Researcher Portfolio


Lu, Hao

Dept. Bonn: Molecular Spectroscopy, MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society, Jiaxing Univ, Jiaxing, China  


Researcher Profile

Position: Dept. Bonn: Molecular Spectroscopy, MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society
Position: Jiaxing Univ, Jiaxing, China
Researcher ID:

External references



  (1 - 25 of 48)
 : Lu, H., Macht, M., Rosenberg, R., Wiedenbeck, E., Lukas, M., Qi, D., Maltseva, D., Zahn, D., Cölfen, H., & Bonn, M. (2024). Organic Nucleation: Water Rearrangement Reveals the Pathway of Ibuprofen. Small, 20(25): 2307858. doi:10.1002/smll.202307858. [PubMan] : Qi, D., Lukić, M. J., Lu, H., Gebauer, D., & Bonn, M. (2024). Role of Water during the Early Stages of Iron Oxyhydroxide Formation by a Bacterial Iron Nucleator. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15(4), 1048-1055. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c03327. [PubMan] : Zhao, Y., Lu, H., Qi, D., Motta, A., Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J., Chen, J., Sun, Y., & Bonn, M. (2023). Ice Recrystallization Inhibition Activity of Silk Proteins. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14(36), 8145-8150. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c01995. [PubMan] : Lu, H., Bellucci, L., Sun, S., Qi, D., Rosa, M., Berger, R., Corni, S., & Bonn, M. (2022). Acidic pH Promotes Refolding and Macroscopic Assembly of Amyloid β (16–22) Peptides at the Air-Water Interface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13(29), 6674-6679. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c01171. [PubMan] : Strunge, K., Hoinkis, N., Lutz, H., Alamdari, S., Roeters, S. J., Lu, H., Pfaendtner, J., & Weidner, T. (2022). Peptide Mimic of the Marine Sponge Protein Silicatein Fabricates Ultrathin Nanosheets of Silicon Dioxide and Titanium Dioxide. Langmuir, 38(26), 8087-8093. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c00918. [PubMan] : Hoinkis, N., Lutz, H., Lu, H., Golbek, T. W., Bregnhoj, M., Jakob, G., Bonn, M., & Weidner, T. (2021). Assembly of iron oxide nanosheets at the air-water interface by leucine-histidine peptides. RSC Advances, 11(45), 27965-27968. doi:10.1039/d1ra04733g. [PubMan] : Lu, H., Ng, D. Y. W., Lieberwirth, I., Weidner, T., & Bonn, M. (2021). Intrinsically Disordered Osteopontin Fragment Orders During Interfacial Calcium Oxalate Mineralization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60(34), 18577-18581. doi:10.1002/anie.202105768. [PubMan] : Lu, H., Ng, D. Y. W., Lieberwirth, I., Weidner, T., & Bonn, M. (2021). Intrinsisch ungeordnete Osteopontin-Fragmente ordnen sich während der interfazialen Calciumoxalat-Mineralisierung. Angewandte Chemie, 133(34), 18725-18729. doi:10.1002/ange.202105768. [PubMan] : Ma, C., Sun, S., Lu, H., Hao, Z., Yang, C., Wang, B., Chen, C., & Song, M. (2021). Remarkable MnO2 structure-dependent H2O promoting effect in HCHO oxidation at room temperature. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 414: 125542. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125542. [PubMan] : Lu, H., Huang, Y.-C., Hunger, J., Gebauer, D., Cölfen, H., & Bonn, M. (2021). Role of Water in CaCO3 Biomineralization. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(4), 1758-1762. doi:10.1021/jacs.0c11976. [PubMan] : Ortiz de la Morena, R., Asyuda, A., Lu, H., Aitchison, H., Turner, K., Francis, S. M., Zharnikov, M., & Buck, M. (2020). Shape controlled assembly of carboxylic acids: formation of a binary monolayer by intercalation into molecular nanotunnels. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(7), 4205-4215. doi:10.1039/c9cp06724h. [PubMan] : Ma, K., Wei, X., Liu, J., Chen, D., Zhao, X., Shen, J., Lu, H., & Jia, P. (2020). Near-Infrared-Light-Responsive Nanocomposites of Cell Membrane Mimetic Copolymers and Upconverting Nanoparticles for On-Demand Drug Release. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3(8), 8294-8303. doi:10.1021/acsanm.0c01738. [PubMan] : Chen, D., Zhao, X., Wei, X., Zhang, J., Wang, D., Lu, H., & Jia, P. (2020). Ultrastretchable, Tough, Antifreezing, and Conductive Cellulose Hydrogel for Wearable Strain Sensor. