Researcher Portfolio


Morozova, E. N.

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Brüning, E. M., Brando, M., Baenitz, M., Bentien, A., Strydom, A. M., Walstedt, R. E., & Steglich, F. (2010). Low-temperature properties of CeRu4Sn6 from NMR and specific heat measurements: Heavy fermions emerging from a Kondo-insulating state. Physical Review B, 82(12): 125115, pp. 1-10. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.82.125115. [PubMan] : Saramat, A., Palmqvist, A. E. C., & Bentien, A. (2009). Thermoelectric properties of YMn4+xAl8-x for -2≤x≤2.5. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 477, 51-54. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.10.165. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Budnyk, S., Prots, Y., Grin, Y., & Steglich, F. (2007). Structure and transport properties of new rare-earth gallium telluride YbGa6Te10. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 442, 345-347. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.09.166. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Johnsen, S., Madsen, G. K. H., Iversen, B. B., & Steglich, F. (2007). Colossal Seebeck coefficient in semiconducting FeSb2. Europhysics News, 38(6), 19-19. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/80/17008. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Johnsen, S., Madsen, G. K. H., Iversen, B. B., & Steglich, F. (2007). Colossal Seebeck coefficient in strongly correlated semiconductor FeSb2. EPL, 80: 17008, pp. 17008-p1-17008-p5. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/80/17008. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Johnsen, S., Madsen, G. K. H., Iversen, B. B., & Steglich, F. (2007). Erratum: Colossal Seebeck coefficient in strongly correlated semiconductor FeSb2. Europhysics Letters, 80: 39901. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/80/39901. [PubMan] : Paschen, S., Bentien, A., Budnyk, S., Strydom, A. M., Grin, Y., & Steglich, F. (2006). Strongly correlated cage compounds for thermoelectric applications? In Thermoelectrics, 2006. ICT '06. 25th International Conference on (pp. 168-171). IEEE. [PubMan] : Kini, N. S., Bentien, A., Ramakrishnan, S., & Geibel, C. (2005). Specific heat and transport study of the co-existence of charge-density-wave and weak ferromagnetism in BaIrO3. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 359-361, 1264-1266. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2005.01.395. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Pacheco, V., Paschen, S., Grin, Y., & Steglich, F. (2005). Transport properties of composition tuned α- and β-Eu8Ga16-xGe30+x. Physical Review B, 71, 165206-1-165206-12. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.165206. [PubMan] : Pacheco, V., Bentien, A., Carrillo-Cabrera, W., Paschen, S., Steglich, F., & Grin, Y. (2005). Relationship between composition and charge carrier concentration in Eu8Ga16-xGe30+x clathrates. Physical Review B, 71, 165205-1-165205-10. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.165205. [PubMan] : Viennois, R., Charar, S., Ravot, D., Haen, P., Mauger, A., Bentien, A., Paschen, S., & Steglich, F. (2005). Spin fluctuations in the skutterudite compound LaFe4Sb12. The European Physical Journal B, 46(2), 257-267. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2005-00250-0. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Nishibori, E., Paschen, S., & Iversen, B. B. (2005). Crystal structures, atomic vibration, and disorder of the type-I thermoelectic clathrates Ba8Ga16Si30, Ba8Ga16Ge30, Ba8In16Ge30, and Sr8Ga16Ge30. Physical Review B, 71, 144107-1-144107-18. