Researcher Portfolio
Birr, Christiane
Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Max Planck Society, MPI for European Legal History, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Max Planck Society
Position: MPI for European Legal History, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
(1 - 25 of 74)
: Bragagnolo, M., Birr, C., Solonets, P., & Giangolini, L. (2024). Books, Norms, Trade and Knowledge Production in the Early Modern Period [Legal History Insights. 11.07.2024]. Legal History Insights. [PubMan] : Birr, C., & Duve, T. (2024). Das digitale Nadelöhr: Die Arbeit an einer digitalen Edition im Projekt "Die Schule von Salamanca" [Legal History Insights. 18.04.2024]. Legal History Insights. [PubMan] : Birr, C. (2024). "Sed talentum commissum non abscondere": The Moral Obligations of an Author. In M. Bragagnolo (Ed. ), The Production of Knowledge of Normativity in the Age of the Printing Press. Martín de Azpilcueta's "Manual de Confessores" from a Global Perspective (pp. 155-164). Leiden; Boston: Brill. [PubMan] : Birr, C. (2024). Alea. In The School of Salamanca, A Dictionary of Its Juridical-Political Language. [PubMan] : Birr, C. (2024). Tradition and Innovation in Knowledge Production: Gregorio López' Commentary on the Siete Partidas (1555). Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg, 32, 81-106. [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2022). Moreno, Reglas Ciertas, Y Precisamente Necessarias Para Ivezes, Y Ministros De Ivsticia de las Indias, y para sus Confessores (2022 [1637]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2022). Castillo Sotomayor, Opera omnia, sive quotidianarum controversiarum iuris. Volumen 3 (2022 [1658]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (2022). Producing Paper for Venice: The Valley of Papermills (Valle delle Cartiere) [Legal History Insights. 25.08.2022]. Legal History Insights. [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2022). Castillo Sotomayor, Opera omnia, sive quotidianarum controversiarum iuris. Volumen 2 (2022 [1658]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2022). Castillo Sotomayor, Opera omnia, sive quotidianarum controversiarum iuris. Volumen 1 (2022 [1658]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2022). Alcalá, Tractado de los préstamos. (2022 [1543]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2021). Díaz de Luco, Practica criminalis canonica (2021 [1554]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2021). Covarrubias y Leyva, Opera Omnia, Vol. 3 (2021 [1571]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2021). Covarrubias y Leyva, Opera Omnia, Vol. 2 (2021 [1573]). [PubMan] : Silva Santos, P. d., & Birr, C. (Eds. ). (2021). Solórzano Pereira, De Indiarum Iure, sive de Iusta Indiarum Occidentalium Inquisitione, Acquisitione, et Retentiones Tribus Libris Comprehensum. Vol. 1 (2021 [1629]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2021). Covarrubias y Leyva, Opera Omnia, Vol. 1 (2021 [1573]). [PubMan] : Duve, T., Egío Garcia, J. L., & Birr, C. (Eds. ). (2021). The School of Salamanca. A Case of Global Knowledge Production. Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff. [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2020). Freitas, De Iusto Imperio Lusitanorum Asiatico (2020 [1625]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2020). Albornoz, Arte de los contractos (2020 [1573]). [PubMan] : Silva Santos, P. d., & Birr, C. (Eds. ). (2020). Vacca, Expositiones locorum obscuriorum et Paratitulorum in Pandectas. (2020 [1554]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2020). Soto, De Iustitia et Iure (2020 [1553]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2020). Villalón, Provechoso tratado de cambios y contrataciones de mercaderes y reprovación de usura. (2020 [1541]). [PubMan] : Silva Santos, P. d., & Birr, C. (Eds. ). (2020). Nebrija, Lexicon Iuris Civilis (2020 [1537]). [PubMan] : Birr, C. (Ed. ). (2020). Sepúlveda, Apologia pro libro de iustis belli causis (2020 [1550]). [PubMan] : Egío Garcia, J. L., & Birr, C. (2020). Before Vitoria: Expansion into Heathen, Empty, or Disputed Lands in Late-Mediaeval Salamanca Writings and Early 16th-Century Juridical Treatises. In J. A. Tellkamp (Ed. ), A Companion to Early Modern Spanish Imperial Political and Social Thought (pp. 53-77). Leiden; Boston: Brill. [PubMan]