Researcher Portfolio
Ackermann, Renate
Core Facilities / Proteinanalysis, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Core Facilities / Proteinanalysis, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Max Planck Society
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: Jungblut, P. R., Schiele, F., Zimny-Arndt, U., Ackermann, R., Schmid, M., Lange, S., Stein, R., & Pleissner, K.-P. (2010). Helicobacter pylori proteomics by 2-DE/MS, 1-DE-LC/MS and functional data mining. Proteomics, 10(2), 182-193. [PubMan] : Zimny-Arndt, U., Schmid, M., Ackermann, R., & Jungblut, P. R. (2009). Classical proteomics: two-dimensional electrophoresis/MALDI mass spectrometry. In M. S. Lipton, & L. Paša-Tolic (Eds. ), Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides (pp. 65-91). New York, NY: Humana Press. [PubMan] : Hoehenwarter, W., Tang, Y., Ackermann, R., Pleissner, K.-P., Schmid, M., Stein, R., Zimny-Arndt, U., Kumar, N. M., & Jungblut, P. R. (2008). Identification of proteins that modify cataract of mouse eye lens. PROTEOMICS, 8(23-24), 5011-5024. doi:10.1002/pmic.200800380. [PubMan] : Paape, D., Lippuner, C., Schmid, M., Ackermann, R., Barrios-Llerena, M. E., Zimny-Arndt, U., Brinkmann, V., Arndt, B., Pleissner, K.-P., Jungblut, P. R., & Aebischer, T. (2008). Transgenic, fluorescent Leishmania mexicana allow direct analysis of the Proteome of intracellular amastigotes. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 7(9), 1688-1701. [PubMan] : Hoehenwarter, W., Ackermann, R., Zimny-Arndt, U., Kumar, N. M., & Jungblut, P. R. (2006). The necessity of functional proteomics: protein species and molecular function elucidation exemplified by in vivo alpha A crystallin N-terminal truncation. Amino Acids, 31(3), 317-323. [PubMan] : Schmidt, F., Dahlmann, B., Janek, K., Kloss, A., Wacker, M., Ackermann, R., Thiede, B., & Jungblut, P. R. (2006). Comprehensive quantitative proteome analysis of 20S proteasome subtypes from rat liver by isotope coded affinity tag and 2-D gel-based approaches. PROTEOMICS, 6(16), 4622-4632. [PubMan]