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.144107. [PubMan] : Bentien, A. (2004). Transport and magnetic properties of rare-earth containing clathrates and clathrate-like compounds. PhD Thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Christensen, M., Bryan, J. D., Sanchez, A., Paschen, S., Steglich, F., Stucky, G. D., & Iversen, B. B. (2004). Thermal conductivity of thermoelectric clathrates. Physical Review B, 69(4), 045107-1-045107-5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.69.045107. [PubMan] : Tittes, K., Bund, A., Plieth, W., Bentien, A., Paschen, S., Plötner, M., Gräfe, H., & Fischer, W. J. (2003). Electrochemical deposition of Bi2Te3 for thermoelectric microdevices. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 7(10), 714-723. doi:10.1007/s10008-003-0378-8. [PubMan] : Bryan, J. D., Blake, N. P., Metiu, H., Stucky, G. D., Iversen, B. B., Poulsen, R. D., & Bentien, A. (2003). Publisher's Note: "Nonstoichiometry and chemical purity effects in thermoelectric Ba8Ga16Ge30 clathrate" [J. Appl.Phys. 92, 7281, (2002)]. Journal of Applied Physics, 93(7), 4343-4343. doi:10.1063/1.1556591. [PubMan] : Paschen, S., Pacheco, V., Bentien, A., Sanchez, A., Carrillo-Cabrera, W., Baenitz, M., Iversen, B. B., Grin, Y., & Steglich, F. (2003). Are type-I clathrates Zintl phases and 'phonon glasses and electron single crystals'? Physica B-Condensed Matter, 328(1-2), 39-43. doi:10.1016/S0921-4526(02)01805-7. [PubMan] : Ivanenko, L., Filonov, A., Shaposhnikov, V., Krivosheev, A., Behr, G., Souptel, D., Schumann, J., Vinzelberg, H., Paschen, S., Bentien, A., & Borisenko, V. (2003). Thermoelectric properties of Mn-doped Ru2Si3. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics (pp. 157-160). IEEE. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Paschen, S., Pacheco, V., Grin, Y., & Steglich, F. (2003). High-temperature thermoelectric properties of α- and β-Eu8Ga16Ge30. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics (pp. 131-133). IEEE. [PubMan] : Viennois, R., Girard, L., Ravot, D., Terki, F., Charar, S., Tedenac, J. C., Paschen, S., Bentien, A., & Steglich, F. (2003). Physical properties of the skutterudites (Ce, La)Fe4-xNixSb12. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics (pp. 60-63). IEEE. [PubMan] : Bryan, J. D., Blake, N. P., Metiu, H., Stucky, G. D., Iversen, B. B., Poulsen, R. D., & Bentien, A. (2002). Nonstoichiometry and chemical purity effects in thermoelectric Ba8Ga16Ge30 clathrate. Journal of Applied Physics, 92(12), 7281-7290. doi:10.1063/1.1519334. [PubMan] : Bentien, A., Iversen, B. B., Bryan, J. D., Stucky, G. D., Palmquist, A. E. C., Schultz, A. J., & Henning, R. W. (2002). Maximum entropy method analysis of thermal motion and disorder in thermoelectric clathrate Ba8Ga16Si30. Journal of Applied Physics, 91(9), 5694-5699. doi:10.1063/1.1466531. [PubMan] : Steglich, F., Bentien, A., Baenitz, M., Carrillo-Cabrera, W., Grosche, F. M., Langhammer, C., Paschen, S., Sparn, G., Tran, V. H., Yuan, H. Q., & Grin, Y. (2002). Chemical physics of metallic clathrates with low carrier concentration. Physica B, 318(1), 97-105. doi:10.1016/S0921-4526(02)00781-0. [PubMan] : Steglich, F., Bentien, A., Baenitz, M., Carrillo-Cabrera, W., Grosche, F. M., Langhammer, C., Paschen, S., Sparn, G., Tran, V. H., Yuan, H. Q., & Grin, Y. (2002). Chemical physics of metallic clathrates with low carrier concentration. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 318(1), 97-105. doi:10.1016/S0921-4526(02)00781-0. [PubMan] : Paschen, S., Carrillo-Cabrera, W., Bentien, A., Tran, V. H., Baenitz, M., Grin, Y., & Steglich, F. (2001). Structural, transport, magnetic, and thermal properties of Eu8Ga16Ge30. Physical Review B, 64: 214404, pp. 214404-1-214404-11. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.64.214404. [PubMan]