Researcher Portfolio


Trojan, I. A.

Biogeochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society, High Pressure Group, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Biogeochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society
Position: High Pressure Group, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



  (1 - 25 of 46)
 : Shimizu, K., Einaga, M., Sakata, M., Masuda, A., Nakao, H., Eremets, M., Drozdov, A. P., Troyan, I., Hirao, N., Kawaguchi, S., & Ohishi, Y. (2018). Superconductivity and structural studies of highly compressed hydrogen sulfide. Physica C, 552, 27-29. doi:10.1016/j.physc.2018.05.011. [PubMan] : Troyan, I. A., Gavriliuk, A., Rueffer, R., Chumakov, A., Mironovich, A., Lyubutin, I., Perekalin, D., Drozdov, A. P., & Eremets, M. (2016). Observation of superconductivity in hydrogen sulfide from nuclear resonant scattering. Science, 351(6279), 1303-1306. doi:10.1126/science.aac8176. [PubMan] : Wang, H., Zeuschner, J., Eremets, M., Troyan, I., & Williams, J. (2016). Stable solid and aqueous H2CO3 from CO2 and H2O at high pressure and high temperature. Scientific Reports, 6: 19902. doi:10.1038/srep19902. [PubMan] : Eremets, M. I., Troyan, I. A., & Drozdov, A. P. (2016). Low temperature phase diagram of hydrogen at pressures up to 380 GPa. A possible metallic phase at 360 GPa and 200 K. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Einaga, M., Sakata, M., Ishikawa, T., Shimizu, K., Eremets, M. I., Drozdov, A. P., Trojan, I. A., Hirao, N., & Ohishi, Y. (2016). Crystal structure of the superconducting phase of sulfur hydride. Nature Physics, 12(9), 835-838. doi:10.1038/nphys3760. [PubMan] : Einaga, M., Sakata, M., Ishikawa, T., Eremets, M., Drozdov, A. P., Trojan, I., Hirao, N., & Ohishi, Y. (2015). Crystal Structure of 200 K-Superconducting Phase of Sulfur Hydride System. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Drozdov, A. P., Eremets, M. I., Troyan, I. A., Ksenofontov, V., & Shylin, S. I. (2015). Conventional superconductivity at 203 kelvin at high pressures in the sulfur hydride system. Nature, 525(7567), 73-76. doi:10.1038/nature14964. [PubMan] : Wang, H., Eremets, M. I., Troyan, I., Liu, H., Ma, Y., & Vereecken, L. (2015). Nitrogen Backbone Oligomers. Scientific Reports, 5: 13239. doi:10.1038/srep13239. [PubMan] : Palasyuk, T., Troyan, I., Eremets, M., Drozd, V., Medvedev, S., Zaleski-Ejgierd, P., Magos-Palasyuk, E., Wang, H., Bonev, S. A., Dudenko, D., & Naumov, P. (2014). Ammonia as a case study for the spontaneous ionization of a simple hydrogen-bonded compound. Nature Communications, 5: 3460. doi:10.1038/ncomms4460. [PubMan] : Kurzydłowski, D., Wang, H. B., Troyan, I. A., & Eremets, M. I. (2014). Lone-pair interactions and photodissociation of compressed nitrogen trifluoride. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(6): 064706. doi:10.1063/1.4892583. [PubMan] : Niwa, K., Dzivenko, D., Suzuki, K., Riedel, R., Troyan, I., Eremets, M., & Hasegawa, M. (2014). High Pressure Synthesis of Marcasite-Type Rhodium Pernitride. Inorganic Chemistry, 53(2), 697-699. doi:10.1021/ic402885k. [PubMan] : Han, Y. H., Wang, H. B., Troyan, I. A., Gao, C. X., & Eremets, M. I. (2014). Pressure induced ionic-superionic transition in silver iodide at ambient temperature. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 140(4): 044708. doi:10.1063/1.4862824. [PubMan] : Eremets, M. I., Troyan, I. A., Lerch, P., & Drozdov, A. (2013). Infrared study of hydrogen up to 310 GPa at room temperature. High Pressure Research, 33(2), 377-380. [PubMan] : Gavriliuk, A. G., Trojan, I. A., & Struzhkin, V. V. (2012). Insulator-Metal Transition in Highly Compressed NiO. Physical Review Letters, 109(8): 086402. [PubMan] : Qin, Z. X., Zhang, J. B., Troyan, I., Palasyuk, T., Eremets, M., & Chen, X. J. (2012). High-pressure study of tetramethylsilane by Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136(2): 024503. [PubMan] : Medvedev, S. A., Palasyuk, T., Trojan, I. A., Naumov, P. G., Evers, J., Klapötke, T. M., & Eremets, M. I. (2012). Pressure-tuned vibrational resonance coupling of intramolecular fundamentals in ammonium azide (NH4N3). Vibrational Spectroscopy, 58, 188-192. [PubMan] : Troyan, I. A., Gavrilyuk, A. G., Ovchinnikov, S. G., Lyubutin, I. S., & Kazak, N. V. (2012). Electron Transport in FeBO3 Ferroborate at Ultrahigh Pressures. JETP Letters, 94(10), 748-752. [PubMan] : Eremets, M. I., & Troyan, I. A. (2012). High-Pressure metallic Hydrogen Maker. International Journal of Materials Research, 103(1), 136-137. [PubMan] : Eremets, M. I., & Troyan, I. A. (2011). Conductive dense hydrogen. Nature Materials, 10(12), 927-931. [PubMan] : Schoop, L. M., Medvedev, S. A., Ksenofontov, V., Williams, A., Palasyuk, T., Troyan, I. A., Schmitt, J., Casper, F., Wang, C. H., Eremets, M., Cava, R. J., & Felser, C. (2011). Pressure-restored superconductivity in Cu-substituted FeSe. Physical Review B, 84(17): 174505. [PubMan] : Evers, J., Göbel, M., Krumm, B., Martin, F., Medvedyev, S., Oehlinger, G., Steemann, F. X., Troyan, I., Klapotke, T. M., & Eremets, M. I. (2011). Molecular Structure of Hydrazoic Acid with Hydrogen-Bonded Tetramers in Nearly Planar Layers. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(31), 12100-12105. [PubMan] : Medvedev, S. A., Eremets, M. I., Evers, J., Klapötke, T. M., Palasyuk, T., & Trojan, I. A. (2011). Pressure induced polymorphism in ammonium azide (NH4N3). Chemical Physics, 386(1-3), 41-44. [PubMan] : Medvedev, S., McQueen, T. M., Troyan, I. A., Palasyuk, T., Eremets, M. I., Cava, R. J., Naghavi, S., Casper, F., Ksenofontov, V., Wortmann, G., & Felser, C. (2009). Electronic and magnetic phase diagram of β-Fe1.01Se with superconductivity at 36.7 K under pressure. Nature Materials, 8(8), 630-633. [PubMan] : Winterlik, J., Fecher, G. H., Jenkins, C. A., Medvedev, S., Felser, C., Kuebler, J., Mühle, C., Doll, K., Jansen, M., Palasyuk, T., Trojan, I., Eremets, M. I., & Emmerling, F. (2009). Exotic magnetism in the alkali sesquioxides Rb4O6 and Cs4O6. Physical Review B, 79(21): 214410. [PubMan] : Medvedev, S. A., Trojan, I. A., Eremets, M. I., Palasyuk, T., Klapotke, T. M., & Evers, J. (2009). Phase stability of lithium azide at pressures up to 60 GPa. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 21(19): 195404. [PubMan]