Researcher Portfolio
Goodrich, C. A.
Cosmochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Cosmochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
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: Goodrich, C. A., Wlotzka, F., Ross, D. K., & Bartoschewitz, R. (2006). Northwest Africa 1500: Plagioclase-bearing monomict ureilite or ungrouped achondrite? Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 41(6), 925-952. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., Wlotzka, F., Ross, D. K., Spettel, B., Dreibus, G., & Bartoschewitz, R. (2005). Northwest Africa 1500: A plagioclase-bearing monomict ureilite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A. (2003). Petrogenesis of olivine-phyric shergottites Sayh Al Uhaymir 005 and elephant moraine A79001 lithology A. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(19), 3735-3772. [PubMan] : Zipfel, J., & Goodrich, C. A. (2002). The origin of megacrysts in SAU 005 and EETA 79001 (lithology A): Evidence from a study of melt inclusions. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII. Houston/TX: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Zipfel, J., & Goodrich, C. A. (2001). Rare earth element systematics of trapped melt inclusions and groundmass phases in Sayh Al Uhaymir 005. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., & Zipfel, J. (2001). Magmatic inclusions in olivine and chromite in basaltic shergottite Sayh Al Uhaymir 005: Implications for petrogenesis and relationship to lherzolitic shergottites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Treiman, A. H., & Goodrich, C. A. (2001). A parent magma for the Nakhla Martian meteorite: Reconciliation of estimates from 1-bar experiments, magmatic inclusions in olivine, and magmatic inclusions in augite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A. (2001). Chromites in basaltic shergottite Sayh Al Uhaymir 005: Implications for petrogenesis and relationship to lherzolitic shergottites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A. (2001). Magmatic inclusions in Frontier Mountain 90054 and Elephant Moraine 96328: Complex petrogenesis of the olivine-(augite)-orthopyroxene ureilites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Singletary, S. J., Grove, T. L., & Goodrich, C. A. (2001). Petrogenesis of ureilite meteorites: Evidence of magmatic processes from mineral chemistry and modal mineralogy. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., Fioretti, A. M., & Hoppe, P. (2000). Rare earth elements in primary melt inclusions in olivine in ureilite Hughes 009. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., & Delaney, J. S. (2000). Fe/Mg-Fe/Mn relations of meteorites and primary heterogeneity of achondrite parent bodies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64, 149-160. [PubMan] : Fioretti, A. M., & Goodrich, C. A. (2000). Primary melt inclusions in olivine, augite and orthopyroxene in ureilite FRO 90054. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., & Righter, K. (2000). Petrology of unique achondrite QUE 93148. A piece of the HED mantle? Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 35, 521-535. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., & Fioretti, A. M. (2000). The parent magmas of ureilites FRO 90054 and Hughes 009: Inferences from melt inclusions in FRO 90054. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Tribaudino, M., Fioretti, A. M., Goodrich, C. A., & Molin, G. M. (1999). A TEM and single-crystal investigation of silicate phases in the ureilite Hughes 009. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., Fioretti, A. M., Molin, G., Zipfel, J., & Tribaudino, M. (1999). Primary trapped melt inclusions in olivine in a ureilite - II. Reconstruction of liquid composition and implications. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Molin, G. M., Pasqual, D., Tribaudino, M., & Goodrich, C. A. (1999). Thermometric and microtextural study of P21/c pigeonite from ureilite PCA82506 (En76) and an Fe-rich terrestrial pigeonite (En47). In Lunar and Planetary Science XXX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., Fioretti, A. M., Molin, G., & Tribaudino, M. (1999). Primary trapped melt inclusions in olivine in a ureilite - I. Description. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Fioretti, A. M., Goodrich, C. A., Molin, G., & Tribaudino, M. (1999). Associated silicate-metal-sulfide inclusions in graphite in ureilite FRO 95028. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A. (1999). Are ureilites residues from partial melting of chondritic material? The answer from MAGPOX. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 34, 109-117. [PubMan] : Bischoff, A., Goodrich, C. A., & Grund, T. (1999). Shock-induced origin of diamonds in ureilites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A. (1998). A ureilite (Hughes 009) with an unusual shock texture: Implications for the origin of metal in ureilites? In Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A. (1998). Are ureilites and lodranites simple residues from partial melting of chondritic material? The answer from MAGPOX and MELTS. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan] : Goodrich, C. A., & Delaney, J. S. (1998). Origin of the total iron - oxidized iron - Δ17O correlations among ordinary chondrites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. [PubMan]