Researcher Portfolio


Brochard, F.

Stellarator Scenario Development (E5), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, VINETA, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Stellarator Scenario Development (E5), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Position: VINETA, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Drevlak, M., Brochard, F., Helander, P., Kisslinger, J., Mikhailov, M., Nührenberg, C., Nührenberg, J., & Turkin, Y. (2013). ESTELL: A Quasi-Toroidally Symmetric Stellarator. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 53(6), 459-468. doi:10.1002/ctpp.201200055. [PubMan] : Yang, Z., Krieger, K., Lunt, T., Brochard, F., Briancon, J.-L., Neu, R., Dux, R., Janzer, A., Potzel, S., Pütterich, T., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2013). 3D trajectories re-construction of droplets ejected in controlled tungsten melting studies in ASDEX Upgrade. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 438, S846-S851. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.01.183. [PubMan] : Brandt, C., Grulke, O., Klinger, T., Negrete Jr., J., Bousselin, G., Brochard, F., Bonhomme, G., & Oldenbürger, S. (2011). Spatiotemporal mode structure of nonlinearly coupled drift wave modes. Physical Review E, 84: 056405 (9pp). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056405. [PubMan] : Bardin, S., Brochard, F., Briancon, J.-L., Boudrigal, J., Endstrasser, N., Lunt, T., Rohde, V., Neu, R., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2010). Automatic video tracking and first analysis of dust particles trajectories from all tungsten ASDEX Upgrade. In C. McKenna (Ed.), 37th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers. Geneva: European Physical Society. [PubMan] : Lunt, T., Fuchs, J. C., Mank, K., Feng, Y., Brochard, F., Herrmann, A., Rohde, V., Endstrasser, N., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2010). A new 3D viewer as an interface between the ASDEX Upgrade CAD models and data from plasma modelling and experiment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 623(2), 812-814. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.04.150. [PubMan] : Brochard, F., Windisch, T., Grulke, O., & Klinger, T. (2006). Experimental evidence of mode coupling in drift wave intermittent turbulence using a wave number bicoherence analysis. Physics of Plasmas, 13: 122305. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Brochard, F., Windisch, T., Grulke, O., Klinger, T., & Naulin, V. (2006). Spatiotemporal investigation of nonlinear coupling and energy transfers in drift wave turbulence. In F. De Marco, & G. Vlad (Eds.), 33rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers. Geneva: EPS. [PubMan] : Brochard, F., Bonhomme, G., & Gravier, E. (2006). Acting on flute modes and drift waves: open-loop synchronization and generation of turbulence. Poster presented at DPG - Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände Kurzzeitphysik und Plasmaphysik, Augsburg. [PubMan] : Shalpegin, A. V., Brochard, F., Briancon, J. L., Lunt, T., Rohde, V., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2013). 3D reconstruction of dust particles trajectories in ASDEX Upgrade for TRACE algorithm. Poster presented at 14th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-14), Jülich. [PubMan] : Rohde, V., Endstrasser, N., Balden, M., Lunt, T., Neu, R., Siemroth, P., Brochard, F., Bardin, S., Briancon, J.-L., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2011). Dust investigations in AUG (collection, classification, comparison to lab measurements). Talk presented at ITPA SOL and Divertor Topical Group Meeting. Helsinki. 2011-05-16 - 2011-05-19. [PubMan] : Rohde, V., Balden, M., Endstrasser, N., Reiter, B., Fortuna-Zalesna, E., Rasinski, M., Brochard, F., Bardin, S., Briancon, J. L., & Ashigawa, N. (2011). Dust investigations at IPP: Statistic relevant dust collection in ASDEX Upgrade and LHD, F4E dust monitor and fast camera evaluation. Talk presented at 3rd RCM of CRP on Dust in Fusion Devices. Vienna. 2011-11-30 - 2011-12-02. [PubMan] : Balden, M., Endstrasser, N., Rohde, V., Lunt, T., Brochard, F., Bardin, S., Briancon, J. L., Lindig, S., Neu, R., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2010). Morphology Classification and Video Tracking of Dust Particles in ASDEX Upgrade. Poster presented at 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejeon. [PubMan] : Brochard, F., Bardin, S., Briancon, J.-L., Endstrasser, N., Lunt, T., Rohde, V., Balden, M., & Neu, R. (2011). Dust tracking with fast cameras. Talk presented at EU TF SEWG Meeting on Fuel Retention and Dust. Garching. 2011-06-20 - 2011-06-22. [PubMan] : Bardin, S., Brochard, F., Briancon, J.-L., Endstrasser, N., Lunt, T., Rohde, V., Neu, R., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2010). Automatic video tracking and statistical analysis of dust particles trajectories from all tungsten ASDEX Upgrade. Poster presented at 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin. [PubMan] : Brandt, C., Brochard, F., Bonhomme, G., Naulin, V., Windisch, T., Grulke, O., & Klinger, T. (2011). Spatiotemporal energy exchange of nonlinearly coupled drift wave modes. Talk presented at DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2011. Kiel. 2011-03-28 - 2011-03-31. [PubMan] : Drevlak, M., Brochard, F., Helander, P., Kisslinger, J., Mikhailov, M. M., Nührenberg, C., & Turkin, Y. (2013). Configuration Study for Quasi-Toroidally Symmetric Stellarator. Poster presented at Joint 19th International Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop (ISHW) and 16th IEA-Reversed Field Pinch (RFP) Workshop, Padova. [PubMan] : Bardin, S., Endstrasser, N., Brochard, F., Lunt, T., Briancon, J.-L., Rohde, V., Bougdira, J., Neu, R., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2011). Statistical analysis of dust particles number function of discharge conditions and their temporal evolution in all tungsten ASDEX Upgrade. Poster presented at 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg. [PubMan] : Bardin, S., Brochard, F., Briancon, J. L., Rohde, V., Balden, M., Bougdira, J., Neu, R., & ASDEX Upgrade Team (2012). Impact of off - normal plasma phases and specific discharge parameters on large dust events in ASDEX Upgrade. Poster presented at 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen. [PubMan] : Balden, M., Rohde, V., Endstrasser, N., Reiter, B., Tichmann, K., von Toussaint, U., Neu, R., ASDEX Upgrade Team, Brochard, F., Bardin, S., Briancon, J. L., Ashigawa, N., LHD Team, Tauchert, F., Rampp, M., Chung, H., & Hong, S.-K. (2012). Dust investigations at IPP: Dust monitoring and collection, statistical relevant dust analysis and IAEA data base design. Talk presented at 16th ITPA Meeting on SOL/Divertor Physics. Jülich. 2012-01-16 - 2012-01-19. [PubMan]