Researcher Portfolio
Parey, Kristian
Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society, Department of Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society
Position: Department of Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
: Gewering, T., Waghray, D., Parey, K., Jung, H., Tran, N. N. B., Zapata, J., Zhao, P., Chen, H., Januliene, D., Hummer, G., Urbatsch, I., Moeller, A., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Tracing the substrate translocation mechanism in P-glycoprotein. eLife, 12: RP90174. doi:10.7554/eLife.90174. [PubMan] : Parey, K., Lasham, J., Mills, D. J., Djurabekova, A., Haapanen, O., Yoga, E. G., Xie, H., Kühlbrandt, W., Sharma, V., Vonck, J., & Zickermann, V. (2021). High-resolution structure and dynamics of mitochondrial complex I-Insights into the proton pumping mechanism. Science Advances, 7(46): eabj3221. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abj3221. [PubMan] : Chicano, T. M., Dietrich, L., de Almeida, N. M., Akram, M., Hartmann, E., Leidreiter, F., Leopoldus, D., Mueller, M., Sanchez, R. M., Nuijten, G. H. L., Reimann, J., Seifert, K.-A., Schlichting, I., van Niftrik, L., Jetten, M. S. M., Dietl, A., Kartal, B., Parey, K., & Barends, T. R. M. (2021). Structural and functional characterization of the intracellular filament-forming nitrite oxidoreductase multiprotein complex. Nature Microbiology, 6(9), 1129-1139. doi:10.1038/s41564-021-00934-8. [PubMan] : Chicano, T. M., Dietrich, L., de Almeida, N. M., Akram, M., Hartmann, E., Leidreiter, F., Leopoldus, D., Müller, M., Sanchez, R. M., Nuijten, G. H. L., Reimann, J., Seifert, K.-A., Schlichting, I., van Niftrik, L., Jetten, M. S. M., Dietl, A., Kartal, B., Parey, K., & Barends, T. R. M. (2021). Structural and functional characterization of the intracellular filament-forming nitrite oxidoreductase multiprotein complex. Nature Microbiology, 6(9), 1129-1139. doi:10.1038/s41564-021-00934-8. [PubMan] : Parey, K. (2021). The Alpha and Omega of Biological Energy Conservation. Habilitation Thesis, Fach Mikrobiologie, Fachbereich Biowissenschaften, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main. [PubMan] : Galemou Yoga, E., Parey, K., Djurabekova, A., Haapanen, O., Siegmund, K., Zwicker, K., Sharma, V., Zickermann, V., & Angerer, H. (2020). Essential role of accessory subunit LYRM6 in the mechanism of mitochondrial complex I. Nature Communications, 11: 6008. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-19778-7. [PubMan] : Scherr, J., Tang, Z., Küllmer, M., Balser, S., Scholz, A. S., Winter, A., Parey, K., Rittner, A., Grininger, M., Zickermann, V., Rhinow, D., Terfort, A., & Turchanin, A. (2020). Smart Molecular Nanosheets for Advanced Preparation of Biological Samples in Electron Cryo-Microscopy. ACS Nano, 14(8), 9972-9978. doi:10.1021/acsnano.0c03052. [PubMan] : Parey, K. K., Wirth, C., Vonck, J., & Zickermann, V. (2020). Respiratory complex I - structure, mechanism and evolution. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 63. doi:10.1016/ [PubMan] : Dasbach, M., Pyschik, M., Lehmann, V., Parey, K., Rhinow, D., Reinhardt, H. M., & Hampp, N. A. (2020). Assembling Carbon Nanotube Architectures. ACS Nano, 14(7), 8181-8190. doi:10.1021/acsnano.0c01606. [PubMan] : Parey, K., Haapanen, O., Sharma, V., Köfeler, H., Züllig, T., Prinz, S., Siegmund, K., Wittig, I., Mills, D., Vonck, J., Kühlbrandt, W., & Zickermann, V. (2019). High-resolution cryo-EM structures of respiratory complex I: Mechanism, assembly, and disease. Science Advances, 5(12), eaax9484. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax9484. [PubMan] : Scherr, J., Neuhaus, A., Parey, K., Klusch, N., Murphy, B. J., Zickermann, V., Kühlbrandt, W., Terfort, A., & Rhinow, D. (2019). Noncovalent Functionalization of Carbon Substrates with Hydrogels Improves Structural Analysis of Vitrified Proteins by Electron Cryo-Microscopy. ACS Nano, 13(6), 7185-7190. doi:10.1021/acsnano.9b02651. [PubMan] : Akram, M., Dietl, A., Mersdorf, U., Prinz, S., Maalcke, W. J., Keltjens, J. T., Ferousi, C., de Almeida, N. M., Reimann, J., Kartal, B., Jetten, M. S. M., Parey, K., & Barends, T. (2019). A 192-heme electron transfer network in the hydrazine dehydrogenase complex. Science Advances, 5(4): eaav4310. