Researcher Portfolio


Mahn, C.

Experimental Plasma Physics 1 (E1), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, Experimental Plasma Physics 2 (E2), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, Experimental Plasma Physics 3 (E3), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Experimental Plasma Physics 3 (E3), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Position: Experimental Plasma Physics 1 (E1), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Position: Experimental Plasma Physics 2 (E2), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



  (1 - 25 of 30)
 : Erckmann, V., Gasparino, U., Hartfuss, H., Baldzuhn, J., Brakel, R., Burhenn, R., Cattanei, G., Dodhy, A., Dorst, D., Elsner, A., Endler, M., Engelhardt, K., Gasparino, W., Geissler, S., Geist, T., Giannone, L., Grigull, P., Hacker, H., Hartfuss, H. J., Heinrich, O., Herre, G., Hildebrandt, D., Hofmann, J. V., Jaenicke, R., Karger, F., Kick, M., Kroiss, H., Kuehner, G., Maassberg, H., Mahn, C., McCormick, K., Niedermeyer, H., Ohlendorf, W., Pech, P., Ringler, H., Rudjy, A., Ruhs, N., Saffert, J., Sardei, F., Sattler, S., Schneider, F., Schneider, U., Siller, G., Stroth, U., Tutter, M., Unger, E., Verbeek, H., Wagner, F., Weller, A., Wenzel, U., Wolff, H., Würsching, E., Zimmermann, D., Zippe, M., Ott, T., Penningsfeld, H. P., Speth, E., Kasparek, W., Müller, G. A., Schüller, P. G., Borschegovsky, A., Ilin, V. I., Kurbatov, V. I., Malygin, S., & Malygin, V. I. (1995). 140 GHz electron cyclotron resonance heating experiments at the W7-AS stellarator. Fusion Engineering and Design, 26(1-4), 141-152. doi:10.1016/0920-3796(94)00179-B. [PubMan] : Erckmann, V., Brakel, R., Burhenn, R., Grigull, P., Hartfuss, H. J., Hofmann, J. V., Jaenicke, R., Maassberg, H., Niedermeyer, H., Ohlendorf, W., Ringler, H., Rudyj, A., Wagner, F., Weller, A., WVII-AS--Team, Baldzuhn, J., Bomba, B., Cattanei, G., Dodhy, A., Dorst, D., Elsner, A., Endler, M., Engelhardt, K., Gasparino, U., Geissler, S., Geist, T., Giannone, L., Hacker, H., Heinrich, O., Herre, G., Hildebrandt, D., Karger, F., Kick, M., Kroiss, H., Kubo, S., Kuehner, G., Lazaros, A., Mahn, C., McCormick, K., Pech, P., Ruhs, N., Saffert, J., Sardei, F., Sattler, S., Tutter, M., Unger, E., Wenzel, U., Wolff, H., Wuersching, E., Zimmermann, D., Zippe, M., & Zoepfel, S. (1993). H-Mode Like Transitions in the W7-AS Stellarators with High Power 140 GHz ECRH. In Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1992 (pp. 469-481). Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). [PubMan] : Grigull, P., Behrisch, R., Burhenn, R., Elsner, A., Hacker, H., Hartfuss, H. J., Herre, G., Hildebrandt, D., Jaenicke, R., Kisslinger, J., Maassberg, H., Mahn, C., Niedermeyer, H., Pech, P., Renner, H., Ringler, H., Rau, F., Roth, J., Sardei, F., Schneider, U., Wagner, F., Weller, A., Wobig, H., Wolff, H., WVII-AS-Team, & NBI-Team (1992). The Impact of Boundary Plasma Conditions on the Plasma Performance of the Wendelstein 7-AS Stellarator. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 196-198, 101-112. [PubMan] : Brakel, R., Burhenn, R., Behrisch, R., Grigull, P., Hacker, H., Hildebrandt, D., Hirooka, Y., Hofmann, J. V., Mahn, C., Roth, J., Schneider, U., & Weller, A. (1992). Bulk-boronized limiter operation in the Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 196-198, 431-435. doi:10.1016/S0022-3115(06)80073-5. [PubMan] : Mahn, C.