Researcher Portfolio
Pfeiffer, Eva-Maria
A 2 - Climate Processes and Feedbacks, Research Area A: Climate Dynamics and Variability, The CliSAP Cluster of Excellence, External Organizations, B 1 - Arctic and Permafrost, Research Area B: Climate Manifestations and Impacts, The CliSAP Cluster of Excellence, External Organizations, B 2 - Land Use and Land Cover Change, Research Area B: Climate Manifestations and Impacts, The CliSAP Cluster of Excellence, External Organizations
Researcher Profile
Position: A 2 - Climate Processes and Feedbacks, Research Area A: Climate Dynamics and Variability, The CliSAP Cluster of Excellence, External Organizations
Position: B 1 - Arctic and Permafrost, Research Area B: Climate Manifestations and Impacts, The CliSAP Cluster of Excellence, External Organizations
Position: B 2 - Land Use and Land Cover Change, Research Area B: Climate Manifestations and Impacts, The CliSAP Cluster of Excellence, External Organizations
Researcher ID:
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