Researcher Portfolio
Grund, Tamara Natascha
Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society
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Search for Grund, Tamara Natascha
: Mazzotta, F., Lieberwirth, I., & Gačanin, J. (2024). Unraveling structural characteristics of honeycomb amyloid self-assembling peptide: HONEY ASAP! Journal of Peptide Science, 30: 270–P1.288. doi:10.1002/psc.3642. [PubMan] : Mazzotta, F., Gačanin, J., Baptista, L. A., Landfester, K., Weil, T., & Lieberwirth, I. (2024). Unraveling Structural Characteristics of Honeycomb Amyloid Self-Assembling Peptide: HONEY ASAP! Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30(Supplement 1): ozae044.355. doi:10.1093/mam/ozae044.355. [PubMan] : Kaygisiz, K., Ender, A. M., Gačanin, J., Kaczmarek, L. A., Koutsouras, D. A., Nalakath, A. N., Winterwerber, P., Mayer, F. J., Räder, H. J., Marszalek, T., Blom, P. W. M., Synatschke, C. V., & Weil, T. (2023). Photoinduced Amyloid Fibril Degradation for Controlled Cell Patterning. Macromolecular Bioscience, 23(2): 2200294. doi:10.1002/mabi.202200294. [PubMan] : Synatschke, C., Kaygisiz, K., Ender, A. M., Gačanin, J., Wiechmann, J. L. J. L. L., & Weil, T. (2022). Controlling Cell-Material Interactions through Responsive Peptide Nanostructures. Journal of Peptide Science, 28: P181, 156-157. doi:10.1002/psc.3445. [PubMan] : Hebel, M., Gačanin, J., Lückerath, T., Ng, D. Y. W., & Weil, T. (2022). Controlling Polymer Morphologies by Intramolecular and Intermolecular Dynamic Covalent Iron(III)/Catechol Complexation – From Polypeptide Single Chain Nanoparticles to Hydrogels. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 43(12): 2100413. doi:10.1002/marc.202100413. [PubMan] : Groß, R., Bauer, R., Krüger, F., Rücker-Braun, E., Olari, L.-R., Ständker, L., Preising, N., Rodríguez, A. A., Conzelmann, C., Gerbl, F., Sauter, D., Kirchhoff, F., Hagemann, B., Gačanin, J., Weil, T., Ruiz-Blanco, Y. B., Sanchez-Garcia, E., Forssmann, W.-G., Mankertz, A., Santibanez, S., Stenger, S., Walther, P., Wiese, S., Spellerberg, B., & Münch, J. (2020). A Placenta Derived C-Terminal Fragment of β-Hemoglobin With Combined Antibacterial and Antiviral Activity. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 508. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.00508. [PubMan] : Gačanin, J., Synatschke, C. V., & Weil, T. (2020). Biomedical Applications of DNA-Based Hydrogels. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(4): 1906253. doi:10.1002/adfm.201906253. [PubMan] : Gačanin, J. (2020). Design and Synthesis of Multifunctional Hybrid Hydrogels for Medicinal Applications. PhD Thesis, Universität, Ulm. [PubMan] : Hebel, M., Riegger, A., Zegota, M. M., Kizilsavas, G., Gačanin, J., Pieszka, M., Lückerath, T., Coelho, J. A. S., Wagner, M., Gois, P. M. P., Ng, D. Y. W., & Weil, T. (2019). Sequence Programming with Dynamic Boronic Acid/Catechol Binary Codes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(36), 14026-14031. doi:10.1021/jacs.9b03107. [PubMan] : Pieszka, M., Sobota, A. M., Gačanin, J., Weil, T., & Ng, D. Y. W. (2019). Orthogonally Stimulated Assembly/Disassembly of Depsipeptides by Rational Chemical Design. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology, 20(11), 1376-1381. doi:10.1002/cbic.201800781. [PubMan] : Gačanin, J., Hedrich, J., Sieste, S., Glasser, G., Lieberwirth, I., Schilling, C., Fischer, S., Barth, H., Knoell, B., Synatschke, C. V., & Weil, T. (2019). Autonomous Ultrafast Self-Healing Hydrogels by pH-Responsive Functional Nanofiber Gelators as Cell Matrices. Advanced Materials, 31(2): 1805044. doi:10.1002/adma.201805044. [PubMan] : Gačanin, J. (2019). Supramolecular-covalent hydrogels as injectable cell scaffolds. Talk presented at Sixth International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science. Budapest, Hungary. 2019-05-05 - 2019-05-08. [PubMan]