Researcher Portfolio


Krausz, Eberhard

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Krausz, E., & Korn, K. (2008). High-content siRNA screening for target identification and validation. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 3(5), 551-564. [PubMan] : Korn, K., & Krausz, E. (2007). Cell-based high-content screening of small-molecule libraries. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 11(5), 503-510. [PubMan] : Krausz, E. (2007). High-content siRNA screening. Molecular BioSystems, 3(4), 232-240. [PubMan] : Krausz, E. (2006). Challenges in High-Content siRNA Screening. European Pharmaceutical Review, 6, 13-20. [PubMan] : Heninger, A.-K., Kozak, K., Kittler, R., Wagner, J., Lohmann, A., Poser, I., Grabner, H., Krausz, E., & Buchholz, F. (2006). RNAi Libraries for Functional Genomics. Genetic Engineering News, 26(19), 22-23. [PubMan] : Krausz, E. (2006). Challenges in High-Content siRNA Screening. European Pharmaceutical Review, 6, 13-20. [PubMan] : Krausz, E., Grabner, A., Kroenke, A., Sachse, C., & Echeverri, C. J. (2003). Optimizing High Throughput RNAi-Based Assays Using Transient Transfection of Synthetic siRNAs in Cultured Mammalian Cells. In D. R. Engelke (Ed.), RNA Interference (RNAi) - Nuts & Bolts of RNAi Technology (pp. 131-168). Collegeville USA: DNA Press LLC. [PubMan]