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  The tungsten divertor experiment at ASDEX upgrade

Neu, R., Asmussen, K., Krieger, K., Thoma, A., Bosch, H. S., Deschka, S., et al. (1996). The tungsten divertor experiment at ASDEX upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 38(12A Sp. Iss. SI), A165-A179. doi:10.1088/0741-3335/38/12A/013.

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Neu, R.1, Author           
Asmussen, K.1, Author           
Krieger, K.2, Author           
Thoma, A.1, Author           
Bosch, H. S.3, Author           
Deschka, S.4, Author           
Dux, R.1, Author           
Engelhardt, W.1, Author           
GarciaRosales, C., Author
Gruber, O.5, Author           
Herrmann, A.3, Author           
Kallenbach, A.1, Author           
Kaufmann, M.3, Author           
Mertens V6, Author
Ryter, F.7, Author           
Rohde V6, Author
Roth, J.2, Author           
Sokoll, M.3, Author           
Stabler, A.6, Author
Suttrop, W.3, Author           
Weinlich, M.5, 8, Author           Zohm, H.3, Author           Alexander, M.3, Author           Becker, G.9, Author           Behler, K.3, Author           Behringer, K.1, Author           Behrisch, R.2, Author           Bergmann, A.9, Author           Bessenrodt-Weberpals, M.3, Author           Brambilla, M.9, Author           Brinkschulte, H.7, Author           Büchl, K.5, Author           Carlson, A.5, Author           Chodura, R.9, Author           Coster, D.9, Author           Cupido, L., AuthordeBlank, H. J.6, AuthorHempel, S. D.6, AuthorDrube, R.3, Author           Fahrbach, H. U.3, Author           Feist, J. H.7, Author           Feneberg, W.9, Author           Fiedler, S.8, Author           Franzen, P.3, Author           Fuchs, J. C.3, Author           Fussmann, G.10, Author           Gafert, J.1, Author           Gehre, O.3, Author           Gernhardt, J.3, Author           Haas, G.3, 7, Author           Herppich, G.3, Author           Herrmann, W.3, Author           Hirsch, S.3, Author           Hoek, M.3, Author           Hoenen, F., AuthorHofmeister, F.11, Author           Hohenöcker, H.3, Author           Jacobi, D.3, Author           Junker, W.3, Author           Kardaun, O.9, Author           Kass, T.3, Author           Kollotzek, H.3, Author           Köppendörfer, W.3, Author           Kurzan, B.3, Author           Lackner, K.9, Author           Lang, P. T.3, Author           Lang, R. S.11, Author           Laux, M.10, 12, Author           Lengyel, L. L.5, 13, Author           Leuterer, F.7, Author           Manso, M. E., AuthorMaraschek, M.3, Author           Mast, K. F.11, Author           McCarthy, P.9, Author           Meisel, D.11, Author           Merkel, R.3, Author           Müller, H. W.3, Author           Münich, M.7, Author           Murmann, H.3, Author           Napiontek, B.1, 10, Author           Neu, G.3, Author           Neuhauser, J.5, Author           Niethammer, M., AuthorNoterdaeme, J. M.7, Author           Pasch, E.10, Author           Pautasso, G.9, Author           Peeters, A. G.11, Author           Pereverzev, G.7, Author           Pitcher, C. S.3, Author           Poschenrieder, W.11, Author           Raupp, G.3, Author           Reinmuller, K.6, AuthorRiedl, R.7, Author           Rohr, H.6, AuthorSalzmann, H.3, Author           Sandmann, W.3, Author           Schilling, H. B.3, Author           Schlögl, D.6, AuthorSchneider, H.3, Author           Schneider, R.9, Author           Schneider, W.9, Author           Schramm, G.3, Author           Schweinzer, J.3, Author           Scott, B. D.9, Author           Seidel, U.3, Author           Serra, F., AuthorSpeth, E.7, Author           Silva, A., AuthorSteuer, K. H.3, Author           Stober, J.3, Author           Streibl, B.3, Author           Treutterer, W.3, Author           Troppmann, M.3, Author           Tsois, N., AuthorUlrich, M., Author           Varela, P., AuthorVerbeek, H.2, Author           Verplancke, P.7, Author           Vollmer, O.11, Author           Wedler, H.11, Author           Wenzel, U.10, Author           Wesner, F.7, Author           Wolf, R.3, Author           Wunderlich, R.5, Author           Zasche, D.3, Author           Zehetbauer, T.3, Author           Zehrfeld, H. P.5, Author            more..
1Experimental Plasma Physics 4 (E4), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856293              
2Surface Science (OP), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856288              
3Experimental Plasma Physics 1 (E1), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856295              
4Central Technical Service (ZTE), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856299              
5Tokamak Theory (TOK), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_persistent22              
6Max Planck Society, ou_persistent13              
7Technology (TE), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856318              
8Experimental Plasma Physics 3 (E3), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856291              
9Tokamak Theory (TOK), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856309              
10Plasma Diagnostics Group (HUB), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856324              
11External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
12W7-X: Physics (PH), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856305              
13Theory 3, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856322              


Free keywords: 23rd European-Physical-Society Conference on Controlled fusion and Plasma Physics (EPS), Kiev, Ukraine, 1996-06-24 to 1996-06-28
 Abstract: -


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 1996
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 38 (12A Sp. Iss. SI) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: A165 - A179 Identifier: -