Researcher Portfolio
Maltseva, Daria
Dept. Bonn: Molecular Spectroscopy, MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Dept. Bonn: Molecular Spectroscopy, MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
: Giubertoni, G., Chagri, S., Argudo, P. G., Prädel, L., Maltseva, D., Greco, A., Caporaletti, F., Pavan, A., Ilie, I. M., Ren, Y., Ng, D. Y. W., Bonn, M., Weil, T., & Woutersen, S. (2024). Structural adaptability and surface activity of peptides derived from tardigrade proteins. Protein Science, 33(9): e5135. doi:10.1002/pro.5135. [PubMan] : Lu, H., Macht, M., Rosenberg, R., Wiedenbeck, E., Lukas, M., Qi, D., Maltseva, D., Zahn, D., Cölfen, H., & Bonn, M. (2024). Organic Nucleation: Water Rearrangement Reveals the Pathway of Ibuprofen. Small, 20(25): 2307858. doi:10.1002/smll.202307858. [PubMan] : Maltseva, D., Chatterjee, S., Yu, C.-C., Brzezinski, M., Nagata, Y., Gonella, G., Murthy, A. C., Stachowiak, J. C., Fawzi, N. L., Parekh, S. H., & Bonn, M. (2023). Fibril formation and ordering of disordered FUS LC driven by hydrophobic interactions. Nature Chemistry, 15, 1146-1154. doi:10.1038/s41557-023-01221-1. [PubMan] : Chatterjee, S., Maltseva, D., Kan, Y., Hosseini, E., Gonella, G., Bonn, M., & Parekh, S. H. (2022). Lipid-driven condensation and interfacial ordering of FUS. Science Advances, 8(31): eabm7528. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abm7528. [PubMan] : Maltseva, D., Gonella, G., Ruysschaert, J.-M., & Bonn, M. (2022). Phospholipid acyl tail affects lipid headgroup orientation and membrane hydration. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(23): 234706. doi:10.1063/5.0092237. [PubMan] : Sun, Y., Sun, Y., Maltseva, D., Liu, J., Hooker, T., Mailänder, V., Ramløv, H., DeVries, A. L., Bonn, M., & Meister, K. (2022). Ice Recrystallization Inhibition Is Insufficient to Explain Cryopreservation Abilities of Antifreeze Proteins. Biomacromolecules, 23(3), 1214-1220. doi:10.1021/acs.biomac.1c01477. [PubMan] : Maltseva, D. (2022). Surface-specific spectroscopy of lipids and proteins. PhD Thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam. [PubMan] : Maltseva, D., Gudbrandsdottir, R., Kizilsavas, G., Horinek, D., & Gonella, G. (2021). Location and Conformation of the LKα14 Peptide in Water/EthanolMixtures. Langmuir, 37(1), 469-477. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c03132. [PubMan] : Maltseva, D., Zablotskiy, S. V., Martemyanova, J. A., Ivanov, V. A., Shakirov, T., & Paul, W. B. (2019). Diagrams of states of single flexible-semiflexible multi-block copolymer chains: A flat-histogram Monte Carlo study. Polymers, 11(5): 757. doi:10.3390/polym11050757. [PubMan]