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URI: citation-styles/resource/citation-styles187047 Name: Juristische Schulung (German)Abbreviation: JuSCSL: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <style xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" version="1.0" class="note" default-locale="de-DE"> <info> <title>Juristische Schulung (German)</title> <title-short>JuS</title-short> <id>http://www.zotero.org/styles/juristische-schulung</id> <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/juristische-schulung" rel="self"/> <link href="https://www.zotero.org/styles/neue-juristische-wochenschrift" rel="template"/> <link href="http://rsw.beck.de/rsw/upload/JuS/jusautorenhinweise.pdf" rel="documentation"/> <author> <name>Reto Mantz</name> </author> <category citation-format="note"/> <category field="law"/> <issn>0022-6939</issn> <summary>JuS Style for articles in German law journal JuS - based on style Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) http://www.zotero.org/styles/neue-juristische-wochenschrift - Commentaries and handbooks should use publication type "entry-encyclopedia". See details for different citations below. - If a book or entry-encyclopedia is cited for the 2nd time (or more), "title and edition" are substituted by (o. Fn. ...) (see footnote ...) - see more details below in the comments</summary> <updated>2014-12-09T13:38:27+00:00</updated> <rights license="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights> </info> <!-- set date to format 8. 8. 2014 --> <locale xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" xml:lang="de-DE"> <date form="numeric"> <date-part name="day" form="numeric" suffix=". "/> <date-part name="month" form="numeric" suffix=". "/> <date-part name="year"/> </date> </locale> <macro name="author"> <names variable="author" font-style="italic"> <name delimiter="/ " name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " form="long"/> <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/> <substitute> <names variable="editor"/> </substitute> </names> </macro> <macro name="author-note"> <names variable="author" font-style="italic"> <name form="short" delimiter="/" name-as-sort-order="all"/> </names> </macro> <macro name="author-commentary"> <choose> <if variable="collection-editor"> <names variable="collection-editor"> <name form="short" delimiter="/" name-as-sort-order="all"/> </names> </if> <else> <names variable="author editor"> <name form="short" delimiter="/" name-as-sort-order="all"/> </names> </else> </choose> </macro> <macro name="locator-with-label"> <group delimiter=" "> <label variable="locator" form="symbol"/> <text variable="locator"/> </group> </macro> <macro name="autor-editor-note"> <names variable="author" font-style="italic"> <name form="short" delimiter="/" sort-separator=""/> <substitute> <names variable="editor"/> </substitute> </names> </macro> <macro name="author-chapter"> <names variable="container-author"> <name delimiter="/ " name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " form="short"/> <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/> </names> </macro> <macro name="journalname-year"> <group delimiter=" "> <text variable="container-title-short"/> <date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued"/> </group> </macro> <macro name="firstpage-locator"> <text variable="page-first"/> <text variable="locator" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/> </macro> <macro name="edition"> <choose> <if match="any" is-numeric="edition"> <group delimiter=" "> <number vertical-align="baseline" suffix=" " variable="edition" form="ordinal"/> <text term="edition" form="short" suffix="."/> <date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/> </group> </if> <else-if variable="edition"> <text variable="edition" form="short"/> <date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/> </else-if> <!-- display year without brackets if this is the first edition (aka variable edition is not set) --> <else> <date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" prefix=" "/> </else> </choose> </macro> <citation et-al-min="5" et-al-use-first="1"> <layout delimiter="; "> <choose> <!-- Journal article Style: <authors italic>, <journalname short> <journal-year>, <first-page>, <locator/cited page(s)> --> <if type="article-journal"> <group delimiter=", "> <text macro="author-note"/> <text macro="journalname-year"/> <text macro="firstpage-locator"/> </group> </if> <else-if type="article-newspaper"> <text macro="author-note" suffix=", "/> <text variable="container-title"/> <date form="numeric" variable="issued" prefix=" v. "/> <text variable="URL" prefix=", "/> </else-if> <!