Researcher Portfolio
Dr. García-Ripoll, Juan José
Theory, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Theory, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Max Planck Society
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: Jaksch, D., García-Ripoll, J. J., Cirac, J. I., & Zoller, P. (2019). Quantum Computing with Cold Ions and Atoms: Theory. In D. Bruss, & G. Leuchs (Eds. ), Quantum Information (pp. 485-517). Wiley-VCH. [PubMan] : Lamata, L., Casanova, J., Gerritsma, R., Roos, C. F., García-Ripoll, J. J., & Solano, E. (2011). Relativistic quantum mechanics with trapped ions. New Journal of Physics, 13: 095003. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/13/9/095003. [PubMan] : Eckholt, M., & García-Ripoll, J. J. (2009). Correlated hopping of bosonic atoms induced by optical lattices. New Journal of Physics, 11: 093028. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/11/9/093028. [PubMan] : Dürr, S., Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., Syassen, N., Bauer, D. M., Lettner, M., Cirac, J. I., & Rempe, G. (2009). Lieb-Liniger model of a dissipation-induced Tonks-Girardeau gas. Physical Review A, 79(2): 023614. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.79.023614. [PubMan] : García-Ripoll, J. J., Dürr, S., Syassen, N., Bauer, D. M., Lettner, M., Rempe, G., & Cirac, J. I. (2009). Dissipation-induced hard-core boson gas in an optical lattice. New Journal of Physics, 11: 013053. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/11/1/013053. [PubMan] : Dürr, S., Syassen, N., Bauer, D. M., Lettner, M., Volz, T., Dietze, D., García-Ripoll, J. J., & Cirac, J. I. (2009). A Dissipative Tonks-Girardeau Gas of Molecules. In R. Côté, P. Gould, M. Rozman, & W. Smith (Eds. ), Pushing the Frontiers of Atomic Physics (pp. 307-314). London: World Scientific. [PubMan] : Syassen, N., Bauer, D. M., Lettner, M., Volz, T., Dietze, D., Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., Cirac, J. I., Rempe, G., & Dürr, S. (2008). Strong Dissipation Inhibits Losses and Induces Correlations in Cold Molecular Gases. Science, 320(5881), 1329-1331. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Eckholt Perotti, M. G., & García-Ripoll, J. J. (2008). Pair condensation of bosonic atoms induced by optical lattices. Physical Review A, 77(6): 063603. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.77.063603. [PubMan] : Keilmann, T., & García-Ripoll, J. J. (2008). Dynamical Creation of Bosonic Cooper-Like Pairs. Physical Review Letters, 100((11)): 110406. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.110406. [PubMan] : García-Ripoll, J. J., & Pachos, J. K. (2007). Fragmentation and destruction of the superfluid due to frustration of cold atoms in optical lattices. New Journal of Physics, 9: 139. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/9/5/139. [PubMan] : Tóth, G., & García-Ripoll, J. J. (2007). Efficient algorithm for multiqudit twirling for ensemble quantum computation. Physical Review A, 75: 042311. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.75.042311. [PubMan] : Lamata, L., García-Ripoll, J. J., & Cirac, J. I. (2007). How Much Entanglement Can Be Generated between Two Atoms by Detecting Photons? Physical Review Letters, 98(1): 010502. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.010502. [PubMan] : García-Ripoll, J. J. (2006). Time evolution of Matrix Product States. New Journal of Physics, 8: 305. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/8/12/305. [PubMan] : Popp, M., Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., Vollbrecht, K. G. H., & Cirac, J. I. (2006). Cooling toolbox for atoms in optical lattices. New Journal of Physics, 8: 164. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/8/8/164. [PubMan] : Popp, M., Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., Vollbrecht, K. G., & Cirac, J. I. (2006). Ground-state cooling of atoms in optical lattices. Physical Review A, 74(1): 013622. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.74.013622. [PubMan] : García-Ripoll, J. J., Zoller, P., & Cirac, J. I. (2005). Coherent control of trapped ions using off-resonant lasers. Physical Review A, 71(6): 062309. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.71.062309. [PubMan] : García-Ripoll, J. J., Zoller, P., & Cirac, J. I. (2005). Quantum information processing with cold atoms and trapped ions. SPECIAL ISSUE: ATOMS, QUANTA AND RELATIVITY—A CENTURY AFTER EINSTEIN'S MIRACULOUS YEAR, 567-578. doi:10.1088/0953-4075/38/9/008. [PubMan] : Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., Martin-Delgado, M. A., & Cirac, J. I. (2004). Implementation of spin Hamiltonians in optical lattices. Physical Review Letters, 93(25): 250405. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.250405. [PubMan] : Verstraete, F., Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., & Cirac, J. I. (2004). Matrix product density operators: Simulation of finite-temperature and dissipative systems. Physical Review Letters, 93(20): 207204. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.207204. [PubMan] : Paredes, B., Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., Zoller, P., & Cirac, J. I. (2004). Strong correlation effects and quantum information theory of low dimensional atomic gases. Journal de Physique IV, 116, 135-168. doi:10.1051/jp4:2004116005. [PubMan] : Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., Cirac, J. I., Zoller, P., Kollath, C., Schollwock, U., & von Delft, J. (2004). Variational ansatz for the superfluid Mott-insulator transition in optical lattices. Optics Express, 12(1), 42-54. Retrieved from [PubMan] : Zoller, P., Cirac, J. I., Duan, L., & García-Ripoll, J. J. (2004). Quantum Optical Implementation of Quantum Information Processing. In D. Estève, J. Raimond, & J. Dalibard (Eds. ), Quantum Entanglement and Information Processing (pp. 187-222). Amsterdam: Elsevier. [PubMan] : Garcia-Ripoll, J. J., Zoller, P., & Cirac, J. I. (2003). Speed Optimized Two-Qubit Gates with Laser Coherent Control Techniques for Ion Trap Quantum Computing. Physical Review Letters, 91(15): 157901. Retrieved from [PubMan] : García-Ripoll, J. J., & Cirac, J. I. (2003). Quantum computation with cold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 361(1808), 1537-1548. doi:10.1098/rsta.2003.1220. [PubMan] : García-Ripoll, J. J., & Cirac, J. I. (2003). Spin dynamics for bosons in an optical lattice. New Journal of Physics, 5: 76, pp. 76.1-76.13. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/5/1/376. [PubMan]