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  A standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant from GW170817 without the electromagnetic counterpart

Fishbach, M., Gray, R., Hernandez, I. M., Qi, H., Sur, A., Acernese, F., et al. (2019). A standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant from GW170817 without the electromagnetic counterpart. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 871: L13. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aaf96e.

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Fishbach, M., Author
Gray, R., Author
Hernandez, I. Magaña, Author
Qi, H., Author
Sur, A., Author
Acernese, F., Author
Aiello, L., Author
Allocca, A., Author
Aloy, M. A., Author
Amato, A., Author
Antier, S., Author
Arène, M., Author
Arnaud, N., Author
Ascenzi, S., Author
Astone, P., Author
Aubin, F., Author
Babak, S., Author
Bacon, P., Author
Badaracco, F., Author
Bader, M. K. M., Author
Baldaccini, F., AuthorBallardin, G., AuthorBarone, F., AuthorBarsuglia, M., AuthorBarta, D., AuthorBasti, A., AuthorBawaj, M., AuthorBazzan, M., AuthorBejger, M., AuthorBelahcene, I., AuthorBernuzzi, S., AuthorBersanetti, D., AuthorBertolini, A., AuthorBitossi, M., AuthorBizouard, M. A., AuthorBlair, C. D., AuthorBloemen, S., AuthorBoer, M., AuthorBogaert, G., AuthorBondu, F., AuthorBonnand, R., AuthorBoom, B. A., AuthorBoschi, V., AuthorBouffanais, Y., AuthorBozzi, A., AuthorBradaschia, C., AuthorBrady, P. R., AuthorBranchesi, M., AuthorBriant, T., AuthorBrighenti, F., AuthorBrillet, A., AuthorBrisson, V., AuthorBulik, T., AuthorBulten, H. J., AuthorBuskulic, D., AuthorBuy, C., AuthorCagnoli, G., AuthorCalloni, E., AuthorCanepa, M., AuthorCapocasa, E., AuthorCarbognani, F., AuthorCarullo, G., AuthorDiaz, J. Casanueva, AuthorCasentini, C., AuthorCaudill, S., AuthorCavalier, F., AuthorCavalieri, R., AuthorCella, G., AuthorCerdá-Durán, P., AuthorCerretani, G., AuthorCesarini, E., AuthorChaibi, O., AuthorChassande-Mottin, E., AuthorChatziioannou, K., AuthorChen, H. Y., AuthorChincarini, A., AuthorChiummo, A., AuthorChristensen, N., AuthorChua, S., AuthorCiani, G., AuthorCiolfi, R., AuthorCipriano, F., AuthorCirone, A., AuthorCleva, F., AuthorCoccia, E., AuthorCohadon, P. -F., AuthorCohen, D., AuthorConti, L., AuthorCordero-Carrión, I., AuthorCortese, S., AuthorCoughlin, M. W., AuthorCoulon, J. -P., AuthorCroquette, M., AuthorCuoco, E., AuthorDálya, G., AuthorD'Antonio, S., AuthorDatrier, L. E. H., AuthorDattilo, V., AuthorDavier, M., AuthorDegallaix, J., AuthorDe Laurentis, M., AuthorDeléglise, S., AuthorDel Pozzo, W., AuthorDenys, M., AuthorDe Pietri, R., AuthorDe Rosa, R., AuthorDe Rossi, C., AuthorDeSalvo, R., AuthorDietrich, T., AuthorDi Fiore, L., AuthorDi Giovanni, M., AuthorDi Girolamo, T., AuthorDi Lieto, A., AuthorDi Pace, S., AuthorDi Palma, I., AuthorDi Renzo, F., AuthorDoctor, Z., AuthorDrago, M., AuthorDucoin, J. -G., AuthorEisenmann, M., AuthorEssick, R. C., AuthorEstevez, D., AuthorFafone, V., AuthorFarinon, S., AuthorFarr, W. M., AuthorFeng, F., AuthorFerrante, I., AuthorFerrini, F., AuthorFidecaro, F., AuthorFiori, I., AuthorFiorucci, D., AuthorFlaminio, R., AuthorFont, J. A., AuthorFournier, J. -D., AuthorFrasca, S., AuthorFrasconi, F., AuthorFrey, V., AuthorGair, J. R., AuthorGammaitoni, L., AuthorGarufi, F., AuthorGemme, G., AuthorGenin, E., AuthorGennai, A., AuthorGeorge, D., AuthorGermain, V., AuthorGhosh, A., AuthorGiacomazzo, B., AuthorGiazotto, A., AuthorGiordano, G., AuthorCastro, J. M. Gonzalez, AuthorGosselin, M., AuthorGouaty, R., AuthorGrado, A., AuthorGranata, M., AuthorGreco, G., AuthorGroot, P., AuthorGruning, P., AuthorGuidi, G. M., AuthorGuo, Y., AuthorHalim, O., AuthorHarms, J., AuthorHaster, C. -J., AuthorHeidmann, A., AuthorHeitmann, H., AuthorHello, P., AuthorHemming, G., AuthorHendry, M., AuthorHinderer, T., AuthorHoak, D., AuthorHofman, D., AuthorHolz, D. E., AuthorHreibi, A., AuthorHuet, D., AuthorIdzkowski, B., AuthorIess, A., AuthorIntini, G., AuthorIsac, J. -M., AuthorJacqmin, T., AuthorJaranowski, P., AuthorJonker, R. J. 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F., AuthorLinde, F., AuthorLongo, A., AuthorLorenzini, M., AuthorLoriette, V., AuthorLosurdo, G., AuthorLumaca, D., AuthorMacas, R., AuthorMacquet, A., AuthorMajorana, E., AuthorMaksimovic, I., AuthorMan, N., AuthorMantovani, M., AuthorMarchesoni, F., AuthorMarkakis, C., AuthorMarquina, A., AuthorMartelli, F., AuthorMassera, E., AuthorMasserot, A., AuthorMastrogiovanni, S., AuthorMeidam, J., AuthorMereni, L., AuthorMerzougui, M., AuthorMessenger, C., AuthorMetzdorff, R., AuthorMichel, C., AuthorMilano, L., AuthorMiller, A., AuthorMinazzoli, O., AuthorMinenkov, Y., AuthorMontani, M., AuthorMorisaki, S., AuthorMours, B., AuthorNagar, A., AuthorNardecchia, I., AuthorNaticchioni, L., AuthorNelemans, G., AuthorNichols, D., AuthorNocera, F., AuthorObergaulinger, M., AuthorPagano, G., AuthorPalomba, C., AuthorPannarale, F., AuthorPaoletti, F., AuthorPaoli, A., AuthorPasqualetti, A., AuthorPassaquieti, R., AuthorPassuello, D., AuthorPatil, M., AuthorPatricelli, B., AuthorPedurand, R., AuthorPerreca, A., AuthorPiccinni, O. J., AuthorPichot, M., AuthorPiergiovanni, F., AuthorPillant, G., AuthorPinard, L., AuthorPoggiani, R., AuthorPopolizio, P., AuthorProdi, G. A., AuthorPunturo, M., AuthorPuppo, P., AuthorRadulescu, N., AuthorRaffai, P., AuthorRapagnani, P., AuthorRaymond, V., AuthorRazzano, M., AuthorRegimbau, T., AuthorRei, L., AuthorRicci, F., AuthorRocchi, A., AuthorRolland, L., AuthorRomanelli, M., AuthorRomano, R., AuthorRosińska, D., AuthorRuggi, P., AuthorSalconi, L., AuthorSamajdar, A., AuthorSanchis-Gual, N., AuthorSassolas, B., AuthorSchutz, B. F., AuthorSentenac, D., AuthorSequino, V., AuthorSieniawska, M., AuthorSingh, N., AuthorSinghal, A., AuthorSorrentino, F., AuthorStachie, C., AuthorSteer, D. A., AuthorStratta, G., AuthorSwinkels, B. L., AuthorTacca, M., AuthorTamanini, N.1, Author           Tiwari, S., AuthorTonelli, M., AuthorTorres-Forne, A.2, Author           Travasso, F., AuthorTringali, M. C., AuthorTrovato, A., AuthorTrozzo, L., AuthorTsang, K. 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1Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1933290              
2Computational Relativistic Astrophysics, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2541714              


