Researcher Portfolio


Frischmuth, H.

Experimental Plasma Physics 1 (E1), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Experimental Plasma Physics 1 (E1), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Weichselgartner, H., & Frischmuth, H. (1986). Progress in Tritium Tecnology in the IPP T-Laboratory Scale-up of Gas Chromatograph System; Removal of Tritium from Secondary Containments. In Fusion Technology 1986 (pp. 1573-1584). Oxford: Pergamon Press. [PubMan] : Weichselgartner, H., Frischmuth, H., Stimmelmayer, A., & El-Sharnouby, A. (1984). Tritium Operation of a Gas Chromatographic Isotope Separation Plant - First Results. In Fusion Technology 1984 (pp. 441-446). Oxford: Pergamon Press. [PubMan] : Frischmuth, H., Perchermeier, J., Stimmelmayer, A., & Weichselgartner, H. (1982). A Pilot Plant for the Recovery and Separation of Tritium from the Spent Fuel of Fusion Experiments. In Fusion Technology 1982 (pp. 549-553). Oxford: Pergamon Press. [PubMan] : Frischmuth, H., Perchermeier, J., Stimmelmayr, A., & et al. (1981). Separation of the Hydrogen Isotopes by Preparative Gas Chromatography: 9.Symp. In Engineering Problems of Fusion Research (pp. 2090). IEEE. [PubMan] : Frischmuth, H., & et al. (n.d.). A Pilot Plant for the Recovery and Separation of Tritium from the Spent Fuel of Fusion Experiments: 12.Symp. In Fusion Technology, Vol. 1 (pp. 549). [PubMan]