Researcher Portfolio


Portehault, D.

Kolloidchemie, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Kolloidchemie, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Garcia-Marquez, A., Portehault, D., & Giordano, C. (2011). Chromium nitride and carbide nanofibers: from composites to mesostructures. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(7), 2136-2143. doi:10.1039/c0jm02612c. [PubMan] : Lei, W., Portehault, D., Dimova, R., & Antonietti, M. (2011). Boron carbon nitride nanostructures from salt: tunable water-soluble phosphors. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(18), 7121-7127. doi:10.1021/ja200838c. [PubMan] : Portehault, D., Devi, S., Beaunier, P., Gervais, C., Giordano, C., Sanchez, C., & Antonietti, M. (2011). A General Solution Route toward Metal Boride Nanocrystals. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 50(14), 3262-3265. doi:10.1002/anie.201006810. [PubMan] : Portehault, D., Giordano, C., Sanchez, C., & Antonietti, M. (2010). Nonaqueous route toward a nanostructured hybrid titanate. Chemistry of Materials, 22(6), 2125-2131. doi:10.1021/cm903709m. [PubMan] : Portehault, D., Petit, L., & Hourdet, D. (2010). Synthesis and self assembly processes of aqueous thermoresponsive hybrid formulations. Soft Matter, 6(10), 2178-2186. doi:10.1039/b926052h. [PubMan] : Portehault, D., Giordano, C., Gervais, C., Senkovska, I., Kaskel, S., Sanchez, C., & Antonietti, M. (2010). High-surface-area nanoporous boron carbon nitrides for hydrogen storage. Advanced Functional Materials, 20(11), 1827-1833. doi:10.1002/adfm.201000281. [PubMan]