Researcher Portfolio
Brühl, Christoph
Atmospheric Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Atmospheric Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
(1 - 25 of 88)
: Brühl, C., Lelieveld, J., Rieger, L., & Santee, M. (2024). Radiative forcing and stratospheric ozone changes due to recent volcanic eruptions and major forest fires. In EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9210. [PubMan] : von Hobe, M., Brühl, C., Lennartz, S. T., Whelan, M. E., & Kaushik, A. (2023). Comment on "An approach to sulfate geoengineering with surface emissions of carbonyl sulfide" by Quaglia et al. (2022). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(11), 6591-6598. doi:10.5194/acp-23-6591-2023. [PubMan] : Shapiro, A. V., Brühl, C., Klingmüller, K., Steil, B., Shapiro, A. I., Witzke, V., Kostogryz, N., Gizon, L., Solanki, S. K., & Lelieveld, J. (2023). Metal-rich stars are less suitable for the evolution of life on their planets. Nature Communications, 14: 1893. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-37195-4. [PubMan] : Schallock, J., Brühl, C., Bingen, C., Höpfner, M., Rieger, L., & Lelieveld, J. (2023). Reconstructing volcanic radiative forcing since 1990, using a comprehensive emission inventory and spatially resolved sulfur injections from satellite data in a chemistry-climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(2), 1169– -1207. doi:10.5194/acp-23-1169-2023. [PubMan] : Quaglia, I., Timmreck, C., Niemeier, U., Visioni, D., Pitari, G., Brodowsky, C., Brühl, C., Dhomse, S. S., Franke, H., Laakso, A., Mann, G. W., Rozanov, E., & Sukhodolov, T. (2023). Interactive stratospheric aerosol models' response to different amounts and altitudes of SO2 injection during the 1991 Pinatubo eruption. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(2), 921-948. doi:10.5194/acp-23-921-2023. [PubMan] : Schallock, J., Brühl, C., Bingen, C., Höpfner, M., Rieger, L., & Lelieveld, J. (2021). Radiative forcing by volcanic eruptions since 1990, calculated with a chemistry-climate model and a new emission inventory based on vertically resolved satellite measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 21. doi:10.5194/acp-2021-654. [PubMan] : Ma, J., Brühl, C., He, Q., Steil, B., Karydis, V. A., Klingmüller, K., Tost, H., Chen, B., Jin, Y., Liu, N., Xu, X., Yan, P., Zhou, X., Abdelrahman, K., Pozzer, A., & Lelieveld, J. (2019). Modeling the aerosol chemical composition of the tropopause over the Tibetan Plateau during the Asian summer monsoon. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(17), 11587-11612. doi:10.5194/acp-19-11587-2019. [PubMan] : Timmreck, C., Mann, G. W., Aquila, V., Hommel, R., Lee, L. A., Schmidt, A., Brühl, C., Carn, S., Chin, M., Dhomse, S. S., Diehl, T., English, J. M., Mills, M. J., Neely, R., Sheng, J., Toohey, M., & Weisenstein, D. (2018). The Interactive Stratospheric Aerosol Model Intercomparison Project (ISA-MIP): motivation and experimental design. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(7), 2581-2608. doi:10.5194/gmd-11-2581-2018. [PubMan] : Brühl, C., Schallock, J., Klingmüller, K., Robert, C., Bingen, C., Clarisse, L., Heckel, A., North, P., & Rieger, L. (2018). Stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing simulated by the chemistry climate model EMAC using Aerosol CCI satellite data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(17), 12845-12857. doi:10.5194/acp-18-12845-2018. [PubMan] : Lelieveld, J., Bourtsoukidis, E., Brühl, C., Fischer, H., Fuchs, H., Harder, H., Hofzumahaus, A., Holland, F., Marno, D., Neumaier, M., Pozzer, A., Schlager, H., Williams, J., Zahn, A., & Ziereis, H. (2018). The South Asian monsoon-pollution pump and purifier. Science, 361(6399), 270-273. doi:10.1126/science.aar2501. [PubMan] : Bingen, C., Robert, C. E., Stebel, K., Brühl, C., Schallock, J., Vanhellemont, F., Mateshvili, N., Höpfner, M., Trickl, T., Barnes, J. E., Jumelet, J., Vernier, J.