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aav4310. [PubMan] : Parey, K., Brandt, U., Xie, H., Mills, D. J., Siegmund, K., Vonck, J., Kühlbrandt, W., & Zickermann, V. (2018). Cryo-EM structure of respiratory complex I at work. eLife, 7: e39213. doi:10.7554/eLife.39213. [PubMan] : Zickermann, V., Parey, K., Brandt, U., Kühlbrandt, W., Mills, D., Siegmund, K., Vonck, J., & Xie, H. (2018). The cryo EM structure of respiratory complex I from Yarrowia lipolytica. Budapest, Hungary. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2018.09.133. [PubMan] : Scherr, J., Parey, K., Klusch, N., Murphy, B. J., Balser, S., Neuhaus, A., Zickermann, V., Kühlbrandt, W., Terfort, A., & Rhinow, D. (2017). Self-Perforated Hydrogel Nanomembranes Facilitate Structural Analysis of Proteins by Electron Cryo-Microscopy. ACS Nano, 11(6), 6467-6473. doi:10.1021/acsnano.7b03099. [PubMan] : Parey, K., Fielding, A., Sörgel, M., Rachel, R., Huber, H., Ziegler, C., & Rajendran, C. (2016). In meso crystal structure of a novel membrane-associated octaheme cytochrome c from the Crenarchaeon Ignicoccus hospitalis. FEBS Journal, 283(20), 3807-3820. doi:10.1111/febs.13870. [PubMan] : Hahn, A., Parey, K., Bublitz, M., Mills, D. J., Zickermann, V., Vonck, J., Kühlbrandt, W., & Meier, T. (2016). Structure of a Complete ATP Synthase Dimer Reveals the Molecular Basis of Inner Mitochondrial Membrane Morphology. Molecular Cell, 63, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2016.05.037. [PubMan] : D'Imprima, E., Mills, D. J., Parey, K., Brandt, U., Kühlbrandt, W., Zickermann, V., & Vonck, J. (2016). Cryo-EM structure of respiratory complex I reveals a link to mitochondrial sulfur metabolism. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1857(12), 1935-1942. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2016.09.014. [PubMan] : Fielding, A. J., Parey, K., Ermler, U., Scheller, S., Jaun, B., & Bennati, M. (2013). Advanced electron paramagnetic resonance on the catalytic iron–sulfur cluster bound to the CCG domain of heterodisulfide reductase and succinate: quinone reductase. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 18(8), 905-915. doi:10.1007/s00775-013-1037-x. [PubMan] : Parey, K., Demmer, U., Warkentin, E., Wynen, A., Ermler, U., & Dahl, C. (2013). Structural, Biochemical and Genetic Characterization of Dissimilatory ATP Sulfurylase from Allochromatium vinosum. PLoS One, 8(9), e74707-e74707. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074707. [PubMan] : Parey, K., Fritz, G., Ermler, U., & Kroneck, P. M. H. (2013). Conserving energy with sulfate around 100 °C - structure and mechanism of key metal enzymes in hyperthermophilic Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Metallomics, 5(4), 302-317. doi:10.1039/c2mt20225e. [PubMan] : Parey, K. K. (2011). Essentielle Schritte im Energiestoffwechsel von Archaeen: Heterodisulfid-Reduktase und dissimilatorische Sulfit-Reduktase. PhD Thesis, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. [PubMan] : Parey, K., Schiffer, A., Steuber, J., Fritz, G., Ermler, U., & Kroneck, P. M. H. (2011). Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase. In A. Messerschmidt (Ed. ), Handbook of Metalloproteins, Volume 4 (pp. 103-110). The Atrium, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. [PubMan] : Parey, K., Warkentin, E., Kroneck, P. M., & Ermler, U. (2010). Reaction Cycle of the Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Biochemistry, 49(41), 8912-8921. doi:10.1021/bi100781f. [PubMan] : Schiffer, A., Parey, K., Warkentin, E., Diederichs, K., Huber, H., Stetter, K. O., Kroneck, P. M. H., & Ermler, U. (2008). Structure of the Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase from the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Journal of Molecular Biology (London), 379(5), 1063-1074. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2008.04.027. [PubMan]