Researcher Portfolio
Olcoń-Kubicka, Marta
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, Projekte von Gastwissenschaftlern und Postdoc-Stipendiaten, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society, Projekte von Gastwissenschaftlern und Postdoc-Stipendiaten, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Projekte von Gastwissenschaftlern und Postdoc-Stipendiaten, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society
Position: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Position: Projekte von Gastwissenschaftlern und Postdoc-Stipendiaten, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society
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External references
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Search for Olcoń-Kubicka, Marta
: Olcoń-Kubicka, M. (2020). Pursuit of Fairness in Household Financial Arrangements Among Young Middle-Class Couples in Poland. Journal of Consumer Culture, 20(2), 156-174. doi:10.1177/1469540519891272. [PubMan] : Halawa, M., & Olcoń-Kubicka, M. (2018). Digital Householding: Calculating and Moralizing Domestic Life through Homemade Spreadsheets. Journal of Cultural Economy, 11(6), 514-534. doi:10.1080/17530350.2018.1486728. [PubMan] : Olcoń-Kubicka, M., & Halawa, M. (2018). Making a Living: How Middle-Class Couples in Warsaw Start and Practice a Household. Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 62(4), 91-111. doi:10.35757/KiS.2018.62.4.5. [PubMan]