Researcher Portfolio
Horstmann, Alexander
Religious Diversity, MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Religious Diversity, MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Max Planck Society
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: Schlee, G., Horstmann, A., & Eidson, J. R. (2018). Epilogue. In G. Schlee, & A. Horstmann (Eds. ), Difference and sameness as modes of integration: anthropological perspectives on ethnicity and religion (1. ed., pp. 225-231). New York; Oxford: Berghahn. [PubMan] : Schlee, G., & Horstmann, A. (Eds. ). (2018). Difference and sameness as modes of integration: anthropological perspectives on ethnicity and religion. New York; Oxford: Berghahn. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2017). A church for us: Itineraries of Burmese migrants navigating in Thailand through the charismatic Christian church. In J. Koning, & G. Njoto-Feillard (Eds. ), New religiosities, modern capitalism, and moral complexities in Southeast Asia (pp. 121-145). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2016). The culture and landscape of a humanitarian economy among the Karen of southeast Myanmar and northwestern Thailand. In S.-A. Oh (Ed. ), Myanmar's mountain and maritime borderscapes: local practices, boundary-making and figured worlds (pp. 171-190). Singapore: ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2015). Dynamikker og revitalisering af islamisk civilisation i den malajiske verden. Tidsskriftet Religion: Religionslærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF, 2015(4), 22-30. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2015). Uneasy pairs: Revitalizations of Karen ethno-nationalism and civil society across the Thai-Burmese border. Journal of Maritime and Territorial Studies, 2(2), 33-52. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2015). Secular and religious sanctuaries: Interfaces of humanitarianism and self-government of Karen refugee-migrants in Thai-Burmese border spaces. In A. Horstmann, & J.-H. Jung (Eds. ), Building Noah's ark for migrants, refugees, and religious communities (pp. 129-156). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2015). Feminization of Islam? Agency and visibility of women in southern Thailand’s branch of the Tablighi Jama’at’s missionary movement. In H. Ahmed-Ghosh (Ed. ), Contesting feminisms: Gender and Islam in Asia (pp. 49-68). Albany: State University of New York Press. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A., & Cole, T. (2015). State violence, state building. Civilian responses among the Karen of southeast Burma. The newsletter / IIAS, International Institute for Asian Studies, 71, 24-25. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2015). [Review of:] Slow Anthropology. Negotiating Difference with the Iu Mien by Hjorleifur Jonsson. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 171(1), 130-132. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A., & Jung, J.-H. (2015). Introduction: Refugees and Religion. In A. Horstmann, & J.-H. Jung (Eds. ), Building Noah's ark for migrants, refugees, and religious communities (pp. 1-20). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A., Grassiani, E., Buch Segal, L., Stade, R. S., & Vigh, H. (Eds. ). Conflict and society: Advances in research. New York: Berghahn. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A., & Jung, J.-H. (Eds. ). (2015). Building Noah's ark for migrants, refugees, and religious communities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2014). Mae La (Thaïlande): Humanitaire, nationalisme, et religion dans les camps Karen a la frontière thailando-birmane. In M. Agier (Ed. ), Un monde de camps (pp. 86-98). Paris: La Découverte. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2014). Stretching the border: Confinement and mobility and the refugee public among Karen Refugees in Thailand and Burma. Journal of Borderland Studies, 29(1), 47-61. doi:10.1080/08865655.2014.892692. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2012). Mediating the suffering of Karen Refugees and the representation of their rights. Sangkhomsāt: The Journal of social sciences, 24(1-2), 243-284. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A., & Reuter, T. A. (Eds. ). (2012). Faith in the future: understanding the revitalization of religions and cultural traditions in Asia. Leiden: Brill. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2012). Manora ancestral beings, possession and cosmic rejuvenation in Southern Thailand: modern adaptations of the multi-religious Manora ancestral vow ceremony. Anthropos, 107.2012(1), 103-114. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2012). Creating non-state spaces: interfaces of humanitarianism and self-government of Karen-refugee migrants in Thai Burmese border spaces. MMG Working Paper, (12-17). [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2012). Échanges de gestuelles religieuses dans l’espace rituel: Performance des traditions rituelles et négociation des frontières entre les communautés dans le bassin du lac Songkhla, en Thaïlande du Sud. Anthropologie du geste, 36(3), 117-136. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2011). Performing multi-religious ritual in Southern Thailand. MMG Working Paper, (11-05). [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2011). Humanitarian crisis, religious nationalism and religious competition: Buddhist and Christian Karen in Thailand and Burma. Talk presented at Annual Conference: Association of Asian Studies (AAS), International Conevention of Asia Scholars (ICAS). Honolulu, Hawaii. 2011-03-31 - 2011-04-03. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2011). Living together: the transformation of multi-religious coexistence in southern Thailand. Journal of Southeast Asian studies, 42(3), 487-510. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (2011). Humanitarian crisis, religious nationalism and religious competition: Buddhist and Christian Karen in the Thai-Burmese borderland. Encounters, 4, 191-213. [PubMan] : Horstmann, A. (Ed. ). (2011). Borderlands and Border Studies in South-East Asia [Special Issue]. Austrian journal of South-East Asian studies: ASEAS = Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften: ASEAS, 4(2). [PubMan]