Researcher Portfolio


Fischer, Simon

Stellarator Dynamics and Transport (E5), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, W7-X: Operations (OP), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: W7-X: Operations (OP), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Position: Stellarator Dynamics and Transport (E5), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Grulke, O., Albert, C., Alcuson Belloso, J. A., Aleynikov, P., Aleynikova, K., Alonso, A., Anda, G., Andreeva, T., Arvanitou, M., Ascasibar, E., Aymerich, E., Avramidis, K., Bähner, J.-P., Baek, S.-G., Balden, M., Baldzuhn, J., Ballinger, S., Banduch, M., Bannmann, S., Banon-Navarro, A., Baylor, L., Beidler, C. D., Beurskens, M., Biedermann, C., Birkenmeier, G., Bluhm, T., Boeckenhoff, D., Boeyaert, D., Bold, D., Borchardt, M., Borodin, D., Bosch, H.-S., Bouvain, H., Bozhenkov, S., Bräuer, T., Braune, H., Brandt, C., Brezinsek, S., Brunner, K. J., Büschel, C., Bussiahn, R., Buzas, A., Buttenschoen, B., Bykov, V., Calvo, I., Cappa, A., Carovani, F., Carralero, D., Carls, A., Carvalho, B., Castano-Bardawil, D., Chaudhary, N., Chelis, I., Chen, S., Cipciar, D., Coenen, J., Conway, G., Cornelissen, M., Corre, Y., Costello, P., Crombe, K., Cseh, G., Csillag, B., Cu Castillo, H. I., Czymek, G., Damm, H., Davies, R. J., Day, C., Degenkolbe, S., De Wolf, R., Dekeyser, W., Demby, A., Despontin, P., Dhard, C. P., Dinklage, A., d'Isa, F. A., Dittmar, T., Dreval, M., Drevlak, M., Drews, P., Droste, J., Dunai, D., Dyhring, C., Eeten, P. v., Edlund, E., Endler, M., Ennis, D. A., Escoto, F. J., Espinosa, M. S., Estrada, T., Fehling, D., Feuerstein, L., Fellinger, J., Feng, Y., Fernando, D. L. C., Fischer, S., Flom, E. R., Ford, O., Fornal, T., Frank, J., Frerichs, H., Fuchert, G., Gantenbein, G., Gao, Y., Garcia, K., García-Cortés, I., García-Regana, J. M., Geiger, B., Geiger, J., Geissler, P., Gerard, M., Godino-Sedano, G., Gonda, T., Gonzalez, A., Goriaev, A., Gradic, D., Grahl, M., Greuner, H., Grigore, E., Gruca, M., Guerrero Arnaiz, J. F., Haak, V., Ham, L. v., Hammond, K., Hamstra, B., Han, X., Hansen, S. K., Harris, J., Hartmann, D., Hathiramani, D., Hegedus, S., Heinrich, S., Helander, P., Henke, F., Henneberg, S., Henschke, L., Hirsch, M., Hoefel, U., Hoefler, K., Hoermann, S., Hollfeld, K.-P., Holtz, A., Höschen, D., Houry, M., Huang, J., Huang, J., Hubeny, M., Hunger, K., Hwangbo, D., Ida, K., Igitkhanov, Y., Illy, S., Ioannidis, Z., Jablczynska, M., Jablonski, S., Jablonski, B., Jagielski, B., Jakubowski, M., Jelonnek, J., Jenko, F., Jin, J., Johansson, A., Jouniaux, G., Kajita, S., Kallmeyer, J.-P., Kamionka, U., Kasparek, W., Kawan, C., Kazakov, Y. O., Kenmochi, N., Kernbichler, W., Kharwandikar, A. K., Khokhlov, M., Killer, C., Kirschner, A., Kleiber, R., Klepper, C., Klinger, T., Knauer, J., Knieps, A., Kobayashi, M., Kocsis, G., Kolesnichenko, Y., Könies, A., Kontula, J., Kornejew, P., Korteweg, S. A., Koschinsky, J., Koster, J., Kovtun, Y., Krämer-Flecken, A., Krause, M., Kremeyer, T., Krier, L., Kriete, D. M., Krychowiak, M., Ksiazek, I., Kubkowska, M., Kuczynski, M. D., Kulla, D., Kumar, A., Kurki-Suonio, T., Kuzmych, I., Kwak, S., Lancelotti, V., Langenberg, A., Laqua, H., Laqua, H. P., Larsen, M. R., Lazerson, S., Lechte, C., Lee, B., LeViness, A., Lewerentz, M., Liang, Y., Liao, L., Litnovsky, A., Liu, J., Loizu, J., Lopez-Cansino, R., Lopez Rodriguez, L. D., Lorenz, A., Lunsford, R., Luo, Y., Lutsenko, V., Maaziz, N., Machielsen, M., Mackenbach, R., Makowski, D., Maragkoudakis, E., Marchuk, O., Markl, M., Marsen, S., Martínez, J., Marushchenko, N., Masuzaki, S., Maurer, D., Mayer, M., McCarthy, K. J., McNeely, P., Medina Roque, D., Meineke, J., Meitner, S., Mendes, S. v., Menzel-Barbara, A., Milligen, B. v., Mishchenko, A., Moiseenko, V., Möller, A., Möller, S., Moseev, D., Motojima, G., Mulas, S., Mulholland, P., Nagel, M., Nagy, D., Narbutt, Y., Naujoks, D., Nelde, P., Neu, R., Neubauer, O., Neuner, U., Nicolai, D., Nielsen, S., Nührenberg, C., Ochoukov, R., Offermanns, G., Ongena, J., Oosterbeek, J. W., Otte, M., Pablant, N., Panadero Alvarez, N., Pandey, A., Partesotti, G., Pasch, E. A., Pavlichenko, R., Pawelec, E., Pedersen, T. S., Perseo, V., Peterson, B., Pisano, F., Plaum, B., Plunk, G., Podavini, L., Polei, N., Poloskei, P., Ponomarenko, S., Pons-Villalonga, P., Porkolab, M., Proll, J., Pueschel, M. J., Puig Sitjes, A., Ragona, R., Rahbarnia, K., Rasinski, M., Rasmussen, J., Refy, D., Reimold, F., Richou, M., Riemann, J. S., Riße, K., Riva de la