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  Physiological Mechanism of Mating State-Dependent Detection of Polyamines.

Ucpunar, H., Hussain, A., Zhang, M., Svensson, T., Quillery, E., Gompel, N., et al. (2016). Physiological Mechanism of Mating State-Dependent Detection of Polyamines. CHEMICAL SENSES, 41(4), 432-432.

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Basic (Discarded)

Date of Discard: 2022-03-25
Comment: Dubl
Ucpunar, Habibe1, 2           
Hussain, Ashiq1, 2           
Zhang, Mo1, 2           
Svensson, T.3
Quillery, E.3
Gompel, N.3
Ignell, R.3
Kadow, Grunwald I.C.1, 2           
1Max Planck Research Group: Chemosensory coding / Grunwald-Kadow, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society, ou_1113556              
2Max Planck Research Group: Sensory Neurogenetics / Grunwald-Kadow, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society, ou_1113556              
3external, ou_persistent22              
 Dates: 2016
Files: 0 Files
Locators: 0 Locators
version ID: item_2305401_3
Item State: Discarded
Name of Context: Publications of the MPI of Neurobiology, Affiliated to: MPI of Neurobiology