Researcher Portfolio


Renner, H.

Experimental Plasma Physics 2 (E2), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, W7-X: Construction, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Experimental Plasma Physics 2 (E2), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Position: W7-X: Construction, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Holden, T., Habermeier, H.-U., Cristiani, G., Golnik, A., Boris, A., Pimenov, A., Humlíček, J., Lebedev, O. I., Van Tendeloo, G., Keimer, B., & Bernhard, C. (2004). Proximity induced metal-insulator transition in YBa2Cu3O7/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 superlattices. Physical Review B, 69(6): 064505. [PubMan] : Bernhard, C., Holden, T., Boris, A. V., Kovaleva, N. N., Pimenov, A. V., Humlíček, J., Ulrich, C., Lin, C. T., & Tallon, J. L. (2004). Anomalous oxygen-isotope effect on the in-plane far-infrared conductivity of detwinned YBa2Cu316,18O6.9. Physical Review B, 69(5): 052502. [PubMan] : Boris, A. V., Kovaleva, N. N., Dolgov, O. V., Holden, T., Lin, C. T., Keimer, B., & Bernhard, C. (2004). In-Plane Spectral Weight Shift of Charge Carriers in YBa2Cu3O6.9. Science, 304(5671), 708-710. [PubMan] : Kovaleva, N. N., Boris, A. V., Holden, T., Ulrich, C., Liang, B., Lin, C. T., Keimer, B., Bernhard, C., Tallon, J. L., Munzar, D., & Stoneham, A. M. (2004). c-axis lattice dynamics in Bi-based cuprate superconductors. Physical Review B, 69(5): 054511. [PubMan] : Boris, A. V., Munzar, D., Kovaleva, N. N., Liang, B., Lin, C. T., Dubroka, A., Pimenov, A. V., Holden, T., Keimer, B., Mathis, Y.-L., & Bernhard, C. (2003). Superconductivity Induced Electronic Excitation and Phonon Anomalies in Trilayer Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10. Science Highlights from the National Synchrotron Light Source, 2003:, pp. 2-3. [PubMan] : Munzar, D., Holden, T., & Bernhard, C. (2003). Approximate tight-binding sum rule for the superconductivity-related change of c-axis kinetic energy in multilayer cuprate superconductors. Physical Review B, 67(2): R020501. [PubMan] : Bernhard, C., Holden, T., Humlíček, J., Munzar, D., Golnik, A., Kläser, M., Wolf, T., Carr, L., Homes, C., Keimer, B., & Cardona, M. (2002). In-plane polarized collective modes in detwinned YBa2Cu3O6.95 observed by spectral ellipsometry. Solid State Communications, 121(2-3), 93-97. [PubMan] : Niedermayer, C., Bernhard, C., Holden, T., Kremer, R. K., & Ahn, K. (2002). Muon spin relaxation study of the magnetic penetration depth in MgB2. Physical Review B, 65(9): 094512. [PubMan] : Boris, A. V., Munzar, D., Kovaleva, N. N., Liang, B., Lin, C. T., Dubroka, A., Pimenov, A. V., Holden, T., Keimer, B., Mathis, Y. L., & Bernhard, C. (2002). Josephson Plasma Resonance and Phonon Anomalies in Trilayer Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10. Physical Review Letters, 89(27): 277001. [PubMan] : Muñoz, M., Pollak, F. H., & Holden, T. (2001). Comment on "Modelling the optical constants of GaAs: excitonic effects at E1, E11 critical points". Semiconductor Science and Technology, 16, 281-282. [PubMan] : Muñoz, M., Pollak, F. H., & Holden, T. (2001). Comment on "Photoreflectance study in the E11 transition regions of CdTe". Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 3070-3070. [PubMan] : Munzar, D., Bernhard, C., Holden, T., Golnik, A., Humlíček, J., & Cardona, M. (2001). Correlation between the Josephson coupling energy and the condensation energy in bilayer cuprate superconductors. Physical Review B, 64: 024523. [PubMan] : Bernhard, C., Holden, T., Golnik, A., Lin, C. T., & Cardona, M. (2000). Far-infrared c-axis conductivity of flux-grown Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7 single crystals studied by spectral ellipsometry. Physical Review B, 62, 9138-9142. [PubMan]