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  Contactin-2/TAG-1 directed autoimmunity is identified in MS patients and mediates gray matter pathology in EAE

Derfuss, T., Parikh, H., Velhin, S., Braun, M., Krumbholz, M., Kümpfel, T., et al. (2008). Contactin-2/TAG-1 directed autoimmunity is identified in MS patients and mediates gray matter pathology in EAE. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 203(2), 162-162.

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Date of Discard: 2022-02-21
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Derfuss, T.1           
Parikh, H.2
Velhin, S.1           
Braun, M.3           
Krumbholz, M.1           
Kümpfel, T.1           
Moldenhauer, A.2
Kunz, B.2
Pöllmann, W.2
Tiefenthaller, C.2
Bauer, J.2
Lassmann, H.2
Wekerle, H.1           
Karagogeos, D.2
Hohlfeld, R.1           
Linington, C.1           
Meinl, E.1           
1Department: Neuroimmunology / Wekerle, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society, ou_1113547              
2[Parikh, H.] Univ Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.; [Kümpfel, Tanja] Inst Clin Neuroimmunol, Munich, Germany.; [Moldenhauer, Anja] Inst Transfus Med, Berlin, Germany.; [Kunz, Beat] Univ Zurich, Inst Biochem, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland.; [Pöellmann, Walter] Marianne Strauss Klin, Berg, Germany.; [Tiefenthaller, Christian; Bauer, Jan; Lassmann, Hans] Brain Res Inst, Vienna, Austria.; [Karagogeos, Domna] Univ Crete, Iraklion, Greece.; [Linington, Chris] Univ Glasgow, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland., ou_persistent22              
3Department: Systems and Computational Neurobiology / Borst, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society, ou_1113548              
 Dates: 2008-10-25
Files: 0 Files
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version ID: item_1130225_1
Item State: Discarded
Name of Context: Import Context of the MPI of Neurobiology, Affiliated to: MPI of Neurobiology