Researcher Portfolio
Pedrosa, Gilberto Guerra
Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Max Planck Society, MPI for European Legal History, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Max Planck Society
Position: MPI for European Legal History, Max Planck Society
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: Haluska, C. K., Riske, K. A., Marchi-Artzner, V., Lehn, J. M., Lipowsky, R., & Dimova, R. (2006). Time scales of membrane fusion revealed by direct imaging of vesicle fusion with high temporal resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(43), 15841-15846. doi:10.1073/pnas.0602766103. [PubMan] : Lipowsky, R., Brinkmann, M., Dimova, R., Haluska, C., Kierfeld, J., & Shillcock, J. (2005). Wetting, budding, and fusion-morphological transitions of soft surfaces. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17(31), S2885-S2902. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/17/31/016. [PubMan] : Haluska, C. K. (2005). Interactions of functionalized vesicles in the presence of Europium (III) Chloride. PhD Thesis, Universität, Potsdam. [PubMan] : Haluska, C., Marchi-Artzner, V., Brienne, J., Lehn, J. M., Lipowsky, R., & Dimova, R. (2005). Fusion of functionalized giant vesicles. Biophysical Journal, 88(1), 66A-66A. [PubMan] : Haluska, C., Marchi-Artzner, V., Brienne, J., Lehn, J. M., Lipowsky, R., & Dimova, R. (2004). Fusion of giant vesicles observed with time resolution below a millisecond. Biophysical Journal, 86(1), 519A-519A. [PubMan] : Döbereiner, H. G., Gompper, G., Haluska, C. K., Kroll, D. M., Petrov, P. G., & Riske, K. A. (2003). Advanced flicker spectroscopy of fluid membranes. Physical Review Letters, 91(4): 048301. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.048301. [PubMan] : Haluska, C. K., Góźdź, W. T., Döbereiner, H. G., Förster, S., & Gompper, G. (2002). Giant hexagonal superstructures in diblock-copolymer membranes. Physical Review Letters, 89(23): 238302, pp. 238302. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.238302. [PubMan]