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  Planck 2015 results - IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions

Planck Collaboration, Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Ashdown, M., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., et al. (2016). Planck 2015 results - IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 594: A4, pp. 1-22. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201525809.

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Planck Collaboration, Author              
Ade, P. A. R., Author
Aghanim, N., Author
Ashdown, M., Author
Aumont, J., Author
Baccigalupi, C., Author
Banday, A. J., Author
Barreiro, R. B., Author
Bartolo, N., Author
Battaner, E., Author
Benabed, K., Author
Benoît, A., Author
Benoit-Lévy, A., Author
Bernard, J.-P., Author
Bersanelli, M., Author
Bielewicz, P., Author
Bock, J. J., Author
Bonaldi, A., Author
Bonavera, L., Author
Bond, J. R., Author
Borrill, J., AuthorBouchet, F. R., AuthorBucher, M., AuthorBurigana, C., AuthorButler, R. C., AuthorCalabrese, E., AuthorCardoso, J.-F., AuthorCatalano, A., AuthorChamballu, A., AuthorChristensen, P. R., AuthorColombi, S., AuthorColombo, L. P. L., AuthorCrill, B. P., AuthorCurto, A., AuthorCuttaia, F., AuthorDanese, L., AuthorDavies, R. D., AuthorDavis, R. J., Authorde Bernardis, P., Authorde Rosa, A., Authorde Zotti, G., AuthorDelabrouille, J., AuthorDickinson, C., AuthorDiego, J. M., AuthorDole, H., AuthorDonzelli, S., AuthorDoré, O., AuthorDouspis, M., AuthorDucout, A., AuthorDupac, X., AuthorEfstathiou, G., AuthorElsner, F., AuthorEnßlin, T. A.1, Author           Eriksen, H. K., AuthorFergusson, J., AuthorFinelli, F., AuthorForni, O., AuthorFrailis, M., AuthorFranceschi, E., AuthorFrejsel, A., AuthorGaleotta, S., AuthorGalli, S., AuthorGanga, K., AuthorGiard, M., AuthorGiraud-Héraud, Y., AuthorGjerløw, E., AuthorGonzález-Nuevo, J., AuthorGórski, K. M., AuthorGratton, S., AuthorGregorio, A., AuthorGruppuso, A., AuthorHansen, F. K., AuthorHanson, D., AuthorHarrison, D. L., AuthorHenrot-Versillé, S., AuthorHerranz, D., AuthorHildebrandt, S. R., AuthorHivon, E., AuthorHobson, M., AuthorHolmes, W. A., AuthorHornstrup, A., AuthorHovest, W.1, Author           Huffenberger, K. M., AuthorHurier, G., AuthorJaffe, A. H., AuthorJaffe, T. R., AuthorJuvela, M., AuthorKeihänen, E., AuthorKeskitalo, R., AuthorKiiveri, K., AuthorKisner, T. S., AuthorKnoche, J.1, Author           Kunz, M., AuthorKurki-Suonio, H., AuthorLähteenmäki, A., AuthorLamarre, J.-M., AuthorLasenby, A., AuthorLattanzi, M., AuthorLawrence, C. R., AuthorLeahy, J. P., AuthorLeonardi, R., AuthorLesgourgues, J., AuthorLevrier, F., AuthorLiguori, M., AuthorLilje, P. B., AuthorLinden-Vørnle, M., AuthorLindholm, V., AuthorLópez-Caniego, M., AuthorLubin, P. M., AuthorMacías-Pérez, J. F., AuthorMaggio, G., AuthorMaino, D., AuthorMandolesi, N., AuthorMangilli, A., AuthorMaris, M., AuthorMartin, P. G., AuthorMartínez-González, E., AuthorMasi, S., AuthorMatarrese, S., AuthorMazzotta, P., AuthorMcGehee, P., AuthorMeinhold, P. R., AuthorMelchiorri, A., AuthorMendes, L., AuthorMennella, A., AuthorMigliaccio, M., AuthorMitra, S., AuthorMontier, L., AuthorMorgante, G., AuthorMortlock, D., AuthorMoss, A., AuthorMunshi, D., AuthorMurphy, J. A., AuthorNaselsky, P., AuthorNati, F., AuthorNatoli, P., AuthorNetterfield, C. B., AuthorNørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., AuthorNovikov, D., AuthorNovikov, I., AuthorPaci, F., AuthorPagano, L., AuthorPaoletti, D., AuthorPartridge, B., AuthorPasian, F., AuthorPatanchon, G., AuthorPearson, T. J., AuthorPerdereau, O., AuthorPerotto, L., AuthorPerrotta, F., AuthorPettorino, V., AuthorPiacentini, F., AuthorPierpaoli, E., AuthorPietrobon, D., AuthorPointecouteau, E., AuthorPolenta, G., AuthorPratt, G. W., AuthorPrézeau, G., AuthorPrunet, S., AuthorPuget, J.-L., AuthorRachen, J. P.1, Author           Rebolo, R., AuthorReinecke, M.1, Author           Remazeilles, M., AuthorRenzi, A., AuthorRocha, G., AuthorRosset, C., AuthorRossetti, M., AuthorRoudier, G., AuthorRubiño-Martín, J. A., AuthorRusholme, B., AuthorSandri, M., AuthorSantos, D., AuthorSavelainen, M., AuthorScott, D., AuthorSeiffert, M. D., AuthorShellard, E. P. S., AuthorSpencer, L. D., AuthorStolyarov, V., AuthorSutton, D., AuthorSuur-Uski, A.-S., AuthorSygnet, J.-F., AuthorTauber, J. A., AuthorTerenzi, L., AuthorToffolatti, L., AuthorTomasi, M., AuthorTristram, M., AuthorTucci, M., AuthorTuovinen, J., AuthorUmana, G., AuthorValenziano, L., AuthorValiviita, J., AuthorVan Tent, B., AuthorVassallo, T., AuthorVielva, P., AuthorVilla, F., AuthorWade, L. A., AuthorWandelt, B. D., AuthorWatson, R., AuthorWehus, I. K., AuthorYvon, D., AuthorZacchei, A., AuthorZonca, A., Author more..
1Computational Structure Formation, MPI for Astrophysics, Max Planck Society, ou_2205642              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2016-10
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201525809
Other: LOCALID: 2407732
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astronomy & Astrophysics
  Abbreviation : Astron. Astrophys.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 594 Sequence Number: A4 Start / End Page: 1 - 22 Identifier: ISSN: 0004-6361