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12(47), 53247-53256. doi:10.1021/acsami.0c14935. [PubMan] : Hassanpour Amiri, M., Heidler, J., Hasnain, A., Anwar, S., Lu, H., Müllen, K., & Asadi, K. (2020). Doping free transfer of graphene using aqueous ammonia flow. RSC Advances, 10(2), 1127-1131. doi:10.1039/c9ra06738h. [PubMan] : Lingstedt, L. V., Ghittorelli, M., Lu, H., Koutsouras, D. A., Marszalek, T., Torricelli, F., Crăciun, N. I., Gkoupidenis, P., & Blom, P. W. M. (2019). Effect of DMSO Solvent Treatments on the Performance of PEDOT:PSS Based Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Advanced Electronic Materials, 5(3): 1800804. doi:10.1002/aelm.201800804. [PubMan] : Lu, H., Schäfer, A., Lutz, H., Roeters, S. J., Lieberwirth, I., Muñoz-Espí, R., Hood, M. A., Bonn, M., & Weidner, T. (2019). Peptide-Controlled Assembly of Macroscopic Calcium Oxalate Nanosheets. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(9), 2170-2174. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b00684. [PubMan] : Han, P., Hou, I.-C.-Y., Lu, H., Wang, X.-Y., Müllen, K., Bonn, M., Narita, A., & Canovas, E. (2019). Chemisorption of Atomically Precise 42-Carbon Graphene Quantum Dots on Metal Oxide Films Greatly Accelerates Interfacial Electron Transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(7), 1431-1436. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b00399. [PubMan] : Wuttke, M., Liu, Z., Lu, H., Narita, A., & Müllen, K. (2019). Direct Metal-Free Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene Films on Insulating Substrates for Micro-Supercapacitors with High Volumetric Capacitance. Batteries & Supercaps, 2(11), 929-933. doi:10.1002/batt.201900087. [PubMan] : Harvey, S., Raabe, M., Ermakova, A., Wu, Y., Zapata, T., Chen, C., Lu, H., Jelezko, F., Ng, D. Y. W., & Weil, T. (2019). Transferrin‐Coated Nanodiamond–Drug Conjugates for Milliwatt Photothermal Applications. Advanced Therapeutics, 2(11): 1900067. doi:10.1002/adtp.201900067. [PubMan] : Aitchison, H., de la Morena, R. O., Peifer, R., Omar, S., Lu, H., Francis, S. M., Zharnikov, M., Grohmann, A., & Buck, M. (2018). Self-Assembly of Di(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine-benzoic Acid on Underpotentially Deposited Ag from Solution. Langmuir, 34(33), 9654-9664. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01734. [PubMan] : Aitchison, H., Lu, H., de la Morena, R. O., Cebula, I., Zharnikov, M., & Buck, M. (2018). Self-assembly of 1,3,5-benzenetribenzoic acid on Ag and Cu at the liquid/solid interface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(4), 2731-2740. doi:10.1039/c7cp06160a. [PubMan] : Kotadiya, N. B., Lu, H., Mondal, A., Ie, Y., Andrienko, D., Blom, P. W. M., & Wetzelaer, G.-J.-A.-H. (2018). Universal strategy for Ohmic hole injection into organic semiconductors with high ionization energies. Nature Materials, 17(4), 329-334. doi:10.1038/s41563-018-0022-8. [PubMan] : Zhang, K., Marszalek, T., Wucher, P., Wang, Z., Veith, L., Lu, H., Räder, H. J., Beaujuge, P. M., Blom, P., & Pisula, W. (2018). Crystallization Control of Organic Semiconductors during Meniscus-Guided Coating by Blending with Polymer Binder. Advanced Functional Materials, 28(50): 1805594. doi:10.1002/adfm.201805594. [PubMan] : Huang, W., Byun, J., Rörich, I., Ramanan, C., Blom, P. W. M., Lu, H., Wang, D., Caire da Silva, L., Li, R., Wang, L., Landfester, K., & Zhang, K. A. I. (2018). Asymmetric Covalent Triazine Framework for Enhanced Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis via Energy Transfer Cascade. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(27), 8316-8320. doi:10.1002/anie.201801112. [PubMan] : Xie, C., Sun, W., Lu, H., Kretzschmann, A., Liu, J., Wagner, M., Butt, H.-J., Deng, X., & Wu, S. (2018). Reconfiguring surface functions using visible-light- controlled metal-ligand coordination. Nature Communications, 9: 3842. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06180-7. [PubMan]