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  Planck pre-launch status: the Planck mission

Tauber, J. A., Mandolesi, N., Puget, J.-L., Banos, T., Bersanelli, M., Bouchet, F. R., et al. (2010). Planck pre-launch status: the Planck mission. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 520: A1, pp. 1-22. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912983.

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Tauber, J. A., Author
Mandolesi, N., Author
Puget, J.-L., Author
Banos, T., Author
Bersanelli, M., Author
Bouchet, F. R., Author
Butler, R. C., Author
Charra, J., Author
Crone, G., Author
Dodsworth, J., Author
Efstathiou, G., Author
Gispert, R., Author
Guyot, G., Author
Gregorio, A., Author
Juillet, J. J., Author
Lamarre, J.-M., Author
Laureijs, R. J., Author
Lawrence, C. R., Author
Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., Author
Passvogel, T., Author
Reix, J. M., AuthorTexier, D., AuthorVibert, L., AuthorZacchei, A., AuthorAde, P. A. R., AuthorAghanim, N., AuthorAja, B., AuthorAlippi, E., AuthorAloy, L., AuthorArmand, P., AuthorArnaud, M., AuthorArondel, A., AuthorArreola-Villanueva, A., AuthorArtal, E., AuthorArtina, E., AuthorArts, A., AuthorAshdown, M., AuthorAumont, J., AuthorAzzaro, M., AuthorBacchetta, A., AuthorBaccigalupi, C., AuthorBaker, M., AuthorBalasini, M., AuthorBalbi, A., AuthorBanday, A. J.1, Author           Barbier, G., AuthorBarreiro, R. B., AuthorBartelmann, M.1, Author           Battaglia, P., AuthorBattaner, E., AuthorBenabed, K., AuthorBeney, J.-L., AuthorBeneyton, R., AuthorBennett, K., AuthorBenoit, A., AuthorBernard, J.-P., AuthorBhandari, P., AuthorBhatia, R., AuthorBiggi, M., AuthorBiggins, R., AuthorBillig, G., AuthorBlanc, Y., AuthorBlavot, H., AuthorBock, J. J., AuthorBonaldi, A., AuthorBond, R., AuthorBonis, J., AuthorBorders, J., AuthorBorrill, J., AuthorBoschini, L., AuthorBoulanger, F., AuthorBouvier, J., AuthorBouzit, M., AuthorBowman, R., AuthorBréelle, E., AuthorBradshaw, T., AuthorBraghin, M., AuthorBremer, M., AuthorBrienza, D., AuthorBroszkiewicz, D., AuthorBurigana, C., AuthorBurkhalter, M., AuthorCabella, P., AuthorCafferty, T., AuthorCairola, M., AuthorCaminade, S., AuthorCamus, P., AuthorCantalupo, C. M., AuthorCappellini, B., AuthorCardoso, J.-F., AuthorCarr, R., AuthorCatalano, A., AuthorCayón, L., AuthorCesa, M., AuthorChaigneau, M., AuthorChallinor, A., AuthorChamballu, A., AuthorChambelland, J. P., AuthorCharra, M., AuthorChiang, L.-Y., AuthorChlewicki, G., AuthorChristensen, P. R., AuthorChurch, S., AuthorCiancietta, E., AuthorCibrario, M., AuthorCizeron, R., AuthorClements, D., AuthorCollaudin, B., AuthorColley, J.-M., AuthorColombi, S., AuthorColombo, A., AuthorColombo, F., AuthorCorre, O., AuthorCouchot, F., AuthorCougrand, B., AuthorCoulais, A., AuthorCouzin, P., AuthorCrane, B., AuthorCrill, B., AuthorCrook, M., AuthorCrumb, D., AuthorCuttaia, F., AuthorDörl, U.1, Author           da Silva, P. , AuthorDaddato, R., AuthorDamasio, C., AuthorDanese, L., Authord'Aquino, G., AuthorD'Arcangelo, O., AuthorDassas, K., AuthorDavies, R. D., AuthorDavies, W., AuthorDavis, R. J., AuthorDe Bernardis, P. , Authorde Chambure, D., Authorde Gasperis, G., AuthorDe la Fuente, M. L. , AuthorDe Paco, P. , Authorde Rosa, A., Author           De Troia, G., AuthorDe Zotti, G. , AuthorDehamme, M., AuthorDelabrouille, J., AuthorDelouis, J.-M., AuthorDésert, F.-X., Authordi Girolamo, G. , AuthorDickinson, C., AuthorDoelling, E., AuthorDolag, K.1, Author           Domken, I., AuthorDouspis, M., AuthorDoyle, D., AuthorDu, S., AuthorDubruel, D., AuthorDufour, C., AuthorDumesnil, C., AuthorDupac, X., AuthorDuret, P., AuthorEder, C., AuthorElfving, A., AuthorEnßlin, T. A.1, Author           Eng, P., AuthorEnglish, K., AuthorEriksen, H. K., AuthorEstaria, P., AuthorFalvella, M. C., AuthorFerrari, F., AuthorFinelli, F., AuthorFishman, A., AuthorFogliani, S., AuthorFoley, S., AuthorFonseca, A., AuthorForma, G., AuthorForni, O., AuthorFosalba, P., AuthorFourmond, J.-J., AuthorFrailis, M., AuthorFranceschet, C., AuthorFranceschi, E., AuthorFrançois, S., AuthorFrerking, M., AuthorGómez-Reñasco, M. F., AuthorGórski, K. M., AuthorGaier, T. C., AuthorGaleotta, S., AuthorGanga, K., AuthorGarcía Lázaro, J. , AuthorGarnica, A., AuthorGaspard, M., AuthorGavila, E., AuthorGiard, M., AuthorGiardino, G., AuthorGienger, G., AuthorGiraud-Heraud, Y., AuthorGlorian, J.-M., AuthorGriffin, M., AuthorGruppuso, A., AuthorGuglielmi, L., AuthorGuichon, D., AuthorGuillaume, B., AuthorGuillouet, P., AuthorHaissinski, J., AuthorHansen, F. K., AuthorHardy, J., AuthorHarrison, D., AuthorHazell, A., AuthorHechler, M., AuthorHeckenauer, V., AuthorHeinzer, D., AuthorHell, R.1, Author           Henrot-Versillé, S., AuthorHernandez-Monteagudo, C.2, Author           Herranz, D., AuthorHerreros, J. M., AuthorHervier, V., AuthorHeske, A., AuthorHeurtel, A., AuthorHildebrandt, S. R., AuthorHills, R., AuthorHivon, E., AuthorHobson, M., AuthorHollert, D., AuthorHolmes, W., AuthorHornstrup, A., AuthorHovest, W.1, Author           Hoyland, R. J., AuthorHuey, G., AuthorHuffenberger, K. 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1Cosmology, MPI for Astrophysics, Max Planck Society, ou_159876              
2High Energy Astrophysics, MPI for Astrophysics, Max Planck Society, ou_159881              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2010-09
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200912983
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astronomy & Astrophysics
  Abbreviation : Astron. Astrophys.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 520 Sequence Number: A1 Start / End Page: 1 - 22 Identifier: ISSN: 0004-6361