Researcher Portfolio


Badalanova Geller, Florentina

Department Structural Changes in Systems of Knowledge, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Department Structural Changes in Systems of Knowledge, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:


 : Badalanova Geller, F. (2024). Visualizing Heavens in Slavonic and Balkan Parabiblical Traditions: Discourses on Heavenly Luminaries and the Zodiac Signs. In R. Brentjes, S. Brentjes, & S. Mastorakou (Eds.), Imagining the Heavens Across Eurasia from Antiquity to Early Modernity (pp. 277-300). Milan: Mimesis. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2022). Celestial Landscapes and Heavenly Ascents: The Slavonic Book of the Holy Secrets of Enoch the Just (2 Enoch). In D. M. Burns, & M. J. Goff (Eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices: Selected Papers from the Conference ‘The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices’ in Berlin, 20–22 July 2018 (pp. 196-237). Leiden: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004517561_010. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2021). Enochic Texts and Related Traditions in ‘Slavia Orthodoxa’. In I. Dorfmann-Lazarev (Ed.), Apocryphal and Esoteric Sources in the Development of Christianity and Judaism: The Eastern Mediterranean the Near East, and Beyond (pp. 452-520). Brill: Leiden. doi:10.1163/9789004445925_024. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2021). Mythographies of the Demonic (Notes on Slavonic and Balkan Ethnohermeneutics). In J. M. Hartley, & D. J. B. Shaw (Eds.), Magic, Texts and Travel: Homage to a Scholar, Will Ryan (pp. 114-134). London: Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2019). Astronomical Knowledge in the Slavonic Apocalypse of Enoch: Traces of Ancient Scientific Models. In J. Renn, & M. Schemmel (Eds.), Culture and Cognition: Essays in Honor of Peter Damerow (pp. 103-119). Berlin: Edition Open Access. doi:10.34663/9783945561355-09. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2019). Bălgarskata diaspora i ‚stroitelite’ na săvremenna Bălgarija. Българската диаспора и ‘строителите’ на съвременна България [The Bulgarian Diaspora and ‘The Builders of Modern Bulgaria’]. Godišnik na Asociacija za antropologija, etnologija i folkloristika ‘Ongăl’. Годишник на Асоциaция за антропология, етнология и фолклористика ‘Онгъл’ [Yearbook of »Ongal« Association for Anthropology, Ethnology and Folklore Studies], 18, 15-22. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2018). What Language Does God Speak? In M. Geller, & J. Braarvig (Eds.), Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra (pp. 125-173). Berlin: Edition Open Access. doi:10.34663/9783945561133-08. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2018). Islamic Mystical Poetry and Alevi Rhapsodes from the Village of Sevar, Bulgaria. In M. Geller, & J. Braarvig (Eds.), Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra (pp. 175-211). Berlin: Edition Open Access. doi:10.34663/9783945561133-09. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2011). The sea of Tiberias: between apocryphal literature and oral tradition. In L. DiTommasso, & C. Böttrich (Eds.), The old testament apocrypha in the Slavonic tradition: continuity and diversity (pp. 13-157). Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2010). 'Gynesis' in Genesis. In S. Bertolissi, & R. Salvatore (Eds.), Forma formans: studi in onore di Boris Uspenskij. Vol. 1 (pp. 17-48). Napoli: D'Auria editore. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2010). 2 (Slavonic Apocalypse of) Enoch: Text and Context. Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2008). The bible in the making: Slavonic creation stories. In M. J. Geller, & M. Schipper (Eds.), Imagining creation (pp. 161-366). Leiden [u.a.]: Brill. [PubMan] : Badalanova Geller, F. (2008). Qur’an in vernacular. Folk Islam in the Balkans. Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte. [PubMan]