Researcher Portfolio


Omodeo, Pietro Daniel

Department Structural Changes in Systems of Knowledge, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society, External, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Department Structural Changes in Systems of Knowledge, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society
Position: External, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:


  (1 - 25 of 123)
 : Bardi, A., & Omodeo, P. D. (2024). Il Quod caelum stet, terra moveatur di Celio Calcagnini: contesto scientifico e traduzione. Physis, 59(1), 1-56. doi:10.1400/297487. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2024). Cosmological Materialism in the Renaissance. In C. T. Wolfe, & J. Symons (Eds.), The History and Philosophy of Materialism (pp. 113-129). Abingdon: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003118879-11. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D., & Renn, J. (2023). Giovanni Battista Benedetti: ein Renaissance-Protowissenschaftler als Intellektueller. In M. Kintzinger, & W. E. Wagner (Eds.), Intellektuelle: Karrieren und Krisen einer Figur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart (pp. 107-125). Basel: Schwabe. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D., Garau, R., & Rispoli, G. (Eds.). (2023). Historical Geoanthropology [Special Issue]. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 11(22). [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D., & Trevisani, S. (2023). Historical Geoanthropology in Venice. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 11(22): 12, pp. 12:1-12:22. doi:10.13135/2280-8574/7332. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2023). Geopraxis: A Concept for the Anthropocene. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 11(22): 9, pp. 9:1-9:52. doi:10.13135/2280-8574/7337. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2023). Review of: Forster, John Bellam: Capitalism in the Anthropocene: Ecological Ruin or Ecological Revolution. New York, NY: Monthly Review Press 2022. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 11(22): 15, 15:12-15:17. doi:10.13135/2280-8574/7336. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D., Garau, R., & Rispoli, G. (2023). Historical Geoanthropology. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 11(22): 8, pp. 8:1-8:12. doi:10.13135/2280-8574/7331. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2023). Patronage as a Means to End a University Controversy: The Conclusion of Two Cartesian Disputes at Frankfurt an der Oder (1656 and 1660). In D. Cellamare, & M. Mantovani (Eds.), Descartes in the Classroom: Teaching Cartesian Philosophy in the Early Modern Age (pp. 124-145). Leiden: Brill. doi:/10.1163/9789004524897_008. [PubMan] : Freyberg, S., & Omodeo, P. D. (2023). Die Copernicanische Revolution als Geschichtszeichen: zur Entstehung der Transformationskosmologie. In P. König, & O. Schlaudt (Eds.), Kosmos: Vom Umgang mit der Welt zwischen Ausdruck und Ordnung (pp. 143-196). Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing. doi:10.17885/heiup.857.c15256. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2022). Hydrogeological Knowledge from Below: Water Expertise as a Republican Common in Early-Modern Venice. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 45(4), 538-560. doi:10.1002/bewi.202200006. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2022). Boris Hessen's Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution. In P. D. Omodeo, & S. Winkler (Eds.), Hessen, Boris: Manuscripts and Documents on the History of Physics: A Historical Materialist Textbook (pp. 133-182). Venice: Università Ca' Foscari. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D., & Winkler, S. (Eds.). (2022). Hessen, Boris: Manuscripts and Documents on the History of Physics: A Historical Materialist Textbook. Venice: Università Ca' Foscari. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D., & Trevisani, S. (2022). The Critical Environment of the Venice Lagoon: A Fuzzy Anthropocene Boundary. In C. Rosol, & G. Rispoli (Eds.), Anthropogenic Markers: Stratigraphy and Context. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. doi:10.58049/GHP3-SR58. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D., & Meisner, L. (2022). L'aut aut di fatticità scientista e relativismo postmoderno quale semplificazione ideologica del problema epistemologico di ‘expertise’ e populismo post-veritativo. In G. Ienna, F. D'Abramo, & M. Badino (Eds.), ‘Expertise’ ed epistemologia politica (pp. 37-69). Milano: Meltemi. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2021). Johannes Regiomontanus and Erasmus Reinhold: Shifting Perspectives on the History of Astronomy. In S. Brentjes, & A. Fidora (Eds.), Premodern Translation: Comparative Approaches to Cross-Cultural Transformations (pp. 165-186). Turnhout: Brepols. [PubMan] : Badino, M., & Omodeo, P. D. (Eds.). (2021). Cultural Hegemony in a Scientific World: Gramscian Concepts for the History of Science. Leiden: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004443778. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2021). Leonardo für das Anthropozän neu überdenken. In J. Renn, M. Valleriani, S. Hoffmann, & A. Becchi (Eds.), Leonardos intellektueller Kosmos (pp. 323-329). Florenz: Giunti. [PubMan] : Montuschi, E., & Omodeo, P. D. (Eds.). (2021). Ordinare il mondo: prospettive logiche ed epistemologiche su scienza, natura e società. Roma: Armando. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2021). Bacon's Anthropocene: The Historical-Epistemological Entanglement of Power, Knowledge, and Nature Reassessed. Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, 58(3), 149-170. doi:10.5840/eps202158350. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2021). Rethinking Leonardo for the Anthropocene. In J. Renn, M. Valleriani, S. Hoffmann, & A. Becchi (Eds.), Leonardo’s Intellectual Cosmos (pp. 323-329). Florence: Giunti. [PubMan] : Montuschi, E., & Omodeo, P. D. (2021). Studiare la logica a cavallo tra le discipline. In E. Montuschi, & P. D. Omodeo (Eds.), Ordinare il mondo: prospettive logiche ed epistemologiche su scienza, natura e società (pp. 9-15). Roma: Armando. [PubMan] : D'Abramo, F., Gandolfi, G., Ienna, G., Omodeo, P. D., & Wolfe, C. (2021). Political Epistemology of Pandemic Management. Mefisto. Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia, 5(1), 121-145. [PubMan] : Omodeo, P. D. (2021). ‘Jesuit Science’ and Cultural Hegemony: A Political-Historiographical Critique. In M. Badino, & P. Omodeo (Eds.), Cultural Hegemony in a Scientific World: Gramscian Concepts for the History of Science (pp. 115-155). Leiden: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004443778_007. [PubMan] : Trevisani, S., & Omodeo, P. D. (2021). Earth Scientists and Sustainable Development: Geocomputing, New Technologies, and the Humanities. Land, 10(3, Article 294): 294. doi:10.3390/land10030294. [PubMan]