Researcher Portfolio
Dr. Shuai, Qiao
Schulman, Brenda / Molecular Machines and Signaling, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Schulman, Brenda / Molecular Machines and Signaling, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
: Qiao, S., Lee, C.-W., Sherpa, D., Chrustowicz, J., Cheng, J. D., Duennebacke, M., Steigenberger, B., Karayel, O., Tung Vu, D., Gronau, S. v., Mann, M., Wilfling, F., & Schulman, B. (2022). Cryo-EM structures of Gid12-bound GID E3 reveal steric blockade as a mechanism inhibiting substrate ubiquitylation. Nature Communications, 13(1): 3041. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30803-9. [PubMan] : Sherpa, D., Chrustowicz, J., Qiao, S., Langlois, C. R., Hehl, L. A., Gottemukkala, K. V., Hansen, F. M., Karayel, O., von Gronau, S., Prabu, J. R., Mann, M., Alpi, A. F., & Schulman, B. A. (2021). GID E3 ligase supramolecular chelate assembly configures multipronged ubiquitin targeting of an oligomeric metabolic enzyme. Molecular Cell, 81(11), 2445-2459.e13. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2021.03.025. [PubMan] : Langlois, C. R., Qiao, S., Sherpa, D., Chrustowicz, J., Beier, V., Karayel, O., & Schulman, B. (2020). The GID E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Converts Between Anticipatory and Active States Through the Incorporation of Swappable Substrate Receptors. The FASEB Journal, 34, 1-1. [PubMan] : Qiao, S., Langlois, C. R., Chrustowicz, J., Sherpa, D., Karayel, O., Hansen, F. M., Beier, V., von Gronau, S., Bollschweiler, D., Schäfer, T., Alpi, A. F., Mann, M., Prabu, J. R., & Schulman, B. (2020). Interconversion between Anticipatory and Active GID E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Conformations via Metabolically Driven Substrate Receptor Assembly. MOLECULAR CELL, 77(1), 150-163.e9. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2019.10.009. [PubMan] : Wu, H., Shuai, Q., Li, D., Guo, L., Zhu, M., & Ma, L. Z. (2019). Crystal structure of the glycoside hydrolase PssZ from Listeria monocytogenes. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications, 75, 501-506. doi:10.1107/S2053230X19008100. [PubMan]