Researcher Portfolio
Dr.-Ing. Karrenbauer, Andreas
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society, Discrete Optimization, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Position: Discrete Optimization, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
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: Saller, S., Koehler, J., & Karrenbauer, A. (2024). A Systematic Review of Approximability Results for Traveling Salesman Problems leveraging the TSP-T3CO Definition Scheme. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Giliberti, J., & Karrenbauer, A. (2022). Improved Online Algorithm for Fractional Knapsack in the Random Order Model. In J. Koenemann, & B. Preis (Eds. ), Approximation and Online Algorithms (pp. 188-205). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-92702-8_12. [PubMan] : Gao, Y., Kamkari, H., Karrenbauer, A., Mehlhorn, K., & Sharifi, M. (2022). Physarum Inspired Dynamics to Solve Semi-Definite Programs. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Bonifaci, V., Facca, E., Folz, F., Karrenbauer, A., Kolev, P., Mehlhorn, K., Morigi, G., Shahkarami, G., & Vermande, Q. (2022). Physarum-inspired Multi-commodity Flow Dynamics. Theoretical Computer Science, 920, 1-20. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2022.02.001. [PubMan] : Feit, A. M., Nancel, M., John, M., Karrenbauer, A., Weir, D., & Oulasvirta, A. (2021). AZERTY Amélioré: Computational Design on a National Scale. Communications of the ACM, 64(2), 48-58. doi:10.1145/3382035. [PubMan] : Becker, R., Forster, S., Karrenbauer, A., & Lenzen, C. (2021). Near-Optimal Approximate Shortest Paths and Transshipment in Distributed and Streaming Models. SIAM Journal on Computing, 50(3), 815-856. doi:10.1137/19M1286955. [PubMan] : Nittala, A. S., Karrenbauer, A., Khan, A., Kraus, T., & Steimle, J. (2021). Computational Design and Optimization of Electro-physiological Sensors. Nature Communications, 12(1): 6351. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26442-1. [PubMan] : Dayama, N. R., Shiripour, M., Oulasvirta, A., Ivanko, E., & Karrenbauer, A. (2021). Foraging-based Optimization of Menu Systems. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 151: 102624. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2021.102624. [PubMan] : Giliberti, J., & Karrenbauer, A. (2021). Improved Online Algorithm for Fractional Knapsack in the Random Order Model. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Liu, W., Lombardi, F., Shulte, M., Miller, D. J., Xiang, Z., Kesidis, G., Oulasvirta, A., Dayama, N. R., Shiripour, M., John, M., Karrenbauer, A., & Allerhand, A. (2020). Scanning the Issue. Proceedings of the IEEE, 108(3), 400-401. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2020.2975522. [PubMan] : Oulasvirta, A., Dayama, N. R., Shiripour, M., John, M., & Karrenbauer, A. (2020). Combinatorial Optimization of Graphical User Interface Designs. Proceedings of the IEEE, 108(3), 434-464. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2020.2969687. [PubMan] : Facca, E., Karrenbauer, A., Kolev, P., & Mehlhorn, K. (2020). Convergence of the Non-Uniform Directed Physarum Model. Theoretical Computer Science, 816, 184-194. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2020.01.034. [PubMan] : Dayama, N. R., Shiripour, M., Oulasvirta, A., Ivanko, E., & Karrenbauer, A. (2020). Foraging-based Optimization of Menu Systems. [PubMan] : Bonifaci, V., Facca, E., Folz, F., Karrenbauer, A., Kolev, P., Mehlhorn, K., Morigi, G., Shahkarami, G., & Vermande, Q. (2020). Physarum Multi-Commodity Flow Dynamics. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Karrenbauer, A., & Kovalevskaya, E. (2020). Reading Articles Online. In W. Wu, & Z. Zhang (Eds. ), Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (pp. 639-654). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-64843-5_43. [PubMan] : Karrenbauer, A., Kolev, P., & Mehlhorn, K. (2020). Convergence of the Non-Uniform Physarum Dynamics. Theoretical Computer Science, 816, 260-269. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2020.02.032. [PubMan] : Becker, R., Bonifaci, V., Karrenbauer, A., Kolev, P., & Mehlhorn, K. (2019). Two Results on Slime Mold Computations. Theoretical Computer Science, 773, 79-106. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2018.08.027. [PubMan] : Facca, E., Karrenbauer, A., Kolev, P., & Mehlhorn, K. (2019). Convergence of the Non-Uniform Directed Physarum Model. Retrieved from [PubMan] : John, M., & Karrenbauer, A. (2019). Dynamic Sparsification for Quadratic Assignment Problems. In M. Khachay, Y. Kochetov, & P. Pardalos (Eds. ), Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research (pp. 232-264). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-22629-9_17. [PubMan] : Karrenbauer, A., Kolev, P., & Mehlhorn, K. (2019). Convergence of the Non-Uniform Physarum Dynamics. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Oulasvirta, A., & Karrenbauer, A. (2018). Combinatorial Optimization for UI Design. In A. Oulasvirta, P. O. Kristensson, X. Bi, & A. Howes (Eds. ), Computational Interaction (pp. 97-120). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [PubMan] : Ghaffari, M., Karrenbauer, A., Kuhn, F., Lenzen, C., & Patt-Shamir, B. (2018). Near-Optimal Distributed Maximum Flow. SIAM Journal on Computing, 47(6), 2078-2117. doi:10.1137/17M113277X. [PubMan] : Lange, J.-H., Karrenbauer, A., & Andres, B. (2018). Partial Optimality and Fast Lower Bounds for Weighted Correlation Clustering. In J. Dy, & A. Krause (Eds. ), Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 2898-2907). PMLR. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Wimmer, R., Karrenbauer, A., Becker, R., Scholl, C., & Becker, B. (2017). From DQBF to QBF by Dependency Elimination. In S. Gaspers, & T. Walsh (Eds. ), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing -- SAT 2017 (pp. 326-343). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-66263-3_21. [PubMan] : Chandran, L. S., Issac, D., & Karrenbauer, A. (2017). On the Parameterized Complexity of Biclique Cover and Partition. In J. Guo, & D. Hermelin (Eds. ), 11th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (pp. 1-13). Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.IPEC.2016.11. [PubMan]