-- Book Style: <authors italic>, <title short>, [<edition>. Aufl. ]<year>, <locator/cited page(s)> --> <else-if type="book"> <text macro="autor-editor-note" suffix=", "/> <choose> <if match="none" position="first"> <group delimiter=" " prefix="(" suffix="), "> <text value="o. Fn."/> <text variable="first-reference-note-number"/> </group> </if> <else> <text variable="title" form="short" suffix=", "/> <text macro="edition"/> </else> </choose> <text variable="locator" prefix=", "/> </else-if> <!-- Legal commentary or handbook should be of publication type "entry-encyclopedia" - The term "Bearbeiter" (author of a certain chapter) in the following examples should be added by you and is not governed by this stylesheet Style: - if container-title (=Zotero.encyclopediaTitle) is NOT set: <editor non-italic>, <title short>, [<edition>. Aufl. ]<year>, <locator/cited page(s)> -.- i.e. Bearbeiter, in: Taeger/Gabel, BDSG, 2. Aufl. 2013, ... (where you should add "Bearbeiter, in: " yourself) - else <container-title>, [<edition>. Aufl. ]<year>, <locator/cited page(s)> -.- i.e. Bearbeiter, in: BeckTKG, 4. Auflage 2013, ... (where you should add "Bearbeiter, in: " yourself) if there is at least one series-editor (CSL.collection-editor) set: <collection-editor>, [<edition>. Aufl. ]<year>, <locator/cited page(s)> -.- i.e. Bearbeiter, in: Palandt, BGB, 73. Aufl. 2014, ... (where you should add "Bearbeiter, in: " yourself) --> <else-if type="entry-encyclopedia"> <choose> <if variable="container-title"> <text variable="container-title" suffix=", "/> </if> <else> <text macro="author-commentary" suffix=", "/> <choose> <if match="none" position="first"> <group delimiter=" " prefix="(" suffix="), "> <text value="o. Fn."/> <text variable="first-reference-note-number"/> </group> </if> <else> <text variable="title" suffix=", " form="short"/> </else> </choose> </else> </choose> <choose> <if match="any" position="first"> <text macro="edition"/> </if> </choose> <text variable="locator" prefix=", "/> </else-if> <!-- Chapter Style: <author italic>, in: <book-author>, <title short>, [<edition>. Aufl.] <year>, <page> (<locator>) e.g.: Mantz in Spindler, Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Open Access-Publikationen, 2006, 55 (57) --> <else-if type="chapter"> <text macro="autor-editor-note" suffix=", in: "/> <text macro="author-chapter" suffix=", "/> <text variable="container-title" suffix=", "/> <text macro="edition"/> <text macro="firstpage-locator" prefix=", "/> </else-if> <!-- Legal case Style: if case is published in journal: <court> <journal> <journal-year>, <first-page>, <locator> [ <en-dash> <case name>] otherwise: <court>, <type of decision> v. <dated-decided> <en-dash> <docketnumber> [ <en-dash> <case name>] (type of decision is saved in field "note") --> <else-if type="legal_case" match="any"> <choose> <!-- is the case published in a journal? --> <if variable="container-title"> <text variable="authority" suffix=" "/> <text variable="container-title" form="short" suffix=" "/> <text variable="volume" suffix=", "/> <text macro="firstpage-locator"/> </if> <else> <text variable="authority" suffix=", "/> <text variable="genre" suffix=" v. "/> <date form="numeric" variable="issued" suffix=" &#8211; "/> <text variable="number"/> </else> </choose> <choose> <if variable="title-short"> <text variable="title-short" prefix=" &#8211; "/> </if> </choose> </else-if> <else> <group delimiter=", "> <text macro="author-note"/> <text variable="title"/> <text macro="locator-with-label"/> </group> </else> </choose> </layout> </citation> <bibliography> <sort> <key macro="author"/> <key variable="issued"/> </sort> <layout> <choose> <if type="article-journal"> <group delimiter=", "> <text macro="author-note"/> <text variable="title"/> <text macro="journalname-year"/> <text macro="firstpage-locator"/> </group> </if> <else-if type="book"> <text macro="autor-editor-note" suffix=", "/> <text variable="title" form="short" suffix=", "/> <text macro="edition"/> </else-if> <else-if type="article-newspaper"> <text macro="author-note" suffix=", "/> <text variable="title" suffix=", "/> <text variable="container-title"/> <date form="numeric" variable="issued" prefix=" v. 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