linkage map; mutant mapping; AFLP
The first step in positional gene cloning is the integration into available molecular maps of genetic loci for which mutant alleles exist. We report the placement of 29 barley developmental mutants on a restriction fragment length polymorphism-amplified fragment length polymorphism (RFLP-AFLP) map. The mapping procedure used homozygous mutant F-2 plants in an iterative process: once a mutant linked AFLP was found, primer combinations were successively selected to generate AFLP fragments more tightly linked to the mutant locus. The mutants considered were ado, als, aur-a1, aur-a2, br1, br2, bra-d7, cul3, cul5, cul15, cul16, den6, den8, dub1, hex-v3, hex-v4, int-c5, K, li, lig-a2, lk2, lk5, sld1, sld4, tr, trd, unc, uc2 and uz. The 29 mutant loci were linked to the closest molecular markers by distances ranging from 0 to 23 cM, with an average value of 3.8 cM away. Since the efficiency of the mapping procedure is a function of the density of molecular markers, the RFLP-AFLP map of Castiglioni et al was further integrated with new AFLPs using 87 doubled haploid lines derived from the barley cross Igri x Danilo. A total of 819 mapped AFLP marker loci are now available in the combined map.