(1990). Far Forward Scatering of CO2 Laser Radiation by Plasma Density Fluctuations in the W VII-A Stellarator (IPP 2/306). Garching (DE): Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik. [PubMan] : Büchl, K. P., A VII-A Team, Cattanei, G., Dorst, D., Elsner, A., Erckmann, V., Gasparino, U., Grieger, G., Grigull, P., Hacker, H., Hartfuß, H. J., Jäckel, H., Jaenicke, R., Junker, J., Kick, M., Kroiss, H., Kühner, G., Maaßberg, H., Mahn, C., Müller, G., Ohlendorf, W., Rau, F., Renner, H., Ringler, H., Sardei, F., Tutter, M., Weller, A., Wobig, H., Würsching, E., Zippe, M., NI Team, Freudenberger, K., Ott, W., Penningsfeld, F. P., Speth, E., ECRH Team, Kasparek, W., Müller, G. A., Schüller, P. G., Thumm, M., & Wilhelm, R.(1986). Pellet Ablation in the W VII-A Stellarator (IPP 1/238). Garching (DE): Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik. [PubMan] : Erckmann, V., Janzen, G., Kasparek, W., Müller, G. A., Schüller, P. G., Schwörer, K., Thumm, M., Wilhelm, R., Cattanei, G., Dorst, D., Elsner, A., Grieger, G., Grigull, P., Hacker, H., Hartfuss, H., Jäckel, H., Jaenicke, R., Junker, J., Kick, M., Kroiss, H., Kühner, G., Maaßberg, H., Mahn, C., Marlier, S., Müller, G., Ohlendorf, W., Rau, F., Renner, H., Ringler, H., Sardei, F., Tutter, M., Weller, A., Wobig, H., Würsching, E., & Zippe, M. (1985). 70GHz ECRH Experiments on the W VII-A Stellarator. In S. Methfessel (Ed.), 12th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers (pp. 385-388). Geneva: European Physical Society. [PubMan] : Grieger, G., Renner, H., Sapper, J., Wobig, H., Amiranoff, N., Cattanei, G., Dorst, D., Hacker, H., Jäckel, H., Jaenicke, R., Javel. P., Junker, J., Kick, M., Lathe, R., Mahn, C., Marlier, S., Müller, G., Ohlendorf, W., Rau, F., Ringler, H., Smeuders, P., Tutter, M., Ulrich, B., Weller, A., Würsching, E., Zippe, M., Cooper, D., Freudenberger, K., Ott, W., Penningsfeld, F.-P., Probst, F., Speth, E., Suess, R., & et al. (1981). Radiation losses during the neutral injection in the Wendelstein VII-A Stellarator. Poster Session. [PubMan] : Mahn, C., & Welge, V.(1978). Besetzungsdichten und Teilcheneinschluß für Niedrig-Beta-Wasserstoff-Plasmen. - Population Distributions and Particle Confinement in Low-β Hydrogen Plasmas (IPP 2/239). Garching (DE): Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik. [PubMan] : Cannici, B., Cattanei, G., Cavallo, A., Dorst, D., Elsner, A., Grieger, G., Hacker, H., How, J., Jaeckel, H., Jaenicke, R., Javel, P., Junker, J., Kick, M., Leuterer, F., Mahn, C., Marlier, S., Mueller, G., Ohlendorf, W., Rau, F., Renner, H., Ringler, H., Saffert, J., Sapper, J., Smeulders, P., & et al. (1978). Investigation of the m_=_2 Mode at q-Values Around 2 in the W_VII_A Stellarator. In Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 2 (pp. 277-286). [PubMan] : Cannici, B., Cattanei, G., Cavallo, A., Dorst, D., Elsner, A., Grieger, G., Hacker, H., How, J., Jaeckel, H., Jaenicke, R., Javel, P., Junker, J., Kick, M., Leuterer, F., Mahn, C., Marlier, S., Mueller, G., Ohlendorf, W., Rau, F., Renner, H., Ringler, H., Saffert, J., Sapper, J., Smeulders, P., & et al. (1978). Energy and Particle Confinement in the Ohmically Heated W_VII_A Stellarator. In Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 2 (pp. 265-276). [PubMan] : Blanc, P., Hess, W., Ichtchenko, G., Lallia, P., Nguyen, T., Tonon, G., Mahn, C., Ohlendorf, W., Pacher, G., Pacher, H., & Wegrowe, J. (1977). RF Heating Experiments in