Researcher Portfolio
He, Jiansen
Department Sun and Heliosphere, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Department Sun and Heliosphere, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
: He, J., Marsch, E., Tu, C., Yao, S., & Tian, H. (2011). Possible evidence of Alfven-cyclotron waves in the angle distribution of magnetic helicity of solar wind turbulence. Astrophysical Journal, 731: 85. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/731/2/85. [PubMan] : He, J.-S., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., Zong, Q.-G., Yao, S., & Tian, H. (2011). Two-dimensional correlation functions for density and magnetic field fluctuations in magnetosheath turbulence measured by the Cluster spacecraft. Journal Geophysical Research, 116: A06207. doi:10.1029/2010JA015974. [PubMan] : Tian, H., Yao, S., Zong, Q., He, J., & Qi, Y. (2010). Signatures of magnetic reconnection at boundaries of interplanetary small-scale magnetic flux ropes. Astrophysical Journal, 720(1), 454-464. doi:10.1088/0004-637X1720/1/454. [PubMan] : Guo, L.-J., Tian, H., & He, J.-S. (2010). Quasi-periodic outflows observed by the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode in the boundary of an active region. Res. Astron. Astrophys., 10(12), 1307-1314. doi:10.1088/1674-4527/10/12/011. [PubMan] : He, J.-S., Tu, C.-Y., Tian, H., & Marsch, E. (2010). Solar wind origins in coronal holes and in the quiet Sun. Advances in Space Research, 45, 303-309. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2009.07.020. [PubMan] : He, J.-S., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., Guo, L.-J., & Tian, H. (2010). Intermittent outflows at the edge of an active region - a possible source of the solar wind? Astronomy and Astrophysics, 516: A14. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200913712. [PubMan] : He, J.-S., Marsch, E., Curdt, W., Tian, H., Tu, C.-Y., Xia, L.-D., & Kamio, S. (2010). Magnetic and spectroscopic properties of supergranular-scale coronal jets and erupting loops in a polar coronal hole. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 519: A49. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201014709. [PubMan] : Tian, H., Potts, H. E., Marsch, E., Attie, R., & He, J.-S. (2010). Horizontal supergranule-scale motions inferred from TRACE ultraviolet observations of the chromosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 519: A58. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200913254. [PubMan] : Tian, H., Marsch, E., Tu, C., Curdt, W., & He, J. (2010). New views on the emission and structure of the solar transition region. New Astron. Rev., 54, 13-30. doi:10.1016/j.newar.2010.08.001. [PubMan] : Tian, H., Tu, C., Marsch, E., He, J., & Kamio, S. (2010). The nascent fast solar wind observed by the EUV imaging spectrometer on board Hinode. Astrophysical Journal, 709, L88-L93. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/709/1/L88. [PubMan] : Tian, H., Tu, C.-Y., Marsch, E., He, J.-S., Zhou, C., & Zhao, L. (2010). Upflows in the upper transition region of the quiet Sun. In M. Maksimovic, K. Issautier, N. Meyer-Vernet, M. Moncuquet, & F. Pantellini (Eds. ), Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference (pp. 36-39). American Institute of Physics. [PubMan] : He, J.-S., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., & Tian, H. (2010). Upward and downward propagation of transverse waves due to small-scale magnetic reconnection in the chromosphere. In M. Maksimovic, K. Issautier, N. Meyer-Vernet, M. Moncuquet, & F. Pantellini (Eds. ), Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference (pp. 32-35). American Institute of Physics. [PubMan] : Tian, H., Marsch, E., Curdt, W., & He, J. (2009). Upflows in funnel-like legs of coronal magnetic loops. Astrophysical Journal, 704, 883-890. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/704/1/883. [PubMan] : He, J., Marsch, E., Tu, C., & Tian, H. (2009). Excitation of kink waves due to small-scale magnetic reconnection in the chromosphere? Astrophysical Journal, 705, L217-L222. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/705/2/L217. [PubMan]