-P., Popp, T., de Leeuw, G., & Pinnock, S. (2017). Stratospheric aerosol data records for the climate change initiative: Development, validation and application to chemistry-climate modelling. Remote Sensing of Environment, 203, 296-321. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2017.06.002. [PubMan] : Popp, T., de Leeuw, G., Bingen, C., Brühl, C., Capelle, V., Chedin, A., Clarisse, L., Dubovik, O., Grainger, R., Griesfeller, J., Heckel, A., Kinne, S., Klueser, L., Kosmale, M., Kolmonen, P., Lelli, L., Litvinov, P., Mei, L., North, P., Pinnock, S., Povey, A., Robert, C., Schulz, M., Sogacheva, L., Stebel, K., Zweers, D. S., Thomas, G., Tilstra, L. G., Vandenbussche, S., Veefkind, P., Vountas, M., & Xue, Y. (2016). Development, Production and Evaluation of Aerosol Climate Data Records from European Satellite Observations (Aerosol_cci). Remote Sensing, 8(5): 421. doi:10.3390/rs8050421. [PubMan] : Brühl, C., Lelieveld, J., Tost, H., Höpfner, M., & Glatthor, N. (2015). Stratospheric sulfur and its implications for radiative forcing simulated by the chemistry climate model EMAC. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120(5), 2103-2118. doi:10.1002/2014JD022430. [PubMan] : Klingmüller, K., Steil, B., Brühl, C., Tost, H., & Lelieveld, J. (2014). Sensitivity of aerosol radiative effects to different mixing assumptions in the AEROPT 1.0 submodel of the EMAC atmospheric-chemistry-climate model. Geoscientific Model Development, 7(5), 2503-2516. doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2503-2014. [PubMan] : Brühl, C., Lelieveld, J., Höpfner, M., & Tost, H. (2013). Stratospheric SO2 and sulphate aerosol, model simulations and satellite observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 13, 11395-11425. [PubMan] : Langematz, U., Kubin, A., Brühl, C., Baumgärtner, A., Cubasch, U., & Spangehl, T. (2013). Solar effects on Chemistry and Climate including Ocean Interactions. In F. J. Lübken (Ed. ), Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES): Highlights from a priority program (pp. 541-573). Dordrecht: Springer. [PubMan] : Elshorbany, Y. F., Steil, B., Brühl, C., & Lelieveld, J. (2012). Impact of HONO on global atmospheric chemistry calculated with an empirical parameterization in the EMAC model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(20), 9977-10000. [PubMan] : Brühl, C., Lelieveld, J., Crutzen, P. J., & Tost, H. (2012). The role of carbonyl sulphide as a source of stratospheric sulphate aerosol and its impact on climate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(3), 1239-1253. [PubMan] : Kubin, A., Langematz, U., & Brühl, C. (2011). Chemistry climate model simulations of the effect of the 27 day solar rotational cycle on ozone. