Researcher Portfolio


Wohlgemuth, Jan

Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



 : Wohlgemuth, J., & Cysouw, M. (Eds.). (2010). Rethinking universals: how rarities affect linguistic theory. Berlin: de Gruyter. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J. (2010). Some reflections on the interrelation of language endangerment, community size and typological rarity. In Jan Wohlgemuth, Michael Cysouw (Ed.), Rethinking universals (pp. 255-277). Berlin: De Gruyter. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J., & Cysouw, M. (Eds.). (2010). Rara & Rarissima: documenting the fringes of linguistic diversity. Berlin: De Gruyter. [PubMan] : Cysouw, M., & Wohlgemuth, J. (2010). The other end of universals: theory and typology of rara. In Jan Wohlgemuth, Michael Cysouw (Ed.), Rethinking universals (pp. 1-10). Berlin: De Gruyter. [PubMan] : Cysouw, M., & Wohlgemuth, J. (2010). Preface. In Jan Wohlgemuth, Michael Cysouw (Ed.), Rethinking universals (pp. v-vi). Berlin: De Gruyter. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J. (2009). A typology of verbal borrowings. Berlin: de Gruyter. [PubMan] : Wichmann, S., & Wohlgemuth, J. (2008). Loan verbs in a typological perspective. In Thomas Stolz, Dik Bakker & Rosa Salas Palomo (Ed.), Aspects of Language Contact: New Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Findings with Special Focus on Romancisation Processes (pp. 89-121). Berlin: de Gruyter. [PubMan] : Handschuh, C., & Wohlgemuth, J. (2006). Höflichkeitsoptimalität. In Gehling, Thomas; Wohlgemuth, Jan.. (Ed.), Einblicke in Sprache: Festschrift für Clemens-Peter Herbermann zum 65. Geburtstag (pp. 207-225). Berlin: Logos-Verl. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J. (2006). Creating a Database on Verb Borrowing Patterns. In Kennedy, Marianna; Schnurr, Stephanie; Terraschke, Agnes (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Literary Studies (pp. 1-12). Wellington: Victoria Univ. [PubMan] : Gehling, T., Voß, V., & Wohlgemuth, J. (Eds.). (2006). Einblicke in die Sprache: Festschrift für Clemens-Peter Herbermann zum 65. Geburtstag. Berlin: Logos Verlag. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J., & Köpl, S. (2005). Endangered Subsystems. In Jan Wohlgemuth; Tyko Dirksmeyer (Ed.), Bedrohte Vielfalt: Aspekte des Sprach(en)tods = Aspects of language death (pp. 177-186). Berlin: Weißensee-Verl. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J. (2005). Sprachtod - Einige Überlegungen zur Verwendung eines fachsprachlichen Metaphernfeldes. In Jan Wohlgemuth; Tyko Dirksmeyer (Ed.), Bedrohte Vielfalt: Aspekte des Sprach(en)tods = Aspects of language death (pp. 19-38). Berlin: Weißensee-Verl. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J., & Dirksmeyer, T. (Eds.). (2005). Bedrohte Vielfalt: Aspekte des Sprach(en)tods = Aspects of language death. Berlin: Weißensee-Verl. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J. (2006). Endangered Subsystems - Poster presentation at the Third Oxford-Kobe Linguistics Seminar "The Linguistics of Endangered Languages". Poster presented at The linguistics of endangered languages, Kobe, Japan. [PubMan] : Wohlgemuth, J., & Cordero-D'Aubuisson, C. (2006). Typological Aspects of Loan Verbs - Poster presentation at the Conference on Universality and Particularity in Parts-of Speech Systems. Poster presented at Conference on Universality and Particularity in Parts-of-Speech Systems, Amsterdam. [PubMan]