Researcher Portfolio


Malikov, Fyodor

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Malikov, F., & Schechtman, V. (2015). Chiral de Rham complex over locally complete intersections. Moscow Mathematical Journal, 15(2), 353-372. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Arakawa, T., Kuwabara, T., & Malikov, F. (2015). Localization of Affine W-Algebras. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 335(1), 143-182. doi:10.1007/s00220-014-2183-x. [PubMan] : Malikov, F. (2008). Lagrangian approach to sheaves of vertex algebras. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 278(2), 487-548. doi:10.1007/s00220-007-0403-3. [PubMan] : Gorbounov, V. G., Malikov, F., & Schechtman, V. (2005). Twisted chiral de Rham algebras on P¹. In Graphs and patterns in mathematics and theoretical physics (pp. 133-148). Providence: AMS. [PubMan] : Gorbounov, V. G., & Malikov, F. (2004). Vertex algebras and the Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence. Moscow Mathematical Journal, 4(3), 729-779. [PubMan] : Gorbounov, V., & Malikov, F. (2004). The chiral de rham complex and positivity of the equivariant signatures of some loop spaces. Manuscripta Mathematica, 113(3), 359-370. [PubMan] : Gorbounov, V., Malikov, F., & Schechtman, V. (2004). Gerbes of chiral differential operators. II. Vertex algebroids. Inventiones Mathematicae, 155(3), 605-680. [PubMan] : Gorbounov, V., Malikov, F., & Schechtman, V. (2003). Gerbes of chiral differential operators. III. The orbitmethod on geometry and physics. In The orbit method in geometry and physics (pp. 73-100). Boston [et al.]: Birkhäuser. [PubMan] : Schechtman, V., & Malikov, F. (2003). Deformations of vertex algebras, quantum cohomology of toric varieties, and elliptic genus. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 234, 77-100. [PubMan] : Gorbounov, V., Malikov, F., & Schechtman, V. (2001). On chiral differential operators over homogeneous spaces. International Journal of Mathematics, 26(2), 83-106. [PubMan] : Malikov, F., Schechtman, V., & Vaintrob, A. (1999). Chiral de Rham complex. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 204, 439-473. [PubMan] : Malikov, F. G., & Frenkel, I. (1999). Annihilating ideals and tilting functors. Functional Analysis and Applications, 33, 106-115. [PubMan]