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 116: D15301. doi:10.1029/2011JD015665. [PubMan] : Butchart, N., Charlton-Perez, A. J., Cionni, I., Hardiman, S. C., Haynes, P. H., Krüger, K., Kushner, P. J., Newman, P. A., Osprey, S. M., Perlwitz, J., Sigmond, M., Wang, L., Akiyoshi, H., Austin, J., Bekki, S., Baumgaertner, A., Braesicke, P., Brühl, C., Chipperfield, M., Dameris, M., Dhomse, S., Eyring, V., Garcia, R., Garny, H., Jöckel, P., Lamarque, J. F., Marchand, M., Michou, M., Morgenstern, O., Nakamura, T., Pawson, S., Plummer, D., Pyle, J., Rozanov, E., Scinocca, J., Shepherd, T. G., Shibata, K., Smale, D., Teyssedre, H., Tian, W., Waugh, D., & Yamashita, Y. (2011). Multimodel climate and variability of the stratosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 116: D05102. doi:10.1029/2010JD014995. [PubMan] : Corazza, M., Bergamaschi, P., Vermeulen, A. T., Aalto, T., Haszpra, L., Meinhardt, F., O'Doherty, S., Thompson, R., Moncrieff, J., Popa, E., Steinbacher, M., Jordan, A., Dlugokencky, E., Brühl, C., Krol, M., & Dentener, F. (2011). Inverse modelling of European N2O emissions: assimilating observations from different networks. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(5), 2381-2398. [PubMan] : Kirner, O., Ruhnke, R., Buchholz-Dietsch, J., Jöckel, P., Brühl, C., & Steil, B. (2011). Simulation of polar stratospheric clouds in the chemistry-climate-model EMAC via the submodel PSC. Geoscientific Model Development, 4(1), 169-182. [PubMan] : Austin, J., Struthers, H., Scinocca, J., Plummer, D. A., Akiyoshi, H., Baumgaertner, A. J. G., Bekki, S., Bodeker, G. E., Braesicke, P., Brühl, C., Butchart, N., Chipperfield, M. P., Cugnet, D., Dameris, M., Dhomse, S., Frith, S., Garny, H., Gettelman, A., Hardiman, S. C., Jöckel, P., Kinnison, D., Kubin, A., Lamarque, J. F., Langematz, U., Mancini, E., Marchand, M., Michou, M., Morgenstern, O., Nakamura, T., Nielsen, J. E., Pitari, G., Pyle, J., Rozanov, E., Shepherd, T. G., Shibata, K., Smale, D., Teyssèdre, H., & Yamashita, Y. (2010). Chemistry-climate model simulations of spring Antarctic ozone. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 115: D00M11. doi:10.1029/2009JD013577. [PubMan] : Gettelman, A., Hegglin, M. I., Son, S. W., Kim, J., Fujiwara, M., Birner, T., Kremser, S., Rex, M., Anel, J. A., Akiyoshi, H., Austin, J., Bekki, S., Braesike, P., Brühl, C., Butchart, N., Chipperfield, M., Dameris, M., Dhomse, S., Garny, H., Hardiman, S. C., Jöckel, P., Kinnison, D. E., Lamarque, J. F., Mancini, E., Marchand, M., Michou, M., Morgenstern, O., Pawson, S., Pitari, G., Plummer, D., Pyle, J. A., Rozanov, E., Scinocca, J., Shepherd, T. G., Shibata, K., Smale, D., Teyssèdre, H., & Tian, W. (2010). Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Tropics and global trends. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 115: D00M08. doi:10.1029/2009JD013638. [PubMan] : Hegglin, M. I., Gettelman, A., Hoor, P., Krichevsky, R., Manney, G. L., Pan, L. L., Son, S.-W., Stiller, G., Tilmes, S., Walker, K. A., Eyring, V., Shepherd, T. G., Waugh, D., Akiyoshi, H., Añel, J. A., Austin, J., Baumgaertner, A., Bekki, S., Braesicke, P., Brühl, C., Butchart, N., Chipperfield, M., Dameris, M., Dhomse, S., Frith, S., Garny, H., Hardiman, S. C., Jöckel, P., Kinnison, D. E., Lamarque, J. F., Mancini, E., Michou, M., Morgenstern, O., Nakamura, T., Olivié, D., Pawson, S., Pitari, G., Plummer, D. A., Pyle, J. A., Rozanov, E., Scinocca, J. F., Shibata, K., Smale, D., Teyssèdre, H., Tian, W., & Yamashita, Y. (2010). Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Extratropics. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 115: D00M09. doi:10.1029/2010JD013884. [PubMan]