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  Fascin is necessary for the promotion of actin-rich spikes and the suppression of bona-fide branching in Drosophila sensory dendrites

Negele, J., Delandre, C., Zhang, Y., Moore, A. W., & Tavosanis, G. (2010). Fascin is necessary for the promotion of actin-rich spikes and the suppression of bona-fide branching in Drosophila sensory dendrites. European Journal of Cell Biology, 89(Suppl. 60), 43-43.

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Date of Discard: 2011-09-28
Comment: Batch submit/release from import eDoc-Migration 2008-
Negele, J.1           
Delandre, C.2
Zhang, Y.3           
Moore, A. W.2
Tavosanis, G.1           
1Research Group: Dendrite Differentiation / Tavosanis, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society, ou_1113561              
2Delandre, C.; Moore, A. W.] RIKEN Brain Sci Inst, Wako, Saitama, Japan., ou_persistent22              
3Department: Neuroimmunology / Wekerle, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society, ou_1113547              
 Dates: 2010-03
Files: 0 Files
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version ID: item_1130078_1
Item State: Discarded
Name of Context: Import Context of the MPI of Neurobiology, Affiliated to: MPI of Neurobiology