Researcher Portfolio
Merkel, Nina
Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society, Max Planck Society, Neurophysiology Department, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society, Max Planck Society
Position: Neurophysiology Department, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
: Ilie, I. (2019). CMAGEP: A new method for automatic model discovery from data and its application to terrestrial ecosystem carbon exchange fluxes. PhD Thesis, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena. [PubMan] : Ilie, I., Dittrich, P., Carvalhais, N., Jung, M., Heinemeyer, A., Migliavacca, M., Morison, J. I. L., Sippel, S., Subke, J.-A., Wilkinson, M., & Mahecha, M. D. (2017). Reverse engineering model structures for soil and ecosystem respiration: the potential of gene expression programming. Geoscientific Model Development, 10(9), 3519-3545. doi:10.5194/gmd-10-3519-2017. [PubMan] : Kwon, M. J., Beulig, F., Ilie, I., Wildner, M., Küsel, K., Merbold, L., Mahecha, M. D., Zimov, N., Zimov, S. A., Heimann, M., Schuur, E. A. G., Kostka, J. E., Kolle, O., Hilke, I., & Göckede, M. (2017). Plants, microorganisms, and soil temperatures contribute to a decrease in methane fluxes on a drained Arctic floodplain. Global Change Biology, 23(6): 13558, pp. 2396-2412. doi:10.1111/gcb.13558. [PubMan]