the WEGA Tokamak. Journal de Physique - Colloque C 3, 38, 165. [PubMan] : Blanc, P., Hess, W., Ichtchenko, G., Javel, P., Lallia, P., Mahn, C., Nguyen, T., Ohlendorf, W., Pacher, G., Pacher, H., Takamura, S., Tonon, G., & Wegrowe, J. (1976). Lower Hybrid Experiments in the WEGA Tokamak. Third International Meeting on Theoretical and Expermental Aspects of Heating of Toroidal Plasmas, Vol. 2, 251-281. [PubMan] : Blanc, P., Hess, W., Ichtchenko, G., Lallia, P., Javel, P., Nguyen, T., Tonon, G., Mahn, C., Ohlendorf, W., Pacher, G., Pacher, H., Wegrowe, J., & Takamura, S. (1976). Experiments at the Lower Hybrid Frequency in the WEGA Tokamak. In Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (pp. 49-59). [PubMan] : Blanc, P., Hess, W., Ichtchenko, G., Lallia, P., Nguyen, T., Tonon, G., Mahn, C., Ohlendorf, W., Pacher, G., Pacher, H., & Wegrowe, J. (1976). Rf Heating Experiments in the WEGA Tokamak. Journal de Physique, 8, 38, C3/165-C3/169. [PubMan] : Ludwig, D., Mahn, C., Eschlwech, A., & Voigt, P. (1974). Observation of Nonthermal Electron Density Fluctuations by Light Scattering. Plasma Physics, 16, 69-82. [PubMan] : Grieger, G., Jaenicke, R., Juulman, O., Mahn, C., Renner, H., Ringler, H., Schilling, G., Wolf, G., & Hugill, J. (1973). Effect of Rational Transform on the Ohmically Heated Plasma in the W_II_B Stellarator. Plasma Physics, 15, 151-155. [PubMan] : Grieger, G., Hugill, J., Jaenicke, R., Juulman, C. O. L., Mahn, C., Renner, H., Ringler, H., Schilling, G., & Wolf, G. H.(1972). Effect of Rational Transform on the Ohmically Heated Plasma in the W II b Stellarator (IPP 2/203). Garching (DE): Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik. [PubMan] : Grieger, G., Jaenicke, R., Juulman, C., Mahn, C., Renner, H., Ringler, H., Schilling, G., Wolf, G., & Hugill, J. (1972). Effect of Rational Transform on the Ohmically Heated Plasma in the W_II_B Stellarator. Plasma Physics, 15, 151-155. [PubMan] : Ludwig, D., & Mahn, C. (1971). ANOMALOUS SCATTERING OF LASER LIGHT FROM A MAGNETIZED ARC PLASMA. PHYSICS LETTERS A, A 35(3), 191-&. doi:10.1016/0375-9601(71)90142-3. [PubMan] : Mahn, C., Ringler, H., & Zankl, G. (1968). Experimentelle Untersuchungen an einem Wasserstoff-Lichtbogen im achsenparallelen Magnetfeld. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. A, 23, 867-880. [PubMan] : Mahn, C., Ringler.H., & Zankl, G. (1968). Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity in a Magnetic Field. Physics Letters. A, 27, 10, 683-684. [PubMan] : Mahn, C. (1967). Über das unterschiedliche Ionisationsgleichgewicht wasserstoff- und alkali-ähnlicher Ionen in optisch dünnen Plasmen. - The Difference between the ionization equilibria of hydrogen-like and alkali-like ions in optically thin plasmas. PhD Thesis, Technische Hochschule München. Fakultät für Maschinenwesen und Elektrotechnik, München (DE). [PubMan] : Mahn, C. (1967). The Difference between the Ionization Equilibria of Hydrogen-like and Alkali-like Impurity Ions in Optically Thin Plasmas. In 2th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics (pp. o.pag.-o.pag.). [PubMan] : Mahn, C.(1967). Über das unterschiedliche Ionisationsgleichgewicht wasserstoff- und alkali-ähnlicher Ionen in optisch dünnen Plasmen. - The Difference between the ionization equilibria of hydrogen-like and alkali-like ions in optically thin plasmas (IPP 3/52). Garching (DE): Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik. [PubMan]