Researcher Portfolio


Ramstedt, Martin

Department 'Law & Anthropology', MPI for Social Anthropology, Max Planck Society, Project Group Legal Pluralism, MPI for Social Anthropology, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Department 'Law & Anthropology', MPI for Social Anthropology, Max Planck Society
Position: Project Group Legal Pluralism, MPI for Social Anthropology, Max Planck Society
Additional IDs: IDAT: 412
Researcher ID:

External references



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 : Ramstedt, M. (2022). Tracing associations, revisiting nodes, assembling an institute: an introduction to the IISL memory papers. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 12(1), 1-25. doi:10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1281. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (Ed.). (2022). Institutional memory papers [Special Issue]. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 12(1). doi:10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1280. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2022). Religious proselytization of indigenous peoples. Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica, 2, 389-411. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2021). Tolerancia y acomodo de la diferencia. Cuestiones de Pluralismo, 1(2). doi:10.58428/IAVV1265. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2021). The IISL institutional memory lecture series. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2021). Emergent secular spaces in 19th and early 20th century Java: the discovery of Javanese 'culture'. In I. Schneider, & H. Warnk (Eds.), Knowledge, science, and local tradition: multiple perspectives on the middle east and southeast asia in honor of Fritz Schulze (pp. 167-185). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2021). The right to freedom of and from religion in non-state legal orders: the case of indigenous peoples. In S. Ferrari (Ed.), Routledge handbook of freedom of religion or belief (pp. 232-246). London; New York: Routledge. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2020). Buddhistische Perspektiven auf einen Dialogischen Religionsunterricht. In T. Knauth, & W. Weiße (Eds.), Ansätze, Kontexte und Impulse zu dialogischem Religionsunterricht (pp. 201-214). Münster: Waxmann. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2020). The new RCSL working group "Legal pluralism": why do we need a RCSL working group on legal pluralism?. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2018). Hinduism and Buddhism. In R. W. Hefner (Ed.), Routledge handbook of contemporary Indonesia (1. ed., pp. 267-283). London; New York: Routledge. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2017). Cultural translation, traveling law, and the transposition of indigenous rights to Indonesian contexts. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 3(1), 47-63. doi:10.1075/ttmc.3.1.04ram. [PubMan] : Seidel, K., & Ramstedt, M. (2017). Heterogenität normativer Ordnungen: wessen Recht gilt es zu erhalten?; Überlegungen zu den Grenzen eines normativen Pluralismus. In U. Gepp, & R. Schardt (Eds.), Neue Konflikte, neue Friedensethik?: Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum, 26. – 28. Februar 2016 (pp. 28-41). Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische Akademie Loccum. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2016). Anthropological perspectives on the normative and institutional recognition of religion by the law of the state. In R. Bottoni, R. Cristofori, & S. Ferrari (Eds.), Religious rules, state law, and normative pluralism: a comparative overview (pp. 45-59). Cham: Springer. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2016). Islamisierung per Gesetz und die Verrechtlichung von Religion im anomischen Indonesien. In T. Moos, M. Schlette, & H. Diefenbacher (Eds.), Das Recht im Blick der Anderen (pp. 63-102). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. [PubMan] : Gerhard, M., Ramstedt, M., Roloff, C., & Wolter, D. (Eds.).(2016). Buddhismus an deutschen Schulen, Schwerpunkt: Hamburg und Berlin. München: Deutsche Buddhistische Union. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2015). Anthropological perspectives on law and religion. In S. Ferrari (Ed.), Routledge handbook of law and religion (pp. 43-58). London: Routledge. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2014). Discordant temporalities in Bali's new village jurisdictions. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 46(1), 60-78. doi:10.1080/07329113.2014.893722. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2014). Converging ontologies, flattening of time: discordant temporalities in Bali's new village jurisdictions. In T. Stodulka, & B. Röttger-Rössler (Eds.), Feelings at the margins: dealing with the violence, stigma and isolation in Indonesia (pp. 53-80). Frankfurt/Main; New York: Campus. [PubMan] : Benda-Beckmann, K. v., Ramstedt, M., & Wiber, M. G. (Eds.). (2014). Special issue: dedicated to Franz Benda-Beckmann; trust and the temporalities of law [Special Issue]. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 46(1). [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2014). Converging ontologies, flattening of time-discordant temporality and feeling rules in Bali’s new village jurisdictions. In T. Stodulka, & B. Röttger-Rössler (Eds.), Feelings at the margins: dealing with violence, stigma and isolation in Indonesia (pp. 53-80). Frankfurt/Main: Campus. [PubMan] : Benda-Beckmann, K. v., Ramstedt, M., & Wiber, M. (Eds.). (2014). Special Issue: dedicated to Franz von Benda-Beckmann [Special Issue]. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 46(1). [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2014). Buddhism and modernity: politics of religion in South- and Southeast Asia. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 170(2/3), 343-354. [PubMan] : Benda-Beckmann, F. v., Benda-Beckmann, K. v., Ramstedt, M., & Turner, B. (2013). Introduction: on the pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes. In F. v. Benda-Beckmann, K. v. Benda-Beckmann, M. Ramstedt, & B. Turner (Eds.), Religion in disputes: pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes (pp. VII-XX). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2013). Ethnologie der Angst. In L. Koch (Ed.), Angst: ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (pp. 71-80). Stuttgart: Metzler. [PubMan] : Ramstedt, M. (2013). Religion and disputes in Bali's new village jurisdictions. In F. v. Benda-Beckmann, K. v. Benda-Beckmann, M. Ramstedt, & B. Turner (Eds.), Religion in disputes: pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes (pp. 111-128). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [PubMan]