc
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_ER-1950-4xCO2_GHC_mm_1980-2079.nc
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_ER-1950_GHC_mm_1980-2079.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_ER3-4xCO2_GHC_mm_1980-2079.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_ER-1950_GHC_mm_1980-2079.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_ER4-4xCO2_GHC_mm_1980-2079.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_ER-1950_GHC_mm_1980-2079.nc
     |- HR-1950/echam6/GMST/GMST_19800101_21291231.nc
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/echam6/GMST/GMST_19500101_20491231.nc
     |- HR3-4xCO2/echam6/GMST/GMST_19500101_20491231.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/echam6/GMST/GMST_19500101_20491231.nc
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_HR-1950-4xCO2_GHC_mm_1950-2049.nc
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_HR-1950_GHC_mm_1950-2049.nc
     |- HR1-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_HR1-4xCO2_GHC_mm_1950-2049.nc
     |- HR1-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_HR-1950_GHC_mm_1950-2049.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_HR4-4xCO2_GHC_mm_1950-2049.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/mpiom/respHCdep/dt_HR-1950_GHC_mm_1950-2049.nc

3) Processed data for manuscript Figure 2
   * plotdata
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950-4xCO2_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950-4xCO2_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950-4xCO2_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER3-4xCO2_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER3-4xCO2_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER3-4xCO2_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER3-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER4-4xCO2_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER4-4xCO2_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER4-4xCO2_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- ER4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/ER-1950_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
   Up to here, YYY are decades of values=[198:207]. 
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950-4xCO2_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950-4xCO2_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950-4xCO2_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR-1950-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR1-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR1-4xCO2_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR1-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR1-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR1-4xCO2_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR1-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR1-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR1-4xCO2_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR1-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR4-4xCO2_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wbTb_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR4-4xCO2_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wpTp_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR4-4xCO2_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
     |- HR4-4xCO2/mpiom/wTdep/HR-1950_intA_wTbar_10yrmean_GBLbot_YYY0-YYY9.nc
   Up to here, YYY are decades of values=[195:204]. 

2. Manuscript production
Collections of subfigures and graphical editing was done with Keynote on a MAC laptop. The paper was written and compiled with LaTex on overleaf.

3. Model output

In addition to the processed data, more model output is available on long-term tape archive (Doku) with the DKRZ. Data is searchable from https://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/ui/cerasearch/  with the keyword search "944".

To download the data, the user will have to register with CERA, for which much information can be found on https://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/ui/cerasearch/info?site=faq
Once registered with CERA, data from our experiments can be downloaded using the following URL addresses:

test2-ER-1950  (ER control simulation)

ER-1950-4xCO2  (first ensemble member)

ER3-4xCO2  (second ensemble member)

ER4-4xCO2  (third ensemble member)

HadGEM data for this study is available through ESGF (http://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/meta/CMIP6/CMIP6.HighResMIP.NERC.HadGEM3-GC31-HH).

Signed: Dian Putrasahan, March 22, 2021.