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Name: Association for Computational Linguistics - Conference ProceedingsAbbreviation: ACLCSL: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="in-text" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="never" default-locale="en-US">
<title>Association for Computational Linguistics - Conference Proceedings</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="documentation"/>
<!-- No stable link for style documentation; cf. acl.bst, a bibtex style file distributed in each conference. -->
<!-- According to acl.bst, the ACL Conference Proceedings Style was based on the `aaai-named` format by Oren Patashnik in 1985, and later modified for the Proceedings of the ACL by Peter F. Patel-Schneider in 1988, Stuart Shieber in 1991, and Fernando Pereira in 1992. -->
<name>Hajime Senuma</name>
<category citation-format="author-date"/>
<category field="engineering"/>
<category field="linguistics"/>
<summary>CSL for papers in ACL-related conference proceedings, e.g., ACL-HLT, EACL, NAACL-HTL, and EMNLP. (But NOT for the journal "Computational Linguistics")</summary>
<rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
<macro name="author">
<names variable="author">
<name form="long" and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<text value=""/>
<macro name="author-short">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<names variable="editor">
<name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<text value="mis"/>
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<names variable="editor">
<name form="long" and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<label prefix=", " form="long"/>
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<names variable="author">
<name form="long" and="text" delimiter=", "/>
<text macro="editor"/>
<text value=""/>
<macro name="year-date">
<if variable="issued">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<text value=" "/>
<macro name="month">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="month"/>
<macro name="edition">
<number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
<text term="edition" prefix=" "/>
<macro name="volume-or-number">
<if variable="volume">
<group delimiter=" ">
<label variable="volume"/>
<number variable="volume"/>
<else-if variable="number">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text value="number"/>
<number variable="number"/>
<else-if variable="issue">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text value="number"/>
<number variable="issue"/>
<macro name="event-or-publisher-place">
<if variable="event-place">
<text variable="event-place"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<macro name="thesis-type">
<if variable="genre">
<text variable="genre"/>
<text value="Ph.D. thesis"/>
<macro name="volume-and-collection-title">
<if variable="volume collection-title" match="all">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text term="volume"/>
<number variable="volume"/>
<text value="of"/>
<text variable="collection-title" font-style="italic"/>
<else-if variable="volume">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text term="volume"/>
<number variable="volume"/>
<!-- TODO: else-if for issue or number-->
<text variable="collection-title"/>
<macro name="technical-report">
<if variable="number issue" match="any">
<group delimiter=" ">
<!-- uppercased "report" -->
<text value="Technical Report"/>
<if variable="number">
<text variable="number"/>
<text variable="issue"/>
<!-- lowercased "report" -->
<text value="Technical report"/>
<citation et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true">
<!-- no sorting for citation -->
<layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
<text macro="author-short"/>
<text macro="year-date" prefix=", "/>
<bibliography et-al-min="20" et-al-use-first="19">
<key macro="author-or-editor"/>
<key macro="year-date"/>
<key variable="title"/>
<!-- author -->
<if type="book">
<text macro="author-or-editor" suffix="."/>
<text macro="author" suffix="."/>
<!-- year -->
<date variable="issued" prefix=" " suffix=".">
<date-part name="year"/>
<!-- title and other information -->
<!-- corresponds to "article" in bibtex -->
<if type="article-journal">
<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<group prefix=" " suffix=".">
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="volume" prefix=", "/>
<text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
<text variable="page" prefix=":"/>
<text macro="month" prefix=", "/>
<!-- corresponds to "proceedings", "manual", "book", and "periodical" in bibtex -->
<else-if type="book">
<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix="." font-style="italic"/>
<group delimiter=", " suffix=".">
<text macro="volume-and-collection-title"/>
<group delimiter=", " prefix=" " suffix=".">
<text variable="publisher"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text macro="edition"/>
<text macro="month"/>
<!-- corresponds to "inbook" and "incollection" in bibtex -->
<else-if type="chapter">
<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=" " suffix=" "/>
<group delimiter=", " suffix=".">
<text macro="editor"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text macro="volume-and-collection-title"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
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<number variable="chapter-number"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<label variable="page"/>
<text variable="page"/>
<group delimiter=", " prefix=" " suffix=".">
<text variable="publisher"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text macro="edition"/>
<text macro="month"/>
<!-- corresponds to "booklet" in bibtex -->
<else-if type="pamphlet">
<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<group delimiter=", " prefix=" " suffix=".">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text macro="month"/>
<!-- corresponds to "inproceedings" and "conference" in bibtex -->
<else-if type="paper-conference">
<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix=". "/>
<text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
<group suffix="." delimiter=", ">
<text macro="editor"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text macro="volume-or-number"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<label variable="page"/>
<text variable="page"/>
<if variable="event-place publisher-place" match="any">
<text macro="event-or-publisher-place"/>
<text macro="month"/>
<group prefix=" " suffix="." delimiter=", ">
<text variable="publisher"/>
<if variable="event-place publisher-place" match="none">
<text macro="month"/>
<!-- corresponds to "techreport" in bibtex -->
<else-if type="report">
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<group delimiter=", " prefix=" " suffix=".">
<text macro="technical-report"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text macro="month"/>
<!-- corresponds to "phdthesis" and "masterthesis" in bibtex -->
<else-if type="thesis">
<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix="." font-style="italic"/>
<group delimiter=", " prefix=" " suffix=".">
<!-- If you want to output text other than "Ph.D thesis", specify the "genre" field to an appropriate value like "Master's thesis".-->
<text macro="thesis-type"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text macro="month"/>
<!-- misc. -->
<text variable="title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<text macro="month" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<!-- note -->
<text variable="note" prefix=" " suffix="."/>