Researcher Portfolio
Frébault, Frédéric
Research Group Maulide, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society, Research Group Maulide, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Research Group Maulide, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society
Position: Research Group Maulide, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society
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: Schur, M., Bems, B., Dassenoy, A., Kassatkine, I., Urban, J., Wilmes, H., Hinrichsen, O., Muhler, M., & Schlögl, R. (2003). Continuous Coprecipitation of Catalysts in a Micromixer: Nanostructured Cu/ZnO Composite for the Synthesis of Methanol. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 42(32), 3815-3817. doi:10.1002/anie.200250709. [PubMan] : Bems, B., Schur, M., Dassenoy, A., Junkes, H., Herein, D., & Schlögl, R. (2003). Relations between synthesis and microstructural properties of copper/zinc hydroxycarbonates. Chemistry-A European Journal, 9(9), 2039-2052. doi:10.1002/chem.200204122. [PubMan] : Schur, M., Bems, B., Dassenoy, A., Kassatkine, I., Urban, J., Wilmes, H., Hinrichsen, O., Muhler, M., & Schlögl, R. (2003). Kontinuierliche Ko-Fällung von Katalysatoren in einem Mikromischer: Nanostrukturierte Cu/ZnO Komposite für die Methanolsynthese. Angewandte Chemie, 115(32), 3945-3947. doi:10.1002/ange.200250709. [PubMan] : Keller, N., Maksimova, N. I., Roddatis, V. V., Schur, M., Mestl, G., Butenko, Y. V., Kuznetsov, V. L., & Schlögl, R. (2002). The catalytic use of onion-like carbon materials for the styrene synthesis by oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 41(11), 1885-1888. doi:10.1002/1521-3773(20020603)41:11<1885:AID-ANIE1885>3.0.CO;2-5. [PubMan] : Keller, N., Maksimova, N., Roddatis, V., Schur, M., Mestl, G., Butenko, Y. V., Kuznetsov, V. L., & Schlögl, R. (2002). The Catalytic Use of Onion-like Carbon Materials for Styrene Synthesis by Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 41(11), 1885-1888. doi:10.1002/1521-3773(20020603)41:11<1885:AID-ANIE1885>3.0.CO;2-5. [PubMan] : Schur, M., & Bensch, W. (2002). The Structure directing effect of hydrogen bonding in the novel polymeric thioantimonate Mn2(H2N(CH2)2NH2)2Sb2S5. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, 57(1), 1-7. doi:10.1515/znb-2002-0101. [PubMan] : Günter, M. M., Bems, B., Schur, M., Schlögl, R., & Ressler, T. (1999). XAS Studies on the structure of copper oxide / zinc oxide catalyst: oxidic and reduced state. In G. Materlik, J. R. Schneider, H. Schulte-Schrepping, & H. Franz (Eds. ), Jahresbericht 1999, Annual Report 1 (pp. 263-263). Hamburg: Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HASYLAB at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY. [PubMan] : Timpe, O., Schur, M., & Mestl, G. (2002). RuO2 catalyzed oxidation of CO by atmospheric oxygen. Poster presented at XXXV Treffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar. [PubMan] : Bems, B., Schur, M., & Schlögl, R. (2001). Characterisation of Copper-Zinc-Hydroxycarbonates obtained at various preparation steps and procedures by thermal decomposition. Poster presented at EuropaCat V, University of Limerick, Ireland. [PubMan] : Bems, B., Schur, M., Dassenoy, A., & Schlögl, R. (2002). Controlling the microstructure of CuO/ZnO systems by preparation and thermal processing from hydroxycarbonate precursors. Poster presented at XXXV. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, Germany. [PubMan] : Maksimova, N. I., Keller, N., Roddatis, V. V., Wild, U., Schur, M., Mestl, G., & Schlögl, R. (2002). Nanocarbon materials for the styrene synthesis: on active surface groups and reaction mechanism. Poster presented at Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar. [PubMan] : Kniep, B.-L., Girgsdies, F., Jentoft, R. E., Schur, M., & Ressler, T. (2003). Activity of Cu/ZnO Catalysts for Methanol Steam Reforming as a Function of the Ageing Conditions in Catalyst Preparation. Poster presented at XXXVI. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, Congress Centrum Neue Weimarhalle. [PubMan] : Kniep, B.-L., Girgsdies, F., Jentoft, R. E., Schur, M., & Ressler, T. (2003). In-situ Investigations of Cu/ZnO Catalysts in Methanol Steam Reforming as a Function of the Ageing Conditions in Catalyst Preparation. Talk presented at 12th International Conference of XAFS. Malmö, Lund. 2003-06-22 - 2003-06-27. [PubMan] : Sanchez-Cortezon, E., Dieterle, M., Uchida, Y., Weinberg, G., Mestl, G., Schur, M., & Schlögl, R. (2000). The role of lattice defects in the partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde over carbonaceous catalysts. Poster presented at Eurocarbon 2000, Berlin. [PubMan] : Schur, M., Schaefer, M., Naether, C., & Bensch, W. (2002). Zeotype materials based on thioantimonates. Poster presented at 14. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung, Frankfurt am Main. [PubMan] : Schur, M., Bems, B., Dassenoy, A., & Schlögl, R. (2002). Correlations between the nature of mixed Cu/Zn-hydroxycarbonate precipitates, their thermal decomposition behaviour and the crystallinity of the oxides obtained thereby. Poster presented at 6th International Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, München, Germany. [PubMan] : Kniep, B.-L., Schur, M., Girgsdies, F., & Ressler, T. (2003). Activity of Cu/ZnO Catalysts for Methanol Steam Reforming as a Function of the Ageing Conditions in Catalyst Preparation. Poster presented at Europacat-VI, Innsbruck, Congress Innsbruck. [PubMan] : Günter, M. M., Bems, B., Schur, M., Schlögl, R., & Ressler, T. (2000). XAS Studies on the structure of copper oxide / zinc oxide catalyst: oxidic and reduced state. Poster presented at Hasylab User's Meeting 2000, Hamburg. [PubMan] : Sanchez-Cortezon, E., Dieterle, M., Uchida, Y., Mestl, G., Schur, M., & Schlögl, R. (2000). On the positive correlation of the D and D´ bands in the first-order Raman spectrum of graphite with XRD-coherence length in [-110] and [110] crystallographic directions. Poster presented at EuroCarbon 2000, Berlin, Germany. [PubMan] : Bems, B., Schur, M., & Schlögl, R. (2001). Investigations on selected preparation steps in the formation of Copper-Zinc-Hydroxycarbonates. Poster presented at XXXIV. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, Germany. [PubMan] : Sanchez-Cortezon, E., Dieterle, M., Uchida, Y., Mestl, G., Schur, M., & Schlögl, R. (2000). The role of defects in the carbon combustion and in the partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde. Poster presented at XXXIII.Jahrstreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Congress Centrum Neue Weimarhalle, Weimar. [PubMan]