Free keywords: Astrophysics, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics, astro-ph.CO
 Abstract: We perform a statistical standard siren analysis of GW170817. Our analysis
does not utilize knowledge of NGC 4993 as the unique host galaxy of the optical
counterpart to GW170817. Instead, we consider each galaxy within the GW170817
localization region as a potential host; combining the redshift from each
galaxy with the distance estimate from GW170817 provides an estimate of the
Hubble constant, $H_0$. We then combine the $H_0$ values from all the galaxies
to provide a final measurement of $H_0$. We explore the dependence of our
results on the thresholds by which galaxies are included in our sample, as well
as the impact of weighting the galaxies by stellar mass and star-formation
rate. Considering all galaxies brighter than $0.01 L^\star_B$ as equally likely
to host a BNS merger, we find $H_0= 76^{+48}_{-23}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$
(maximum a posteriori and 68.3% highest density posterior interval; assuming a
flat $H_0$ prior in the range $\left[ 10, 220 \right]$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$).
Restricting only to galaxies brighter than $0.626 L^\star_B$ tightens the
measurement to $H_0= 77^{+37}_{-18}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. We show that
weighting the host galaxies by stellar mass or star-formation rate provides
entirely consistent results with potentially tighter constraints. While these
statistical estimates are inferior to the value from the counterpart standard
siren measurement utilizing NGC 4993 as the unique host, $H_0=76^{+19}_{-13}$
km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ (determined from the same publicly available data), our
analysis is a proof-of-principle demonstration of the statistical approach
first proposed by Bernard Schutz over 30 years ago.


 Dates: 2018-07-152019-01-052019
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: 14 pages, 7 figures. matches ApJL version (in press). addition of Figs. 1 and 7 to address uniqueness of GW170817 for statistical H0 measurements
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: The Astrophysical Journal Letters
  Other : Astrophys. J. Lett.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Chicago, IL : University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 871 Sequence Number: L13 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0004-637X
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954922828215