Researcher Portfolio


Mislove, Alan

Group P. Druschel, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Group P. Druschel, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Ali, M., Goetzen, A., Mislove, A., Redmiles, E. M., & Sapiezynski, P. (2023). Problematic Advertising and its Disparate Exposure on Facebook. In 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (pp. 5665-5682). USENIX. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Andreou, A., Venkatadri, G., Goga, O., Gummadi, K. P., Loiseau, P., & Mislove, A. (2018). Investigating Ad Transparency Mechanisms in Social Media: A Case Study of Facebooks Explanations. In Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium. doi:10.14722/ndss.2018.23191. [PubMan] : Venkatadri, G., Andreou, A., Liu, Y., Mislove, A., Gummadi, K. P., Loiseau, P., & Goga, O. (2018). Privacy Risks with Facebook's PII-Based Targeting: Auditing a Data Broker's Advertising Interface. In 2018 IEEE Symposiumon Security and Privacy (pp. 89-107). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:10.1109/SP.2018.00014. [PubMan] : Viswanath, B., Bashir, M. A., Zafar, M. B., Bouget, S., Guha, S., Gummadi, K., Kate, A., & Mislove, A. (2015). Strength in Numbers: Robust Tamper Detection in Crowd Computations. In COSN'15 (pp. 113-124). New York, NY: ACM. doi:10.1145/2817946.2817964. [PubMan] : Liu, Y., Viswanath, B., Mondal, M., Gummadi, K., & Mislove, A. (2012). Simplifying Friendlist Management. In WWW’12: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 385-388). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Viswanath, B., Mondal, M., Clement, A., Druschel, P., Gummadi, K. P., Mislove, A., & Post, A. (2012). Exploring the design space of social network-based Sybil defenses. In Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS) (pp. 1-8). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. [PubMan] : Viswanath, B., Mondal, M., Gummadi, K. P., Mislove, A., & Post, A. (2012). Canal: Scaling Social Network-Based Sybil Tolerance Schemes. In EuroSys’12: Proceedings of the EuroSys 2012 Conference (pp. 309-322). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Liu, Y., Gummadi, K. P., Krishnamurthy, B., & Mislove, A. (2011). Analyzing Facebook Privacy Settings:User Expectations vs. Reality. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (pp. 61-70). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Mondal, M., Viswanath, B., Clement, A., Druschel, P., Gummadi, K., Mislove, A., & Post, A.(2011). Defending against large-scale crawls in online social networks (MPI-SWS-2011-006). Saarbrücken: Max Planck Instutute for Software Systems. [PubMan] : Gummadi, K. P., Mislove, A., & Krishnamurthy, B. (2010). Addressing the privacy management crisis in online social networks. In Internet Privacy Workshop: Accepted Position Papers. s.l.: IAB. [PubMan] : Mislove, A., Viswanath, B., Gummadi, K. P., & Druschel, P. (2010). You are who you know: inferring user profiles in online social networks. In Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on Web Search & Data Mining (WSDM) (pp. 251-260). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Viswanath, B., Post, A., Gummadi, K. P., & Mislove, A. (2010). An analysis of social network-based Sybil defenses. In SIGCOMM’10: proceedings of the SIGCOMM 2010 Conference (pp. 363-374). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Viswanath, B., Mislove, A., Cha, M., & Gummadi, K. P. (2009). On the evolution of user interaction in facebook. In SIGCOMM 09: Proceedings of the 2009 SIGCOMM Conference and Co-Located Workshops MobiHeld’09, PRESTO’09, VISA’09, WOSN’09, & WREN’09 (pp. 37-42). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Cha, M., Mislove, A., & Gummadi, K. P. (2009). A measurement-driven analysis of information propagation in the flickr social network. In WWW’09: proceedings of the 18th International World Wide Web Conference (pp. 721-730). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Dischinger, M., Mislove, A., Haeberlen, A., & Gummadi, K. P. (2008). Detecting BitTorrent Blocking. In IMC’08: proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (pp. 3-8). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Cha, M., Mislove, A., Adams, B., & Gummadi, K. P. (2008). Characterizing Social Cascades in Flickr. In Compilation E-Proceedings of the SIGCOMM 2008 Conference & the co-located workshops: WOSN'08 Proceedings (pp. 13-18). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Santos, N., Mislove, A., Dischinger, M., & Gummadi, K. (2008). Anonymity in the Personalized Web. Poster Session at the 5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. [PubMan] : Mislove, A., Marcon, M., Gummadi, K. P., Druschel, P., & Bhattacharjee, B. (2007). Measurement and Analysis of Online Social Networks. In IMC'07: proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGCOMM (pp. 29-42). New York, NY, USA: ACM. [PubMan] : Mislove, A., Gummadi, K. P., & Druschel, P. (2006). Exploiting Social Networks for Internet Search. In Record of the Fifth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (pp. 79-84). New York, NY: ACM. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Mislove, A., Post, A., Haeberlen, A., & Druschel, P. (2006). Experiences in Building and Operating ePOST, a Reliable Peer-to-Peer Application. In Proceedings of EuroSys 2006 (pp. 147-160). New York, USA: ACM. [PubMan] : Haeberlen, A., Mislove, A., Post, A., & Druschel, P. (2006). Fallacies in evaluating decentralized systems. In 5th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS'06) (pp. 19-24). [PubMan]