Researcher Portfolio
Dr. Albrecht, Irene
Computer Graphics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Computer Graphics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
: Neff, M., Kipp, M., Albrecht, I., & Seidel, H.-P. (2008). Gesture Modeling and Animation Based on a Probabilistic Re-creation of Speaker Style. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(1), 5.1-5.24. doi:10.1145/1330511.1330516. [PubMan] : Neff, M., Albrecht, I., & Seidel, H.-P. (2007). Layered Performance Animation with Correlation Maps. In D. Cohen-Or, & P. Slavik (Eds. ), Eurographics 2007 (pp. 675-684). Oxford, UK: Blackwell. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I., Kipp, M., Neff, M. P., & Seidel, H.-P.(2006). Gesture modeling and animation by imitation (MPI-I-2006-4-008). Saarbrücken: Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik. [PubMan] : Blanz, V., Albrecht, I., Haber, J., & Seidel, H.-P. (2006). Creating Face Models from Vague Mental Images. Computer Graphics Forum, 25(3), 645-654. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8659.2006.00984.x. [PubMan] : Blanz, V., Albrecht, I., Haber, J., & Seidel, H.-P. (2006). Creating Face Models from Vague Mental Images. In E. Gröller, & L. Szirmay-Kalos (Eds. ), EUROGRAPHICS 2006 (pp. 645-654). Oxford, UK: Blackwell. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I. (2005). Faces and Hands: Modeling and Animating Anatomical and Photorealistic Models with Regard to the Communicative Competence of Virtual Humans. PhD Thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken. doi:10.22028/D291-25887. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I., Blanz, V., Haber, J., & Seidel, H.-P. (2005). Creating Face Models from Vague Mental Images. In J. Buhler (Ed. ), SIGGRAPH '05: ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches (pp. 82). New York, NY: ACM. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I., Schröder, M., Haber, J., & Seidel, H.-P. (2005). Mixed feelings: Expression of Non-basic Emotions in a Muscle-based Talking Head. Virtual Reality, 8, 201-212. doi:10.1007/s10055-005-0153-5. [PubMan] : Theobalt, C., Albrecht, I., Haber, J., Magnor, M., & Seidel, H.-P. (2004). Pitching a Baseball - Tracking High-speed Motion with Multi-exposure Images. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 23(3), 540-547. doi:10.1145/1015706.1015758. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I., Haber, J., & Seidel, H.-P. (2003). Construction and Animation of Anatomically Based Human Hand Models. In D. Breen, & M. Lin (Eds. ), ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (pp. 98-109, 368). Goslar, Germany: The Eurographics Association. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I., Haber, J., Kähler, K., Schröder, M., & Seidel, H.-P. (2002). May I talk to you?: -) - Facial Animation from Text. In S. Coquillart, H.-Y. Shum, & S.-M. Hu (Eds. ), Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (pp. 77-86). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE explore. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I., Haber, J., & Seidel, H.-P. (2002). Automatic Generation of Non-Verbal Facial Expressions from Speech. In Advances in Modelling, Animation and Rendering (Proceedings Computer Graphics International 2002) (pp. 283-293). London, UK: Springer. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I., Haber, J., & Seidel, H.-P. (2002). Speech Synchronization for Physics-based Facial Animation. In V. Skala (Ed. ), Proceedings of the 10th International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (pp. 9-16). Plzen, CZ: UNION Agency. [PubMan] : Haber, J., Kähler, K., Albrecht, I., Yamauchi, H., & Seidel, H.-P. (2001). Face to Face: From Real Humans to Realistic Facial Animation. In Proceedings of the 3rd Israel-Korea Binational Conference on Geometrical Modeling and Computer Graphics (pp. 73-82). Seoul, Korea: Kyung Moon. [PubMan] : Albrecht, I. (2001). Speech Synchronization for Physics-based Animation of Human Face Models. Master Thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken. [PubMan]