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This is the publication repository of the Max Planck Society.
It contains bibliographic data and numerous fulltexts of the publications of its researchers.
The repository is based on PubMan, a publication repository software developed by the Max Planck Digital Library.

Currently we are working on the migration of the data base of the predecessor system eDoc into this repository.

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Most Recently Released Items

Kathiravelu, Laavanya
This book analyzes the everyday lives of labour migrants in a rapidly developing city-state. Using the emirate of Dubai as a case study, Migrant Duba...
Wynn, Joe; Fandos, Guillermo; Delmore, Kira; Van Doren, Benjamin M. ...
The likelihood of a new migratory route emerging is presumably a function of 1) the associated fitness payoff and 2) the probability that the route a...
White, Bob W.
This book sets out to explore the political and social potential of intercultural policy for cities by bringing together advances in the areas of urb...
Walter, Andreas; Kräter, Martin; Kirschbaum, Clemens; Gao, Wei ...
Background Cell deformability of all major blood cell types is increased in depressive disorders (DD). Furthermore, impaired glucocorticoid secretion...

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