Researcher Portfolio
Braun Střelcová, Andrea
External, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society, Lise Meitner Research Group China in the Global System of Science, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Lise Meitner Research Group China in the Global System of Science, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society
Position: External, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society
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Search for Braun Střelcová, Andrea
: Braun Střelcová, A. (2025). Thousand Talents, Revisited: Research Funding as a Talent Recruitment Tool from Europe to China. In S. Rezaei (Ed. ), International Talent Management in Times of Crisis (pp. 7-25). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781803921563.00009. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A. (2024). Guardians of Knowledge: Why the EU’s New Research Security Approach Puts European Universities in a Bind. CHOICE: ChinaObservers. [PubMan] : Liche, M. B., & Braun Střelcová, A. (2023). The Pathway Towards Triple Helix: Technology Development Evaluation in Ethiopian Science & Technology Universities. Triple Helix, 10, 12-39. doi:10.1163/21971927-bja10038. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A., Cai, Y., & Shen, W. (2023). The Experience of European Researchers in China: A Comparative Capital Advantage Perspective. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 14(3), 2663-2691. doi:10.1007/s13132-022-00982-3. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A. (2023). Return to Sender: Scientists in a Geopolitical Stress Test. Observations, 14. doi:10.17617/2.3558456. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A., Große-Bley, J., Bewley, F. A., & Cong, C. (2023). Innovation, Infrastructure and Improvements in China's Science System: An Interview with Cao Cong. Observations, 12. doi:10.17617/2.3514543. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A. (2022). Eine grüne Oase zum Entschleunigen, Nachdenken und Feiern / A Green Oasis for Contemplation and Celebration. MAX MAG, (2), 52-55. [PubMan] : Cai, Y., Braun Střelcová, A., Marini, G., Huang, F., & Xu, X. (2022). Foreign Academics in China. International Higher Education, 111(Article 14): 14. doi:10.36197/IHE.2022.111.14. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A., Christmann-Budian, S., & Ahlers, A. L. (2022). The End of ‘Learning from the West’? Trends in China’s Contemporary Science Policy. Observations, 6. doi:10.17617/2.3407491. [PubMan] : Xu, X., Braun Střelcová, A., Marini, G., Huang, F., & Cai, Y. (2022). International Academics in Mainland China: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know? European Journal of Higher Education, 12(1), 416-433. doi:10.1080/21568235.2022.2074865. [PubMan] : Mouritzen, M. R., Braun Střelcová, A., & Yun Woo, S. (2021). Between Cooperation and Containment: A Considered Approach to Europe-China Engagement in Higher Education & Research. CHERN: China in Europe Research Network. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A. (2021). Growing Up and Going Global:
Chinese Universities in the Belt and Road Initiative. Made in China, 6(2), 158-163. doi:10.22459/MIC.06.02.2021.19. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A. (2021). Engaged, Not Married: The Past, Present, and Future of Europe’s Research Collaboration with China. Observations, 3. doi:10.17617/2.3286012. [PubMan] : Braun Střelcová, A. (2020). Politiche, prassi e potenziale nella cooperazione sino-europea sulla ricerca: quali lezioni imparate? — Policies, Practices and Potential in Sino-European Research Cooperation: Any Lessons Learned? Orizzonte Cina, 11(3), 54-61. doi:10.13135/2280-8035/5602. [PubMan]