Researcher Portfolio


Dr. Rendall, Alan D.

Geometric Analysis and Gravitation, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Geometric Analysis and Gravitation, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



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 : Dafermos, M., & Rendall, A. D. (2016). Strong cosmic censorship for surface-symmetric cosmological spacetimes with collisionless matter. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 69(5), 815-908. doi:10.1002/cpa.21628. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2014). Construction of oscillatory singularities. In A. García-Parrado (Ed.), Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERES 2012) Progress in Mathematical Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 60 (pp. 95-105). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D., & Velazquez, J. J. L. (2014). Dynamical properties of models for the Calvin cycle. Journal of dynamics and differential equations, 26, 673-705. doi:10.1007/s10884-014-9385-y. [PubMan] : Lee, H., & Rendall, A. D. (2013). The spatially homogeneous relativistic Boltzmann equation with a hard potential. Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 38(12), 2238-2262. doi:10.1080/03605302.2013.827709. [PubMan] : Liebscher, S., Rendall, A. D., & Tchapnda, S. B. (2013). Oscillatory singularities in Bianchi models with magnetic fields. Annales Henri Poincare, 14(5): 012-0207-7, pp. 1043-1075. doi:10.1007/s00023-012-0207-7. [PubMan] : Lee, H., & Rendall, A. D. (2013). The Einstein-Boltzmann system and positivity. Journal of hyperbolic differential equations, 77(1), 77-104. doi:10.1142/S0219891613500033. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2013). Multiple steady states in a mathematical model for interactions between T cells and macrophages. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 18(3), 769 -782. doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.769. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2012). Mathematics of the NFAT signalling pathway. SIAM journal on applied dynamical systems, 11(3), 988-1006. doi:10.1137/120866488. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2012). Dynamics of solutions of the Einstein equations with twisted Gowdy symmetry. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 62(3), 569-577. doi:10.1016/j.geomphys.2011.04.016. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D., & Velazquez, J. J. L. (2011). A class of dust-like self-similar solutions of the massless Einstein-Vlasov system. Annales Henri Poincare, 12(5), 919-964. doi:10.1007/s00023-011-0094-3. [PubMan] : LeFloch, P. G., & Rendall, A. D. (2011). A global foliation of Einstein-Euler spacetimes with Gowdy-symmetry on T3. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 201(3), 841-870. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Hwang, H. J., Rendall, A. D., & Velazquez, J. J. L. (2011). Optimal gradient estimates and asymptotic behaviour for the Vlasov-Poisson system with small initial data. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 200 (1), 313-360. doi:10.1007/s00205-011-0405-3. [PubMan] : LeFloch, P. G., & Rendall, A. D. (2011). A global foliation of Einstein-Euler spacetimes with Gowdy symmetry on T^3. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 201(3), 841-870. doi:10.1007/s00205-011-0425-z. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2010). Analysis of a mathematical model for interactions between T cells and macrophages. Electronic journal of differential equations, 2010: 115, pp. 1-10. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Allen, P. T., & Rendall, A. D. (2010). Asymptotics of linearized cosmological perturbations. Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 7 (2), 255 -277. doi:10.1142/S0219891610002141. [PubMan] : Nungesser, E., & Rendall, A. D. (2009). Strong cosmic censorship for solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations with polarized Gowdy symmetry. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 26: 105019. doi:10.1088/0264-9381/26/10/105019. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D., & Stahl, F. (2008). Shock Waves in Plane Symmetric Spacetimes. Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 33(11), 2020-2039. doi:10.1080/03605300802421948. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2007). Late-time oscillatory behaviour for self-gravitating scalar fields. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24, 667-677. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Heinzle, J. M., & Rendall, A. D. (2007). Power-law Inflation in Spacetimes without Symmetry. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 269(1): 15. 1. doi:10.1007/s00220-006-0133-y. [PubMan] : Heinzle, J. M., Rendall, A. D., & Uggla, C. (2006). Theory of Newtonian self-gravitating stationary spherically symmetric systems. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 140, 177-192. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2006). Mathematical properties of cosmological models with accelerated expansion. In J. Frauendiener, D. J. Giulini, & V. Perlick (Eds.), Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical Relativity (pp. 141-156). Berlin u.a: Springer. [PubMan] : Bauer, S., Kunze, M., Rein, G., & Rendall, A. D. (2006). Multipole Radiation in a Collisionless Gas Coupled to Electromagnetism or Scalar Gravitation. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 266, 267-288. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2006). Dynamics of k-essence. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23(5), 1557-1569. [PubMan] : Tegankong, D., & Rendall, A. D. (2006). On the nature of initial singularities for solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov-scalar field system with surface symmetry. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 141(3), 547-562. [PubMan] : Rendall, A. D. (2005). The nature of spacetime singularities. In A. Ashtekar (Ed.), 100 Years of Relativity - Space-Time Structure: Einstein and Beyond (pp. 76-92). Singapore u.a.: World Scientific. [PubMan]