Researcher Portfolio


Dunin-Horkawicz, Stanislaw

Department Protein Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Max Planck Society, Department Protein Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society, External Organizations, Structural Bioinformatics Group, Department Protein Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Department Protein Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society
Position: Department Protein Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Max Planck Society
Position: External Organizations
Position: Structural Bioinformatics Group, Department Protein Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Max Planck Society
Additional IDs: MPIB: sdunin
Researcher ID:


  (1 - 25 of 60)
 : Madaj, R., Martinez-Goikoetxea, M., Kaminski, K., Ludwiczak, J., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2025). Applicability of AlphaFold2 in the modeling of dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric coiled-coil domains. Protein Science, 34(1): e5244. doi:10.1002/pro.5244. [PubMan] : Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2024). What can we learn from incorrect AlphaFold2 models? The case of signal transduction. Talk presented at BioConnect Seminar: Max Planck Institute for Biology. Tübingen, Germany. 2024-11-06. [PubMan] : Kanhema, T., Parobczak, K., Patil, S., Holm-Kaczmarek, D., Hallin, E., Ludwiczak, J., Szczepankiewicz, A., Pauzin, F., Szum, A., Ishizuka, Y., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., Kursula, P., Wilczynski, G., Magalska, A., & Bramham, C. (submitted). Arc/Arg3.1 binds the nuclear polyadenylate-binding protein RRM and regulates neuronal activity-dependent formation of nuclear speckles. [PubMan] : Qiu, K., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., & Lupas, A. (submitted). Exploiting protein language model sequence representations for repeat detection. [PubMan] : Madaj, R., Martinez-Goikoetxea, M., Kaminski, K., Ludwiczak, J., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (submitted). Applicability of AlphaFold2 in the modelling of coiled-coil domains. [PubMan] : Winski, A., Ludwiczak, J., Orlowska, M., Madaj, R., Kaminski, K., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2024). AlphaFold2 captures the conformational landscape of the HAMP signaling domain. Protein Science, 33(1): e4846. doi:10.1002/pro.4846. [PubMan] : Martinez Goikoetxea, M., Madaj, R., Ludwiczak, J., Lupas, A., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2023). Old folds can learn new tricks: Alphafold-driven insights on coiled-coil structure. Poster presented at 3D-BioInfo ICSB 3D-SIG ELIXIR Czech Republic Community Meeting in Structural Bioinformatics, Praha, Czech Republic. [PubMan] : Smug, B., Szczepaniak, K., Riocha, E., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., & Mostowy, R. (2023). Ongoing shuffling of protein fragments diversifies core viral functions linked to interactions with bacterial hosts. Nature Communications, 14(1): 7460. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-43236-9. [PubMan] : Smug, B., Szczepaniak, K., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., Rocha, E., & Mostowy, R. (2023). How phages play with LEGO: studying protein-level mosaicism in phages and its evolutionary implications. In The Local Pangenome (pp. 88). [PubMan] : Kaminski, K., Ludwiczak, J., Pawlicki, K., Alva, V., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2023). pLM-BLAST: distant homology detection based on direct comparison of sequence representations from protein language models. Bioinformatics, 39(10): btad579. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btad579. [PubMan] : Madaj, R., Orlowska, M., Kaminski, K., Pawlicki, K., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2023). Side mutants of connexin proteins as a cause of non-functional gap junction beta channels: a structural bioinformatics approach. In BioInformatics in Torun 2023 - BIT23 (pp. 16). [PubMan] : Orlowska, M., Madaj, R., Kubica, J., Kaminski, K., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2023). Bioinformatics approach for programmed cell death receptor from Nostoc punctiforme. In BioInformatics in Torun 2023 - BIT23 (pp. 34). [PubMan] : Kubica, J., Madaj, R., Orlowska, M., Krarkowski, K., Gront, D., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2023). Modeling of a putative programmed cell death receptor from Nostoc punctiforme. In 10th Prof. Krzysztof W. Szewczyk Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium: SYMBIOZA (pp. 52). [PubMan] : Ptacek, J., Albrecht, R., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., Schultz, J., Coles, M., Hartmann, M., & Lupas, A. (2022). Archaeal receptor Af1503: an ideal model for structural and functional studies of transmembrane signaling. In 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins (pp. 54). [PubMan] : Madaj, R., Kamiński, K., Wiński, A., Ludwiczak, J., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2022). Coiled-coil domains and AlphaFold2: friends or foes? In 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins (pp. 21). [PubMan] : Coles, M., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., Hartmann, M., & Lupas, A. (2022). Revisiting HAMP in the AlphaFold age. In 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins (pp. 12). [PubMan] : Lupas, A., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., Martinez-Goikoetxea, M., Hartmann, M., & Hernandez Alvarez, B. (2022). The structural diversity of natural coiled coils. In 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins (pp. 39). [PubMan] : Kubica, J., Gront, D., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2022). Modeling of a putative programmed cell death receptor. In Meeting of the EMBO Young Investigator Network on Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Microbes (pp. 26). [PubMan] : Krakowski, K., Łabędzka-Dmoch, K., Golik, P., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2022). Functional analysis of prokaryotic homologs of programmed cell death factors. In Meeting of the EMBO Young Investigator Network on Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Microbes (pp. 15). [PubMan] : Kamiński, K., Ludwiczak, J., Jasiński, M., Bukala, A., Madaj, R., Szczepaniak, K., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2022). Rossmann-toolbox: a deep learning-based protocol for the prediction and design of cofactor specificity in Rossmann fold proteins. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(1): bbab371. doi:10.1093/bib/bbab371. [PubMan] : Zayats, V., Perlinska, A., Jarmolinska, A., Jastrzebski, B., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., & Sulkowska, J. (2021). Slipknotted and unknotted monovalent cation-proton antiporters evolved from a common ancestor. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(10): e1009502. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009502. [PubMan] : Adamczyk, M., Lewicka, E., Szatkowska, R., Nieznanska, H., Ludwiczak, J., Jasiński, M., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., Sitkiewicz, E., Swiderska, B., Goch, G., & Jagura-Burdzy, G. (2021). Revealing biophysical properties of KfrA-type proteins as a novel class of cytoskeletal, coiled-coil plasmid-encoded proteins. BMC Microbiology, 21(1): 32. doi:10.1186/s12866-020-02079-w. [PubMan] : Szczepaniak, K., Bukala, A., Marinho da Silva Neto, A., Ludwiczak, J., & Dunin-Horkawicz, S. (2020). A library of coiled-coil domains: from regular bundles to peculiar twists. Bioinformatics, 36(22-23), 5368-5376. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa1041. [PubMan] : Merski, M., Młynarczyk, K., Ludwiczak, J., Skrzeczkowski, J., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., & Górna, M. (2020). Self-analysis of repeat proteins reveals evolutionarily conserved patterns. BMC Bioinformatics, 21(1): 179. doi:10.1186/s12859-020-3493-y. [PubMan] : Banaś, A., Szczepaniak, A., Plichta, M., Bocian-Ostrzycka, K., Dunin-Horkawicz, S., Ludwiczak, J., Płaczkiewicz, J., & Jagusztyn-Krynicka, E. (2020). C8J_1298, a bifunctional thiol oxidoreductase of Campylobacter jejuni, affects Dsb (disulfide bond) network functioning. PLoS One, 15(3): e0230366. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0230366. [PubMan]