Villen, J., Roberg-Clark, G., Rodriguez, E., Rohde, V., Romazanov, J., Romba, T., Rondeshagen, D., Rud, M., Ruess, T., Rummel, T., Runov, A., Ruset, C., Rust, N., Ryc, L., Rzesnicki, T., Salewski, M., Sanchez, E., Sanchis Sanchez, L., Satheeswaran, G., Schacht, J., Scharff, E., Schilling, J., Schlisio, G., Schmid, K., Schmitt, J. C., Schmitz, O., Schneider, M., Schoor, M. V., Schröder, T., Schroeder, R., Schweer, B., Sereda, S., Shanahan, B., Sias, G., Simko, S., Singh, L., Siusko, Y., Slaby, C., Sleczka, M., Smith, B. S., Smith, D. R., Smith, H., Spolaore, M., Spring, A., Stange, T., Stechow, A. v., Stepanov, I., Stern, M., Stroth, U., Suzuki, Y., Swee, C., Syrocki, L., Szabolics, T., Szepesi, T., Takacs, R., Takahashi, H., Tamura, N., Tantos, C., Terry, J., Thiede, S., Thienpondt, H., Thomsen, H., Thumm, M., Thun, T., Togo, S., Tork, T., Trimino Mora, H., Tsikouras, A., Turkin, Y., Vano, L., Varoutis, S., Vecsei, M., Velasco, J., Verstraeten, M., Vervier, M., Viezzer, E., Wagner, J., Wang, E., Wang, F., Wappl, M., Warmer, F., Wegner, T., Wei, Y., Weir, G., Wendler, N., Wenzel, U., White, A., Wilms, F., Windisch, T., Winter, A., Winters, V., Wolf, R., Wurden, G., Xanthopoulos, P., Xiang, H. M., Xu, S., Yamada, H., Yang, J., Yi, R., Yokoyama, M., Zamorski, B., Zanini, M., Zarnstorff, M., Zhang, D., Zhou, S., Zhu, J., Zimmermann, J., Zocco, A., & Zoletnik, S. (2024). Overview of the first Wendelstein 7-X long pulse campaign with fully water-cooled plasma facing components. Nuclear Fusion, 64: 112002. doi:10.1088/1741-4326/ad2f4d. [PubMan] : Jablonski, B., Puig Sitjes, A., Makowski, D., Jakubowski, M., Gao, Y., Fischer, S., Winter, A., & W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society (2023). Implementation and performance evaluation of the real-time algorithms for Wendelstein 7-X divertor protection system for OP2.1. Fusion Engineering and Design, 190: 113524. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113524. [PubMan] : Winter, A., Fischer, S., Makowski, D., Marquardt, M., Mielczarek, A., & Perek, P. (2023). Control, Data Acquisition and Communication at W7-X using mTCA for the 2022/23 campaign. Talk presented at 12th MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research. Hamburg. 2023-12-05 - 2023-12-07. [PubMan] : Puig Sitjes, A., Jabłoński, B., Gao, Y., Moncada, V., Pisano, F., Fischer, S., Jakubowski, M., Makowski, D., Hathiramani, D., Pedersen, T. S., & Winter, A. (2022). Thermal Loads Protection of Wendelstein 7-X divertors with Real-time Infrared Imaging. Talk presented at 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2022). Dubrovnik, Virtual. 2022-09-18 - 2022-09-23. [PubMan] : Jabłoński, B., Makowski, D., Puig Sitjes, A., Jakubowski, M., Gao, Y., Fischer, S., Winter, A., & W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society (2022). Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the Real-Time Algorithms for Wendelstein 7-X Divertor Protection System for OP2.1. Poster presented at 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2022), Dubrovnik, Virtual. [PubMan] : Puig Sitjes, A., Jakubowski, M., Naujoks, D., Gao, Y., Drewelow, P., Niemann, H., Felinger, J., Moncada, V., Pisano, F., Belafdil, C., Mitteau, R., Aumeunier, M. H., Cannas, B., Casas, J. R., Salembier, P., Clemente, R., Fischer, S., Winter, A., Laqua, H., Bluhm, T., Brandt, K., & W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society (2021). Real-time detection of overloads on the plasma facing components of W7-X. Talk presented at 4th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD 2021). Virtual. 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-11. [PubMan] : Puig Sitjes, A., Jakubowski, M., Naujoks, D., Gao, Y., Drewelow, P., Niemann, H., Fellinger, J., Moncada, V., Pisano, F., Belafdil, C., Mitteau, R., Aumeunier, M.-H., Cannas, B., Casas, J. R., Salembier, P., Clemente, R., Fischer, S., Winter, A., Laqua, H., Bluhm, T., Brandt, K., & W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society (2021). Real-Time Detection of Overloads on the Plasma-Facing Components of Wendelstein 7-X. Applied Sciences, 11(24): 11969. doi:10.3390/app112411969. [PubMan] : Agredano-Torres, M., Fischer, S., Laqua, H., Puig Sitjes, A., Bosch, H.-S., Treutterer, W., Winter, A., & W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society (2021). Steps for implementation of divertor protection algorithms at Wendelstein 7-X. Poster presented at DPG-Tagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Virtual. [PubMan]