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  The Gravitational Universe

Amaro-Seoane, P., Aoudia, S., Audley, H., Auger, G., Babak, S., Baker, J., et al. (in preparation). The Gravitational Universe.

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Amaro-Seoane, Pau1, Autor           
Aoudia, S., Autor
Audley, H., Autor
Auger, G., Autor
Babak, S.1, Autor           
Baker, J., Autor
Barausse, E., Autor
Barke, S., Autor
Bassan, M., Autor
Beckmann, V., Autor
Benacquista, M., Autor
Bender, P. L., Autor
Berti, E., Autor
Binétruy, P., Autor
Bogenstahl, J.2, Autor           
Bonvin, C., Autor
Bortoluzzi, D., Autor
Brause, N. C., Autor
Brossard, J., Autor
Buchman, S., Autor
Bykov, I.2, Autor           Camp, J., AutorCaprini, C., AutorCavalleri, A., AutorCerdonio, M., AutorCiani, G., AutorColpi, M., AutorCongedo, G., AutorConklin, J., AutorCornish, N., AutorDanzmann, K.2, Autor           de Vine, G., AutorDeBra, D., AutorFreitag, M. Dewi, AutorDi Fiore, L., AutorAguilo, M. Diaz, AutorDiepholz, I., AutorDolesi, R., AutorDotti, M., AutorFernández Barranco, G.2, Autor           Ferraioli, L., AutorFerroni, V., AutorFinetti, N., AutorFitzsimons, E., AutorGair, J., AutorGaleazzi, F., AutorGarcia, A., AutorGerberding, O., AutorGesa, L., AutorGiardini, D., AutorGibert, F., AutorGrimani, C., AutorGroot, P., AutorGuzman Cervantes, F.2, Autor           Haiman, Z., AutorHalloin, H., AutorHeinzel, G.2, Autor           Hewitson, M.3, Autor           Hogan, C., AutorHolz, D., AutorHornstrup, A., AutorHoyland, D., AutorHoyle, C. D., AutorHueller, M., AutorHughes, S., AutorJetzer, P., AutorKalogera, V., AutorKarnesis, N., AutorKilic, M., AutorKillow, C., AutorKlipstein, W., AutorKochkina, E., AutorKorsakova, N., AutorKrolak, A., AutorLarson, S., AutorLieser, M., AutorLittenberg, T., AutorLivas, J., AutorLloro, I., AutorMance, D., AutorMadau, P., AutorMaghami, P., AutorMahrdt, C., AutorMarsh, T., AutorMateos, I., AutorMayer, L., AutorMcClelland, D., AutorMcKenzie, K., AutorMcWilliams, S., AutorMerkowitz, S., AutorMiller, C., AutorMitryk, S., AutorMoerschell, J., AutorMohanty, S., AutorMonsky, A., AutorMueller, G., AutorMüller, V., AutorNelemans, G., AutorNicolodi, D., AutorNissanke, S., AutorNofrarias, M., AutorNumata, K., AutorOhme, F., AutorOtto, M., AutorPerreur-Lloyd, M., AutorPetiteau, A., AutorPhinney, E. S., AutorPlagnol, E., AutorPollack, S., AutorPorter, E., AutorPrat, P., AutorPreston, A., AutorPrince, T., AutorReiche, J., AutorRichstone, D., AutorRobertson, D., AutorRossi, E. M., AutorRosswog, S., AutorRubbo, L., AutorRuiter, A., AutorSanjuan, J., AutorSathyaprakash, B. S., AutorSchlamminger, S., AutorSchutz, Bernard F.1, Autor           Schütze, D., AutorSesana, A., AutorShaddock, D., AutorShah, S., AutorSheard, B., AutorSopuerta, C. F., AutorSpector, A., AutorSpero, R., AutorStanga, R., AutorStebbins, R., AutorStede, G., AutorSteier, F., AutorSumner, T., AutorSun, K. -X., AutorSutton, A., AutorTanaka, T., AutorTanner, D., AutorThorpe, I., AutorTröbs, M., AutorTinto, M., AutorTu, H. -B., AutorVallisneri, M., AutorVetrugno, D., AutorVitale, S., AutorVolonteri, M., AutorWand, V., AutorWang, Y., AutorWanner, G., AutorWard, H., AutorWare, B., AutorWass, P., AutorWeber, W. J., AutorYu, Y., AutorYunes, N., AutorZweifel, P., AutorThe eLISA, Autor               mehr..
1Astrophysical Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24013              
2Laser Interferometry & Gravitational Wave Astronomy, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24010              
3Observational Relativity and Cosmology, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24011              


Schlagwörter: Astrophysics, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics, astro-ph.CO,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, gr-qc
 Zusammenfassung: The last century has seen enormous progress in our understanding of the Universe. We know the life cycles of stars, the structure of galaxies, the remnants of the big bang, and have a general understanding of how the Universe evolved. We have come remarkably far using electromagnetic radiation as our tool for observing the Universe. However, gravity is the engine behind many of the processes in the Universe, and much of its action is dark. Opening a gravitational window on the Universe will let us go further than any alternative. Gravity has its own messenger: Gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime. They travel essentially undisturbed and let us peer deep into the formation of the first seed black holes, exploring redshifts as large as z ~ 20, prior to the epoch of cosmic re-ionisation. Exquisite and unprecedented measurements of black hole masses and spins will make it possible to trace the history of black holes across all stages of galaxy evolution, and at the same time constrain any deviation from the Kerr metric of General Relativity. eLISA will be the first ever mission to study the entire Universe with gravitational waves. eLISA is an all-sky monitor and will offer a wide view of a dynamic cosmos using gravitational waves as new and unique messengers to unveil The Gravitational Universe. It provides the closest ever view of the early processes at TeV energies, has guaranteed sources in the form of verification binaries in the Milky Way, and can probe the entire Universe, from its smallest scales around singularities and black holes, all the way to cosmological dimensions.


 Datum: 2013-05-24
 Publikationsstatus: Keine Angabe
 Seiten: 20 pages; submitted to the European Space Agency on May 24th, 2013 for the L2/L3 selection of ESA's Cosmic Vision program
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: -
 Art der Begutachtung: -
 Identifikatoren: arXiv: 1305.5720
 Art des Abschluß: -







